Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Especially in snow country. I'd love to create such a lift at our front door. The landing is 4' x 7'. Technically, not even enough room to bring in a wheel chair and turn it. So, there's very little room to work with. Thankfully, we made the steps going up to the main level 4' wide. I expect that if we remain in this house until the end, we will eventually need to make adjustments with some sort of mechanical assist to negotiate those 6 steps. There are 3 steps outside the front door.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
The wife's issues have me thinking hard about where we land next, from the size of the dwelling, to the floor plan, to just how much outside work I will have time to do. She won't be able to do much for right now.

The son really wants the gardens and critters. Lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
@FarmerJamie - I sure hope you find the perfect (or almost perfect) solution. Maybe you can get a moderate sized, ONE STORY home with a little room for garden and critters for your son. The caveat being that your DS is the main care taker for the garden and critters. That could potentially free you up to spend time helping your wife. Just an idea - but I know you will make the decision that suits your family the best. Hoping for the best for ya'll. :hugs


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
@FarmerJamie - I sure hope you find the perfect (or almost perfect) solution. Maybe you can get a moderate sized, ONE STORY home with a little room for garden and critters for your son. The caveat being that your DS is the main care taker for the garden and critters. That could potentially free you up to spend time helping your wife. Just an idea - but I know you will make the decision that suits your family the best. Hoping for the best for ya'll. :hugs
Thanks. Her issue is a genetic immunology issue making her susceptible to respiratory infections. The treatment protocol was very effective prior to the heart attack. However, going forward, we need to decide if resuming treatment is now worth the new cardiac risks. She has been sick since the first week in October.

So the respiratory problem will limit her outdoor stuff with dust and pollen (not as bad as in Mississippi). If we buy a place we are looking at now, all of the spruce up will fall on me alone.

My project manager mind is mapping out all sorts of options and risks/benefits. And of course, I worry about the long term for her.

This feeds the depression. We still have tons of stuff to sort through from combining multiple households. We have missed the community yard sale 4 straight years. We have 3 full size Christmas trees. Lol


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Sounds like y’all need to sort through things and join that garage sale. We got rid of tons of stuff when we downsized and moved. We still have too much! I feel your pain.

Your wife’s health will be an important factor. Don’t forget to consider your own health as well.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like y’all need to sort through things and join that garage sale. We got rid of tons of stuff when we downsized and moved. We still have too much! I feel your pain.

Your wife’s health will be an important factor. Don’t forget to consider your own health as well.
Well, I started some sorting today. Got through 2 totes, only seems like 100 to go. Have yard sale box(es) started. Didn't feel the greatest, but progress is progress.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
One foot in front of the other, one day at a time. Keep plugging, and the positive effects of it will snow ball. So sorry your wife is still having issues. I suggest that you take everything slow and easy. Now's not the time to be biting off huge hunks of homesteading.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
Great thread :) The reason I moved to the country was due to disability. I could no longer afford to live in the city and the ongoing treatment was burdensome. My mother helped me to get this place. I felt "put out to pasture" and have really struggled with the change in pace and new challenges living in a remote tiny town. I feel like I am starting to get a handle on it now and despite being told by EVERYONE to just rest, rest doesn't get the work done and weakens me in the long run.

There was an elderly woman not far from me, years back, who needed to walk a lot but lived in the country, alone, didn't want to be on the little roads. So -- she walked the perimeter of her property lot!! They measured the distance and established # of times she needed to walk that lot for a mile. She walked every morning -- eventually, wore a path!! :D

Consider that. :idunno Or a treadmill from a 2nd hand store?

This is what I do :) Even when I first got here I would just walk and walk and walk around the garden as I am not always stable enough on my feet to battle the bush (although I do enjoy bushwalking when the body permits). Some days I would take the bible with me and walk around reading it, probably didn't do great for my posture but kept me going at a consistent pace along with the verses. It did not serve me well in "fitting in" around here but I have never really enjoyed being a social butterfly anyway.

@FarmerJamie I hear you on sorting through so much stuff. When I moved the extended family thought it best to send me down with every bit and bob they didnt want or need, right down to my stepsisters high school study books and years of Cosmo magazines from the 1990's! To say it has been a chore to sort though is an understatement. I previously worked for a charity and spent years sorting through the trash that people donated, now this is my whole life. I hope your wife has recovered and you've managed to sort though all of the stuff.

Wise thinking ahead. No matter how young we are, or how physically fit we are today, there is no guarantee that tomorrow will bring a completely different reality into our lives. Skeletal injury can be cumulative. So, it makes sense to plan and work ergonomically, and use good body mechanics, no matter how young and fit you are. Those behaviors started at an early age can result in golden years that are less plagued by aches and pains.

This is where I am at now. I was an extremely active child, daughter of an Olympian. While I wasnt pushed into his sport, I was pushed in horseriding, but without the resources others had. Dad did not realise that riding competitively was not based on skill alone ;) I cant afford horses anymore, nor do I think I could manage one alone now days but I keep thinking I have *just* enough room for a mini pony and it could take me on bushwalks and help around the garden. Mum is firm on her NO about that though. I think the shire would have something to say too as I am on a town block.

I was a dancing as soon as I could walk, acrobatics doing backflips by age 5, then nippers, netball, tennis, golf, cricus skills, in highschool I was on the rowing team, running, netball, gymnastics, horseriding/pony club. Riding was all I kept up with after school and the reason that I am now disabled. I would jump at the chance to do it again, but it is just not on the cards right now. So I am trying to remember back to dance and gymnastics, practising my "Poses with the hose" while watering, balancing, stretching, trying to get that some of these muscles more equal in strength. I enjoy the beach but I am over 100kms away from it and don't get there as often as I would like. This summer has simply been too hot!

My first goal was to climb the mountain near by to me, I did that last year. Next I would like to learn to surf - standing up. This is why I am focusing on balance right now. I am the type of person that needs a goal to bother doing anything, I thrive in a competitive mindset.

Many of the techniques I use in the garden have been mentioned already. I use a furniture trolly to move bags of feed and hay, and put a longer handle on the weed tool so I dont have to use as much force. Everything is bone dry right now, but weeds will be upon me in no time!

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
As many people age, they become self limiting in their mobility and balance. Fear of falling leads to decreased movement patterns, which leads to decreased strength and decreased muscle balance, which leads to more fear of falling. I'm now 63. And, my balance is not what it used to be. So... I challenge myself. Single leg stance squats provide both strengthening, and improved proprioception. Then, to add an other layer to the challenge, I do so with eyes closed. Walking backwards is an other challenge. Beach walking on sand, and in varying depths of water are fantastic challenges. I especially like to go out to waist deep and battle the waves when they are crashing in.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
@Daisy, were do you live? Pls put something general in your profile so we can have a grasp on how you have a mountain & water so close together. LOL

As @Lazy Gardener states so well, it's important that we stay as active as we can, as long as we can. My kids sometimes ask why I "do" things I stay able!! Start slow and increase as your abilities allow. Always challenge yourself, eat healthy. I feel a difference when I don't use my abilities for a few days, so I often make myself walk, lift, climb, stretch....just to do it. Of course, with a farm & livestock, there is always something to lift and pull and push! LOL The animals are my exercise partners :lol:
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