

Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score

We've driven through Idaho Falls a few times, and stayed overnight there once on our way back from visiting some friends in California--it seems like a really nice town :)


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Urban Idaho.
Here is my initial entry.

Name: You can call me dacs.

Birthday: Sorry but that is too much information when combined with everything else.

Hometown: Southern Illinois is close enough.

Relationship Status: Married to the same person since 1975.

Political Views: Left leaning Republican or right leaning Democrat. I care about the "moral" issues, I believe in the right to bear arms, I care about the environment. I don't fit any political mold.

Religious Views: Latter-day Saint.

Activities: Taking care of my 100 acres, outdoor recreation, visiting our national treasures, traveling to see my kids.

Interests: In addition to what is mentioned in this post other interests will become apparent over time.

Favorite Music: Classic rock (late 60s and 70s), folk, classical, some country, bluegrass, most anything except rap and hip hop and head banger rock.

Favorite TV Shows: It depends on the season, the shows are always changing. Right now, Survivor. We don't have cable or satellite so we are limited.

Favorite Movies: Forrest Gump.

Favorite Books: To many to list. Science fiction, Michael Crichton, Robin Cook, Robert Ludlum, and more

About Me: More later.

And now for the other list with duplicates removed.

02. Gender: Male

03. Disneyworld or Disneyland: Disneyland but now I live closer to Disneyworld. Disneyworld also has Epcot Center.

04. What is your favorite color: If I chose wrong do I get thrown? Blue or green.

05. What is your favorite kind of gum: Don't chew gum very often.

06. How much do you weigh: Too much.

07. How tall are you: Taller than my wife.

08. Can you swim: Yes

09. Do you like to swim: Not particularly

10. Living arrangement: Huh?

11. What's on your mouse pad: It looks like a house with a blank pedigree chart emanating from it with a sunrise or sunset in the background.

12. Favorite board game: Don't play board games very much.

13. Favorite magazine: Backpacker

14. Favorite Actor: Don't have one

15. Favorite Actress: Don't have one

16. Do you have an accent: I don't think so

17. Favorite smells: Bacon is pretty good, so is bread and chocolate chip cookies

18. Least favorite smells: poo and diesel exhaust

19. Favorite sound: running water or the wind in the trees, I guess you could say the woods

20. Do you prefer pools or oceans: Is this a "swimming" question. I like playing in the ocean

21. Do you watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Nope

22. Pencil or pen: Whatever I grab

23. Who's better - boys or girls: What do you mean?

24. Would you like to own a motorcycle: Sure

25. Do you sing in the shower: No

26. Who's the best looking Disney character: I don't care

27. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning: Who thinks that early?

28. How many rings before you answer the phone: I don't answer the phone unless I have to.

29. How do you want to die: Peacefully

30. Have you ever called a 900 number: No

31. Gold or silver: Gold

32. Would you ever go bungee-jumping: No

33. Do you like dressing up: No

34. Would you rather be short or tall: I'm fine the way I am.

35. Do you enjoy reading: Yes

36. What book are you reading now: I'm not but I recently read The Shape Shifter by Tony Hillerman. Add Tony Hillerman to my books list.

37. Favorite books: See above

38. What was the last movie you saw: I don't remember

39. Favorite movies: See above

40. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I am the stuffed animal

41. What is your sign: See the birthday question

42. What are your personality traits: ISTP

43. What's your biggest fear: Losing my wife

44. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery: Only if I was disfigured.

45. Future child's name: No more kids

46. Favorite foods: Tacos

47. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

48. Do you like to drive fast: Not usually

49. Storms - cool or scary: It depends

50. Do you like to dance: No

51. Do you do drugs: It's none of your business but no.

52. Do you smoke: No

53. What do you think of people who smoke: Do you really want me to answer this?

54. Do you drink: Everyone drinks, you must be talking about alcoholic beverages

55. Favorite drink: Gourmet soft drinks

56. Do you think men and women could ever be just friends without wanting each other: Whoever wrote this questionnaire must be a teenager. Yes.

57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli: Yes

58. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: Wildlife biologist or naturalist

59. What's your "type": I don't understand the question.

60. Do you bite your nails: No

61. Any siblings: Yes

62. What movies have you cried in: Don't remember

63. Do you believe in God: Yes

64. Did you ever cry over a guy/girl: Yes

65. Have you ever stolen anything: That is none of your business

66. Do you procrastinate: Yes

67. Do you believe in fate: Not really

68. Who's your favorite Sesame Street character: Oscar the Grouch

69. Do you organize your CD's: Yes. The proper spelling is CDs.

70. What is your favorite kind of music: See above

71. What are your favorite bands/artists: The Beatles and others from that time period.

72. What was the last CD you got: I don't remember

73. MTV or VH1: Neither

74. Who do you admire the most: Living on this earth or not? My wife, my children, and those serving their country.

75. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends: No

76. Are you single: Seems like this has already been answered

77. Favorite TV show: see above

78. Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads: Brunette, my wife was a brunette until I turned her hair gray

79. Glasses or contacts: Glasses

80. What color are your eyes: Kind of blue with some other colors mixed in

81. What is your natural hair color: Brown turning gray

82. But what color is it now: See above

83. Have you ever been in love: Of course, I still am.

84. Any pets: 33 chickens but they aren't pets. 2 cats that I guess are pets

85. Good, decent, or poor grades: That is a subjective question. I say decent, others would say good, and really smart people would say not good enough.

86. Is the glass half empty or half full: That is a stupid question that has nothing to do with how you look at the world. I could say half empty because there is more to life but you half fullers would disagree. I could say half full because my life is half over. Stupid question.

87. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Somewhat.

88. What's under your bed: Dust, maybe some food storage. I don't feel like looking right now

89. What is your favorite number: I don't have one

90. Favorite sport to watch: I don't
I no longer live in Illinois and sold my 100 acres. It broke my heard to do it. I now live in Idaho in a subdivision but were have a bunch of fruit trees and we are learning raised bed gardening. No animals.

I'm currently reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

I now have five grandkids, three boys and two girls. Our latest, a girl, wan born last week.


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Urban Idaho.
I see some of the old folks are still gone and some are still here.

I do most of my internet on an iPad. This forum isn't real iPad friendly so I'm not sure how much time I'll be on. I'll try not to be gone so long a time in between visits.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Haven't seen Hardly for a long time. Wow, you've been through some changes! Life do roll on, don't it?

I moved also and now live with my mother at the old home place. Still have a few animals, kids are all grown and out of the nest and expecting my first grandchild next month. I'll never catch up with you now, you're way ahead of me. :)

Sure is good to see you, Dac. :thumbsup

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I miss Hardly. Always enjoyed reading from him. Gave me a good laugh every time.