Herbal Studies


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I hope you can find something to help your nephew.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
I got my tea bags in, but waiting for the bilberry leaves I ordered to come in. It would be better if he goes into remission though. The doctor either hasn't gotten my message or hasn't returned my request, so I still don't know the rational behind bilberry tea, but I've ordered 2 Lbs of leaves. It also is supposed to be good to suppress appetite in the afternoons....thought I'd give that a try. Coty passed out twice at dialysis and needed to be sent to the ER about 3 days ago. Sometimes it gets so discouraging. I just don't know how my SIL is hanging in there.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Well, my nephew is doing well, but he has at home dialysis and once a month, he goes in for some kind of chemo. Just thought I'd through that out.
Really I didn't want to leave ya'll hanging with the end of my studies. I wanted to just touch base on where I am with herbology at present, now that I'm trying to just apply it to my life.
Well, regularly, people begin talking to me about various ailments and due to what all they tell me, I ask more questions to pin point the true problem and then I begin giving advice, if I know what I'm talking about. Otherwise, I tell them, "I believe you can use X on that and I may be wrong, so don't run out and buy it, until I have a chance to review a few of my books....yadayadayada..." or something like that and that always causes them to pull out a paper and pen and take a few notes.
Well, my godchild is pregnant and has epilopsy and an autistic child, so she is very heavy on my mind and we pulled out the books and began to research all the safe herbs she can take, to help with pregnancy and epilopsy, which won't hurt her or the baby. I had to write a huge list of no-no's. She began spotting last night and I know when we were researching, we ran across an herb used for threatned miscarriage, although I can't recall name, but thats what books are for and one thing for sure....once I find it again and obtain that herb and start steeping it in a cup for her, I will NEVER forget it. Thats how you remember herbs.....by applying it to an illness you treat. Just like a medication a nurse gives.
I have also been trying to help a few of my smoking friends and relatives out. I have known a while now that tobacco cigarettes aren't our only choice. There are herbs that can be used to treat, even by inhailing of the smoke it gives off. Crazy, huh??? Well, I pulled out some books until I found the recipes I had, and ordered mullein and catnip, while I dried rose pedals I had gotten free from the church alter, and just bought a small amount of tobacco to chase the nicotine fits away and flavored with a little mint. I bought a cigarette machine and the filter tubes and I've made some cigarettes with all the above ingredients as well as some tobacco free cigs, which is what I hope I can eventually get a few peeps to try.
Even if its only to save money, its worth the investment, because once you own the machine, you can pay about $10/carton, after expenses of tubes and tobacco. Add herbs to that and you save even more. I guess if you can grow the tobacco and herbs you'd save a good bit. All that is dependent on you not selling something that will get you arrested, though.
But apparently the mullein has been helping my sister with the bronchitis she was trying to get over with on guaifenesin, alone. She claimed that about 1/2 hour after smoking one of the cigs, that she coughed and a big wad of yuck came up and she felt relieved. That in itself made me happy. She did give me $13 bucks, to which I used to buy more tobacco....not to sell cigs and make money.
To tell the truth, I guess I'm no fan of the tobacco industry. They eventually kill you and I've seen a lot of COPD deaths and I don't like them. Thats what took my mother and she made sure when I was very little that I hated cigarettes. Oh...I got used to them being around and I don't flip out if someone around me starts smoking, but for those who want to improve their health, quit smoking or just save money, I'm all in. And getting back to the tobacco industry....not only do they kill you, but you probably give them enough money to buy a very nice house, before they kill you. I mean, do the math. If you buy 3 cartons of cigs that cost you $30/each, you spend $90/month and thats not even a heavy smoker. Then multiply that by 12 and then how many years will you smoke???
Anyways....not wanting a bunch of smokers to jump my case, because, in truth, I'm no smoker, but I am the daughter of a deceased smoker, the wife of a near miss, almost deceased smoker and the nurse of many COPD patients, both living and deceased. I'm not the smokers enemy....more like the tobacco industries enemy. I want to heal. You can put yourself a healthier smoke together and live to see your great-grands

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've heard of people who stop smoking, put the money in an account, and are shocked w/how much they end up w/in a year's time.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
A young woman I know of, who is having a really hard time right now, claims her DH is smoking $150/month. You give me $150 and you just might be shocked what all I can do with it.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have an idiot cousin whose parents both drank and smoked, died from all of it, you'd think she'd learn.....she spends over $400 a month on cigarettes....and she is on disability. Nice to know where my hard earned tax dollars go.....


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I know there are people, you just can't help. I'm afraid I may have helped a couple of them recently. I give them a few more weeks before I threaten them.
Your cousin might not enjoy her last few seconds of life.
I totally hate a COPD's death. I can't forget one in particular. I was trying so hard to get her out in time....I did in fact, but not before her face was totally terrified, the wrong color and she had managed to call out my name, while she begged me, with her eyes to help her. What can I do???? When your lungs are totally destroyed and the air you are taking in, isn't being used properly and getting into your bloodstream, you can breath all you want and its not going to satisfy your bodies need for O2.
Its terrifying for the patient and horrifying to the nurse, who is totally helpless. In a situation when you know for a fact you are at the end of your life and have any form of COPD, the best advice I can give is DNR and hospice. I totally hate doing CPR, especially when I know all my efforts will fail.
You know what it feels like when you slaughtering a large chicken and you want to cut it in half and having difficulties and you push real hard to break the breast bone, so you can cut, but you break, not only the breast bone, but a few ribs? Well, imagine that on a much larger scale....a human scale. When you give a compression on a human, who has lived longer than their life's expectancy, who perhaps has osteoporosis and is just basically imancipated, you feel a crunch and your skin crawls. I HATE IT!!!
I love my patients. When I'm at work, they are my family. I think I might even take a beating or a bullet for them, but when its time to go, its time.
If anyone is reading this, who may one day be in the charge of an aged love one, and its like I have mentioned above, and you actually love your parent, then don't let me do that to them. Its not killing your parent, to fix them with a DNR. To me, its the last act of love you can give to them. I for sure would not think the less of you.