hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Well the only other ants around are the tiny sugar ants. So i think we're ok. And i haven't seen any carpenter ants outside either, we had lots of when i was a kid and the carpenter ants got into the wall in our house. Now I've just got to start cleaning, in all of my copious spare time!
Yesterday was a normal day in the office, nothing eventful so i guess that's good.
I did get home in time to get dinner made which made me happy. The bf got home at a reasonable time Even with stopping to feed the dogs at my ex's house. We talked at little about money and then he heard back from the guy about buying the bike. Since he could come over that night the bf set about getting the bike cleaned up while i made an emergency trip down to Ss house to borrow his printer copier to make another copy of the bill of sale document. The guy was really nice and likes the bike so he's going to get the money and bring it by this morning and then get tags and pick it up this afternoon. I'm so glad that is done and we can use that money to pay on the loan. The faster We get it paid off the faster We can move forward to get things we need!
The weather is much nicer after the storms rolled through the other night. I dint know that I'll need a dip in the pool today. I do need to get going to get some chores done and then head to the farm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Did you get much rain out of it? We barely got anything.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Naa, not a lot. I think it rained some time last night but I'm not sure. I have to get my new gauge up so i can start figuring this stuff out.
The guy stopped by this morning to drop off the money and the was gone when i got home. I'm glad that is done so we can pay down This loan! Yay forward progress!
I got a bunch of bills organized and paid this morning. Always fun to see how much money you don't have. Sigh.
Headed to the farm and S had me start with pulling all the radishes that were left in the raised beds. That took quite a while, and wasnt all that much fun. i finished that and cut garlic scapes which was a jungle adventure considering how high the weeds were. Waist high weeds makes it difficult see the garlic. I finished that and took a break for lunch. I asked S if we can plant white clover next year as a companion crop in the garlic so we don't have weed as bad and he said yes. I hope it works because that was nuts!
As i was eating lunch S came in and said that H was having a seizure. He has been struggling with them for a while and we knew it could happen and i guess it was a matter of time. He got into his car so he was safe and then S helped him into the house after It was over. Once he was back to earth a bit we decided that S would drive him home and i would follow so S and i could get back to the farm. That took an hour out of our afternoon but it needed to be done. H tried to protest and say he could drive but we were not about to let him.
When we got back i started weeding the carrots which turned out to be a royal pain in the butt. It took me several hours just to get one and a half beds done, they are only about 6' x 12'. I called it quits after that.
The bf got home early which was great! We've had a nice evening putzing around, i worked in the garden a bit and watered the forsythia. I'm afraid my tomatoes have a fungus or something. There are lower stems that have yellow and brown spots on them.
At this point I'm about really to crash.
Happy solstice!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Huh, how does it work Deb?

We got so much fine this weekend i don't even know if i can remember everything. We got lots of little odds and ends checked of the list which was great.
The sprayer is a work in progress. I we up the pump so we have to get another one and try again. The spray isn't quite as much i thought it would be so I'm not quite sure how all this is going to work. We have to make we know the application rate we know how much ground needs to be covered. It's complicated and makes me wish we had the money to buy a sprayer.
We got the manure pile turned really good. The bf let me work on it for a bit which was good practice. I think if i can do that all summer I'll feel better moving hay bales this winter.
I finally got the summer clothes organized into the drawers and the winter clothes put back into the trunks.
The bf got one of the freebie doors that we got hung and started on the second door. He realized that he needed a chisel to do it right so that got stalled a bit. We worked on reorganizing some of the as well. I got the $4 bookcase put where i wanted it and started moving books around. I love books so this is no simple or easy task. I also cleared out a box of pictures and another one of kicknacks that hadn't found homes in the year we've been here. Most things found a place and the pictures told me where they want to be on the walls which made me happy because I hadn't been able to get that figured out until now. It had always bothered me that they didn't want to live anywhere yet. I'll hang them once we get they for in the guest bedroom fixed since it is going to be reversed on the hinges so it opens the other way. Why they ever installed it that way makes no sense to me.
I worked in the garden a bit more and broke my garden weasel again. Now only one set of tines is left which is not very effective for trying to remove weeds. I got some of the front bed weeded as well, which was a nice thing. The bf got a stand built for one of the rain barrels. We had to move water around anyway because it was leaking so now It is up about 30" and will be easy to get the water out of! We are also going to redesign the water flow because the attachments that we bought that are supposed to be for rain barrels don't work worth a darn. There going back to home depot! Now the barrel is in a better position to attach a second over flow barrel so that maybe one storm won't fill them completely...
I can't even remember what else we got done. The bf is finally on his way home so i should go start dinner.
Oh, since S hired a bunch of new people they decided to rework hours and my hours are getting cut from 20+ down to 18. On one hand I'm happy because I'll have more time to get projects done in the house and the barn but on the other hand that cuts the money I have to spend. I'm not sure what I think about this yet.
Ok of to fix dinner. Steak for the grill and hopefully grilled squash.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Depending on the taxes, it may not affect you too much. :fl

As to how the tiller works, I don't have a clue. I haven't used it. But hubby loves it.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
This is all under the table, Deb so it does affect me. I don't make much on the farm anyway (i actually make $2 more at the old barn mucking stalls, though that is taxed) so it does hit me pretty good. I guess the other kicker is that i still resent the fact that he hired so many people and then cuts my hours back when he realizes he has too many people working.
He's stressed about the fact that we don't seem to be selling enough but when i make a suggestion to promote things through Facebook or other social media he gripes that he has too much to do. The things i have to suggest would take little too no time but they could really boost business. He has planned more than ever before and now i think he's scared he won't be able to manage it and that it won't sell. The bad thing is that it's affecting my relationship with him and i don't appreciate that.
Lots of other stuff going on. I'm liking having more time at home but losing money isn't fun.
Found out this week that the ex got a nice promotion that means he'll be moving a few hours away. This made me more sad than i thought it would. I'm still good friend with him and not having him just down the road Is going to be tough. It also means that the foods will probably come live with me now which is going to be really interesting. This will only be their this move in their lives and we have no fenced yard here, hence one of the reasons they stayed with him. We are going to have a session with the animal communicator that I want to study under and see where that leads, hopefully they will settle in well and it won't be too hard on them.
I'm late getting started this morning so i need to run.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
OK, I know this is due to typing on your smartphone, so it didn't come out right, but what are you going to have live w/you? It says foods, and I'm sure that's not what you meant!

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