Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Thanks, Pinky. I think it's due to the change in weather. It's not unusual for me to get vertigo attacks in both the spring and fall. Then, once the weather's done changing, I'm fine.

I'm feeling better, so far. I hope it lasts. I have too much to do to worry about getting vertigo. The bad thing is, I didn't do anything w/the goat pen. I have got to get that done. At least I got the hay moved around yesterday. I'll be going to the hay auction today, and am hoping I can get some. If not, I'm going to have to seriously look elsewhere. Hubby keeps saying that there's guys he knows that I might be able to get it off of, but he never finds out. So we'll see. It doesn't help that the lights don't work on my trailer.

Since I didn't get much done yesterday, I have a lot of catch up to do today as well as today's work. So, my list for today is:

1. Wash and hang out a load of laundry
2. Finish putting laundry away
3. Clean bathroom
4. Normal farm chores
5. Lime one section of field
6. Bible study
7. Hay auction
8. Recan sauce
9. Peaches
10. Dishes
11. Work on living room
12. Work on goat pen
13. Feed bunny and goats

I think that's plenty for the day.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I almost read that as Pecan Sauce. I was like whatever that is sounds good!
Take care of yourself!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm beat and I didn't get all of my list done. I got the laundry out on the line, but didn't put anything away. I did normal farm chores, limed the one section of the field, then went to Bible study. From there, I went right to the hay auction. And for the first time in quite some time, they had a lot of hay there! 53 lots of squares, and I don't know how many RBs-I didn't check them out since I wasn't bidding on them. I won the bid on 3 lots of hay for a total of 61 bales and a total price of $153.50! And while I thought I wanted another lot, I'm so glad I didn't get one.

After paying for my hay, I ran home and got the truck. I thought about going straight to the auction and getting 30 bales of it, then going to the farm, unloading it and going back for the rest. I changed my mind and went out to the farm and got my trailer. I'm so glad that I did. I did not realize when I bought this hay how heavy the bales were. I loaded most of the bales myself. The last few, I had a couple of people that helped me. But, I had to unload them by myself. W/as heavy as they were, it took me a long time. I can still fit about 70 bales in my hay shelter. I had wanted to buy another 90-100 bales, but w/as heavy as these are, I think if I can get between 70 and 80, I should be good for the winter!

By the time I got home, it was getting dark. I went out to feed the goats and Gidget didn't sound like she was where she belonged. She wasn't. Since I haven't had a chance to finish the goat pen, she had managed to knock one end of a cattle panel enough so that she was in the garden! I don't think she was in there long because it didn't look like she ate anything. So, I let her out of the garden, put her back where she belonged, fed the goats, then tied the fence in place.

I went ahead and cleaned the bathroom, and ran the dishwasher. I didn't get to the peaches or the sauce, but am just too tired to even think about doing them. There's always tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
2 strings, I'd say the bales weighed close to 70 lbs, if not more. I could weigh them-I have a scale at the farm, but I don't know that I feel like trying! If the next batch I get is that heavy, I'm calling hubby and letting him know. If he had realized how heavy they were, he said he would have come over and helped me. Normally, I don't wear gloves when I move hay. And, I didn't have a pair in the truck. I had to put a pair on when I got to the farm and my fingers still hurt!

Today is going to be another busy day. I have a lesson this morning, then work. And my instructor wants me there at 9:00 ready to ride. So, I need to leave by around 7:30 so I can feed, get the trailer hitched up, get Misty loaded, get over there and get saddled up. Then they're calling for rain tomorrow. I'm not going to try to do much inside today-unless I get to it. I need to concentrate on outside, namely the goat pen. So my list for today is:

1. Wash and hang out a load of laundry (they're in the washer now)
2. Put out trash and recyclables
3. Normal farm chores. I'll be filling hay nets today since the rain could be heavy overnight and fill the water tank. It's almost empty
4. Lesson
5. Work
6. Work on goat pen
7. Feed bunny and goats
8. Get some buckets set up w/seeds in them. If I can get them to grow, when it gets too cold out, I'll either be moving them to the greenhouse or the basement so I can see what all I can grow over the winter.
9. Dishes

If I get to anything else, that will be a bonus. But even though my list looks short, everything on it will take quite some time.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Hope your lesson is good!
They are saying rain for us by tonight. We can use it, I just don't want to get caught taking the dogs out in the rain before bed lol

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hey SS! :frow

It took me much longer than I expected to get everything set up for the rain. Of course, I did do some things that weren't on my list. I never attached the door to the 2nd chick house, and it was off, so I finally got the hinges on. I figured some of them might want to hide in there during the storm. I had to clean out the run in since there were 3 piles of poop in there. I also scrubbed and hung up the water buckets in the stalls. And I had to staple down the tarps for the doors to the hay shelter. I did get out hay for tomorrow and put it on my wagon. That way, I don't have to open the shelter up tomorrow. I also needed to put stuff in my trailer. I keep forgetting to take it home. I was going to do it today, but changed my mind.

I have enough of Stormy's feed to last until Friday morning, and I have enough chicken food for tomorrow. And since I don't want to have to take the truck on Friday, nor do I want to get feed in the rain, I went to the feed store, then TSC. I was in and out at the feed store. I stuck all the feed in the backseat of my truck. Then I went to TSC. They didn't have the chicken feed out. So I waited and waited and waited for them to finally bring me a bag.

Once home, I got the goats fed, then checked on my garden. I haven't seen the bunny in there in days, so hopefully it's gone. I picked a few things, but didn't pick tomatoes. I'm hoping to make salsa on Friday, so I'll have to pick tomatoes then. I put the bunnies feed dish in her house. I was afraid that it would get wet if I left it out in the main part. Then, I got the clothes down off the line.

By the time I got all of that done, I was beat. So, I'm not doing any dishes tonight and we're getting take outs. I'm hoping to get to bed early tonight. I have a lot to do. I still getting vertigo attacks, and think it's a combination of the CF bulbs and the storm system moving in.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's raining, and it's supposed to rain all day. So, I won't be doing much outside. I'm planning on going to the farm early since they're calling for the heaviest rain this afternoon. I don't know what I'm going to be able to do at the farm. I'm assuming that the run in is going to be a mess, so I'll probably go ahead and clean that out. And, I need to get 2 bags of feed out of the truck and put it where it belongs. The rest can stay in until Tuesday. Other than that, I'll probably just do some cleaning in my tack shed and possibly my feed stall. At home, I'll be working on canning and making bread. It's a good day for it. I need to clean in the basement around where I store my canned goods cuz it's hard to get to. So, my list for today is:

1. Work on cleaning basement
2. Normal farm chores
3. Clean run in
4. Clean tack shed and feed stall
5. Dishes
6. Recan sauce, can peaches-I want to stop and get more. This is probably the last I can get any this year
7. Make bread
8. Clean bedroom
9. Feed goats and bunnies

While this list looks short, I'm not sure I'll be getting it all done. And while I'm bit discouraged since the parts of my house that I had clean are getting messy again, it's not as bad as it was B4, and once I'm done w/a lot of the canning, I'll get caught up again.

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