Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
be glad you aren't wearing a long dress, chemise, corset, apron.... I'm amazed the pioneer women didn't all die from heat prostration!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Same here. But then again, at least in this area, it wasn't as hot. They had a lot more trees, less open space and less anything that would retain the heat.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
For some reason, I didn't post this last night. I thought I did, but w/the way hubby was bugging me, I guess it's not surprising that I didn't. So, from yesterday:

Last night, I put my incubator in lock down. So the waiting started. I honesty wasn't expecting anything until Friday at the earliest. Today when I got home, I went to check the temp like I normally do. And, I hear cheep, cheep, cheep! I'm not sure how many eggs it was coming from, but one of my eggs has pipped! I hope I get a good hatch. I had to take out one of the white ones, it wasn't any good. And, I can't see in the green eggs. So hopefully, in just a few more days, I'll have 6 fuzzy butts. They come out, I'll be cleaning the bator out, and putting in duck eggs.

I worked today for about 4 hours. So, I have that much more towards my lessons. Now I just need to find the time to get on Misty. I was planning on spending a lot of time working on stuff tomorrow, including working w/her, but we could get storms all day long. So, I don't know what I'm going to do for sure. I was going to get my hay, get feed and take out my spreader. That might have to wait until Friday. I have enough feed for Friday morning, but after that, I'm out.

Got home, and worked in my kitchen. It's pretty much clean again. Hubby was so impressed when he got home that he told me I can go buy the weed wacker I want. Of course, he's drunk, so I don't know if he'll remember that or not. Honestly, I don't care if he does, I'm getting it anyway.

He got home right about the time I went outside and started to work. I wanted to get the last of the posts in my garden. I figured I had enough time B4 it got dark. Well, he drank more after he got home, so then he was bugging me and wouldn't shut up! I had hoped to get done by 8:00, instead, it was after 8:30. But, they're all in. Now I can get the goat pen cleaned and get the rest of the wood chips in.

It is still quite warm. Last time I checked, it was still in the 80s. Not my favorite type of weather, especially when you add in the humidity. But at least it is supposed to cool off some. I hope they're right.

Figured out how much hay I should need. I figure if I get 8 more lots of 30, I should be good. And if I need to, I'll be taking extra money out until I get it all. Then if I want to go to the hay auction just to hang out, I can.

I had expected hubby to get home right after work. Instead, he went out. So, he got home around 7:00. At least once he got home, he did work on my mower and he got it running! It needs just a bit more work, and I'll be good to go. For this week, I'm just going to borrow RU's. I'll mow my field as well as all the other small ones.

From this morning:
Had another one pip last night B4 I went to bed, but so far no chicks. I got woke up in the middle of the night by thunder, so I checked on them then. I'm really wanting to see some chicks in there! I did dream about chicks all night long, and in my dreams, they all hatched. Since I have no broody hen to raise these guys for me, looks like I'll need to set something up and bring home some chick feed.

I won't be getting my hay today. The weather is just too iffy. I do plan on riding my bike today, but I think I'll be taking my tablet w/me. That way, I can keep an eye on the radar so I don't get caught by a storm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
What time is it when your eggs hatch? It's chick out time!!!!!!!! So far, out of the 6 eggs, I have 2 Ameraucana chicks, 1 mixed (from a white egg) and the other 2 white eggs have pipped! I can see movement at both holes, so hopefully it won't be too long B4 they're out as well. Then it's just a matter of seeing whether or not the last green egg will hatch.

They haven't been out long, they're still really wet. I'm being good though, and not opening the bator. I'm supposed to go canoeing tonight-I may not make it. They've hatched out much sooner than I was expecting. I keep going and checking on them. It's better than TV.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
4 out and the last one has pipped!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And they're all out! So later this morning, I'll be moving them out.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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