Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That it is. I had hoped to have more done by now.

It was cold out there this morning! I didn't leave until after 10:00. Instead, I got 2 loads of laundry folded and put away, then got most of my living room clean. I didn't dust it, but other than that, it's clean.

I didn't do a lot out at the farm. I cleaned my field, and LF's. LF was there today, and was feeling better. So, she and RU were going on a trail ride. They invited me, but w/as cold as it was riding my motorcycle, I didn't want to get back real late and freeze riding home.

Once home, I relaxed for a bit, then went out and worked on wood. I have almost all of what I brought home cut. And, I have a whole pile that needs to be split. I'll be working on splitting it tomorrow. I need to fill the wood holder in the basement.

I went for a very short walk in the woods this afternoon. I wanted to see how tall a catalpa had gotten this year. The first year grew to about 5 ft. tall. Then, a deer used it for a rub and broke it down to the roots. Last year, it grew to about 8 ft. tall, then a deer used it for a rub and broke it down to the roots. So this is the 3rd year it's grown and it's now about 12, 13 ft. tall! And, I saw a deer. It had stopped on the "road" because it heard me walking. I saw it, so I stopped dead. There's a lot coming up right where I was, so I don't think it was really sure whether or not I was there or not. It kept looking towards me for about 2, 3 minutes. Then, it very calmly walked into the woods on the other side.

I need to get into the woods w/my pruners and cut down the stuff that's coming up. I can't drive back in there w/my truck. I can't even get in there w/the mower! So, while I don't have my truck, I guess this is a good time to get it done.

I've started cooking just for myself. It feels good. I don't have to worry about hubby complaining if he doesn't want to eat it, and I don't have to worry about him making something that I don't like. So, I had a good dinner. Now I'm relaxing and thinking of going to bed soon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is not going to be as cold. So, I should be able to leave early w/out freezing. I have Bible study this morning. I'm just not sure how I'm going to fit everything I need in my backpack. I need to take 2 dozen eggs, my Bible, my study guide and dog treats. (There's 5 dogs where we have Bible study.)

Once I get back to the farm, I'm going to be looking around the farm for 4x4s. I think I'm going to get them cleaned up and back where I need them for my chicken pen. Since she's going w/the slip board fence now, she doesn't want the 4x4s, so she told me I can have them.

I need to split up some wood when I get home. I'm almost out inside. And what I want to bring in, I can't split by hand, so I'll be pulling out the splitter. I'm only needing a fire at night until Friday. I've made a small one for today, but won't need to keep it going. Today is going to be almost 70! Then Wednesday and Thursday will be in the mid 70s, but Friday and Saturday are only supposed to be in the lower 60s. That's better than the 50s we had last weekend.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hope your weather holds out for you - we're supposed to get massive rains starting Thursday and not stopping until Monday-ish. They're predicting a possible 8 inches! :barnie Time to get the waders out I guess, lol!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Or build an ark.

I was so beat yesterday, I didn't post. I was going to, but was falling asleep, so went to bed instead.

Yesterday was busy. I got my kitchen cleaned in the morning, but still haven't done the dishes. And I got a load of clothes out on the line.

After Bible study, I took down the dividing fence in my broody pen. I don't need it any more, and this was something I could get done easy enough. That gives me 2 more shorter posts for a new RP. I also started collecting 4x4s to use for my new chicken area. There's plenty for what I need. I got some of them cleaned up. I also counted how many of the shorter 4x4s I have both at the farm and at home. W/out collecting more, I have 23. I need 26! I know there are at least 3 more laying around the farm. So, as long as I get paid for the supplies, I don't have to move the RP I made. I had been going to ask for help putting up a new one, but I know that the only person who would help is RU. She has too much other stuff that needs to get done.

When I got home, I helped hubby for a bit, then went to split wood. The splitter needs hydraulic oil and I didn't feel like messing w/it. I was going to do dishes, but didn't feel like it. I was going out w/my motorcycle group and wanted to leave early. I got home later than I would have liked to, but at least none of the other fellowships for the year-w/the exception of the Christmas party-are as far away. So, I'll get home earlier. I turned on my computer, but was falling asleep at it, so I just went to bed.

I'm going to work today. Once I get back to the farm, I'm going to clean up the 4x4s I didn't get to yesterday. I may also start working on the posts for the RP. RU told me to just go ahead and use the tractor for filling in the pit, so I plan to do that on Friday. If I can get the pen made and at least 1 house done, I'll be able to move the chickens.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Someone is giving me some 4x4s! They're supposed to be bringing them to the farm tomorrow! As long as they're in good condition, it will help me out a ton. I won't have to look for more. And, I have a couple that I prefer to cut down to use for the RP because of damage to them.

This morning I got all my summer clothes put away and got my fall/winter clothes out. Then, it got so warm that I was wishing I had a pair of shorts. But, in spite of being hot, I got quite a bit done.

I got the trash out. I got some more of my bedroom clean. I went to work. I cleaned the parking area. I got all the posts that I had near my shed clean. I fed animals. And, I did dishes. There's still more that need to be done, but it's a start.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
4x4s didn't come. Instead I got a text saying they'll be there on Wednesday. Got some of the wood split, but not all of it. And, I didn't get to the dishes. But, I got my bathroom clean. Got shirts ironed. Got towels washed and out on the line. I went to work. Got everyone fed at home and the farm. Got my field cleaned. And, for the last time, sectioned off part of my field.

Now I'm falling asleep. So, I think I'm going to go to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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My goal for today is simple-get the pit filled in. I'm starting w/a bunch of pieces of concrete that are in the parking area. I'm going to try and put them in the cart. I figure that will be easier than using the tractor. Then, there's some other pieces of concrete, part of an old chimney, etc., that need to get put in. That will all be covered w/dirt and packed down. If I get it all done early enough, I'm going to put in some fence posts.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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yea for the 4x4's. they will be so good for the pens. be careful filling that pit kiddo. I'd hate to see you or the tractor stuck in there.

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