Different Strokes for Different Folks - What weird food do you like?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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After reading through several threads lately and noticing different food choices I thought it might be fun to share some of our weird tastes.

For instance, I grew up never knowing that peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches were considered odd by some folks. They're actually pretty darn good, lol.

Oh - and bean dip, mayonnaise, onion and potato chip sandwiches are pretty good too.

My sister loved mayonnaise, mustard, pickles and lettuce sandwiches.

Any others?


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier
Well friends back when we lived in Virginia Beach thought the oxtail soup I'd make was weird. Hubby loved it when he tried it and requests it now.

How about this hors d'oeuvre. Take the large rectangular ham lunch meat (we get the Kirkland stuff). After patting fully dry, spread it with a layer of cream cheese. Put a spear of pickled asparagus on one end and roll. Pin with toothpicks and cut into pieces.

Salmon jerky/candy. Most of the people I know that aren't from over here think it's weird. It's very popular here.

Seafood pizza. There was a place in I think Lincoln City, Oregon that made really good ones. There was smoked oysters, clams, crab, and smoked salmon on it. We'd always stop for one every year when we went on vacation as I grew up. Parents took hubby and me there in the early 2000s. Hubby hadn't ever had oysters. He apparently doesn't like oysters.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier
Great Grandma made that oxtail soup. It might be a Swiss recipe. I don't remember who first got the hors d'oeuvre recipe, but most of the family have been making them since the mid 90s. I'm trying to think of other things that are thought odd.

Mom thinks I'm weird for drinking Kefir and Kombucha.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Looks like potato chips make everything better, lol. Never would have thought to use them with baked beans but it doesn't sound terrible, lol. I've been known to put potato chips in a meat loaf and I remember (decades ago) using crushed potato chips as breading for fried chicken. I no longer fry chicken!

I've haven't made oxtail soup but I ate it at a soul food restaurant that we took our students to several years ago. It was delish!

Earlier this week I made some kick butt chicken/mushroom soup and DH gave me the "you've lost your mind" look when I tossed a handful of pistachio nuts in my bowl. It was good!


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
i don't really think i do all that weird of foods here. Mom is not very adventurous and i'm not cooking as much as compared to when i lived alone. still Mom does think i eat strange stuff at times. most recently i had some cooked squash and put taco meat on top of that and it was delcious. not really that odd to me though.

raw spinach, munster cheese, raisins and olive oil on a good multi-grain bread used to be a regular sandwhich for me, but i've not made one of those in years now.

cream cheese rollups here like that were any kind of sliced meats and could have the center with green onion, pickles, cucumber, hot peppers, etc as long as you had a sharp enough knife to cut in sections but we normally just left them whole so they could be picked up and eaten without the middles falling out.

at one time i thought swiss chard, smoked brie and ham wrapped in pastry dough and baked was strange, but it sure was delicious. :)

there was a a fillipino dish that had blood as the main ingredient that my friend's wife made once in a while. i never came to like that and i tried eating it several times to get past it, but i don't really like liver flavors to be super strong. i only like a certain kind of braunschweiger and that is only because they put more pork meat in it and it isn't as slimy and the aftertaste is not there at all. Mom mistakenly bought another kind of braunschweiger and while i could barely eat it i did, but i said please don't ever buy that again. it was just ick to me.

peanut butter and mayo with a slice of onion sandwhich is a lot like liver in flavor. no, i'm not a fan of that one either, but i did try it.

while i may not be super-adventurous i do like going to a new place and having dim sum to see what i might like the best. sometimes i don't like certain things but others will eat them so they're not wasted. i just have to make sure to take small bites cutting it with a knife so that i'm not wasting the rest of it if i don't like it. i already know i don't like most anything that has strong fish flavor so fish eggs and items wrapped in seaweed are not likely to be eaten by me. i also like some nice slabs of tuna or salmon sashimi and a few others but that's about it for that. seviche is also really good if done right. i can really enjoy that.

if you like green onions try green garlic sometime. :) some years i grow extra garlic (planted deeper than normal) to harvest as green garlic. i did plant some extra this past fall too so this year i am already having fun being patient for spring and early summer when i can dig it up and eat it.

and speaking of garlic, sweet and sour garlic relish goes well on or in a lot of dishes. all i do to make it is grind up garlic in the meat grinder and then cook it a little with some brown sugar and red pepper flakes and then towards the end add apple cider vinegar to get the right balance with the sugar. then i process it to put it up. lasts for years in the jars. it was what i used to do when i had a lot of extra garlic, but i've not had that much garlic in several years now. sure made the house smell good. :)

um, well, sorry, not that strange i guess... :)


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier
@Hinotori - gotta admit that when I saw salmon jerky candy I thought "blech." But, I looked up a recipe. Dang! That sounds good!

Salmon Candy Recipe [Smoked Salmon Jerky]- Barbecuebible.com

Is this similar to what you're talking about? I might really have to give it a go.

Yes. Many recipes have spices like pepper or cloves. It's dehydrated like any jerky to be shelf stable. Costco even gets in commercially made bags of it occasionally.

The smoked salmon I do is similar in flavor but smoked at a higher temp and meant for use as a dip or for hors d'oeuvres. Our smoked salmon is cooked (150°) here and not like lox. I don't know if humans can get salmon fever, but dogs can and it's an issue because of the snails local salmon eat.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Salmon fever doesn't sound like fun at all.... glad that you're cautious. I'm going to try that recipe at some point.

I thought of another one when I was shopping today. Not sure if it's weird - or just a southern thing. Anybody ever had fried grits? My mom used to make them from leftover grits that she would slice up and fry in butter. Really tasty with syrup or sugar and cinnamon.

Geeze - I need to stop thinking about all these carb-y treats!

at one time i thought swiss chard, smoked brie and ham wrapped in pastry dough and baked was strange, but it sure was delicious. :)
That sounds delicious! I just happened to have tossed a wheel of brie into my cart today, lol.

I really need to try the garlic greens - sounds awesome.

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