hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I kinda think so, Deb. She had a bad childhood and I think she may be using the animals to possibly replace childhoods love she never received, and for companionship. She does not have a husband or any other family, really. It is rather sad, so I just do what I can do to try to help her with the animals and be a positive influence. I'm surprised her very hasn't told her to cut down.
Yesterday there were several presents waiting for me that arrived. I was excited. They all look great and I am happy with them. I'm excited for him to open them because he's not expecting several of them.
We put out another bale last night and I am happy that the mud was still mostly frozen. It was in a semi solid state anyway. Better than today, it's raining, again. And now there is something white in the forecast for tomorrow, along with wind. Ugh!
I was going to work on wrapping this morning then go run errands and meet a friend for lunch, but I think I'm going to not do as much around the house and try to get more done before I met her, then come home. I saw dover saddlery has a sale on some boots that look nice. They are 50% off, which means if I buy 2 pair so they fit my feet I'll be paying regular price and I won't feel so bad. There are mixed reviews online, though, so I will call them today to make sure I can go to the store to check them out. They close at 6, so we'll have to leave quickly when the bf gets home, assuming he wants to go with me. I'll probably need to put more gas in my car again if I do that. Whee.
I guess I'd better get moving since I have to feed the one mare this morning, then feed all the horses this afternoon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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When you go to Dover, which store do you go to?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
There is a store in hunt valley md that's about 30 minutes from me.
Had a great day, just didn't get what I needed done.... I got some laundry and a little picking up done in the morning, then headed out. Had to hustle to stop at the post office, then ran by home depot, then headed to lunch with SW. We talked for 3 1/2 hours! So I totally didn't get my errands run and I'll have to go back out in that direction today to get it done. Oops!
I left the and races home to feed the horses. Thankfully the bf muddled his way through half the feeding by the time I got home. I finished up and we raved to Dover to get there before they closed. They had 1 pair of the kind of boots I wanted left. I tried them on and they fit my left foot so I bought those and ordered another pair that they will ship to me for my right foot. Hopefully they for so I don't have to drive back to the store again. I got a $15 coupon for spending so much money, which I guess is some consolation.
We finished there and went and ate dinner at Carrabas, which was more expensive than we realized, but had good food. I was slightly embarrassed to be in my muddy boys still, but oh well.
This morning I got up and drew a logo for SW, I hope she likes it. We talked about designs yesterday and this came to me last night.
I need to get a move on though if I am going to get the errands run and be back in time to get on the phone call for my animal communication class.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Britsea, I just have to toss the odd pair. I feel horrible doing it, because they are brand new shoes, but I have no use for them, and have never found anybody with the opposite problem, let alone that likes my taste (what would the odds be of that!). Its a shame, but it is what it is. I offered that the gal in Dover could keep the one boot as a display, but she said they wouldn't want to do that because they sell the display anyway. Not much to be done about it.
I didn't really get what I wanted to get done yesterday, and I spent way more than I wanted to. I spent a chunk at BJ's and then went to the grocery store and spent more. I ended up buying crap I probably shouldn't have bought, but it is what it is. I have no idea what I'm going to do for dinner next week because I have to work all week full days to cover for BO while she's out of town. I will be THRILLED to have the check, but its going to be a rough week, I'm just not used to putting in that many hours, plus feeding the horses on top of that. Ugh.
I was feeling rather worn out when I got home, so I pretty much crashed. The BF got home shortly after I did, and so he mostly fixed dinner, and let me veg. I broke down and bought fish sticks at the grocery store. I had a craving, and they were good, but not as good as I hoped. That was dinner along with rice and a spinach salad.
I'm going to head out of here a little early since I managed to make it in a few minutes early and swing by the organic grocery store up here to get some shaving soap for the BF. I might stop and pick up a few boxes of ammo, but other than that I think I'm done with shopping. I ordered the last few gifts today off of amazon with my mturk money, so I only spent $7.00 I think. At least that was the money I spent from amazon. I have no idea how much I spent elsewhere, LOL (that's probably not a good thing!) Tomorrow I might have to run to the feed store and the tack consignment shop, but other than that, I am staying home. I may put off the feed store until the weekend, I haven't decided yet.
I need to get the house cleaned up, and get presents wrapped. I haven't decided if I'm going to put out one a day or just stick them all under the tree for him. I'll probably just stick them all under the tree. I honestly am not completely sure how many presents I have at this point...
I also seriously need to figure out the hand made gifts I'm giving to a few people. I plan to make sugar scrubs for some people. I can't decide what I should do for any of the men (ideas anyone?!) to go along with that, but I guess I'll figure it out. I have to get gift certificates for several people to one of our local restaurants (yay business expense!), and then put together cards and such. If I don't jump on that tomorrow and get a lot of it wrapped up over the weekend it isn't going to get done before Christmas.... and I hate being that late. But I guess I'm always almost that late!
Always something to do...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Testator I managed to run my the organic grocery store really quickly and picked up some shaving soap for the bf. Well it isn't officially shaving soap, but I think it will work just fine. It was cheap too! I stopped in Michael's while I was in the shopping center and got more jars for the gifts I'm hoping to make. I must work on that today! I have to find my recipes.
We just threw together spaghetti last night, cheap and easy. After dinner I decided I wanted to try to make bread in my breadmaker since the bf had fixed the kneeding blade. I put the loaf pan in, and checked the blade again and couldn't turn it while it was locked down. I know it's attached to a motor and all, but that just didn't seem right. So the bf took the panel off the bottom and sure enough the belt was melted! So glad that I didn't waste the ingredients again! They don't make my breadmaker anymore, it was a freebie through freecycle, so there isn't much lost if it doesn't work. Hut the bf found a belt on ebay that is supposed to fit it. It's only $23, so that it probably worth it. I adore the fact that he can fix things and just grabs a screw driver and starts taking things apart! It would have gotten thrown away if he hadn't checked, so I am grateful for his skills and hopefully I'll be able to start making bread again soon.
Today I have long lists of stuff I must get done. I need to:
Work on the baby sweater that should have been done 6 months ago.... I'll probably do that whole talking to my mom.
Wrap presents for the bf
clean up the clutter
run some laundry, fold what is dry
remake bed if I wash the sheets
figure out hand made gifts
work on black walnuts more (that'll probably also happen this weekend)
I think I'll save some of the other cleaning for this weekend, the vacuuming, mopping and stuff since the bf can help me with that. I want to get things done today that he won't easily be able to help me with. Or want to, lol. And he's most definitely not helping me to wrap! Hee hee hee!
I think I might screw up the courage to try cooking chicken livers for dinner. I'm so nervous! I don't know if I'll like them (let alone the bf!) and I don't want to screw up cooking them!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
My too! I don't have the funds to buy a new one for sure!
My morning is not going as efficiently as is hoped. I talked on the phone with mom for a while, and managed to cut the wrong amount of wrapping paper for the largest gift twice. I have 4 more presents to wrap them get the bows set up for them. I decided this year all his presents would rattle. Now to convince him to shake them lol it is not going as quickly as I'd like. I'm taking a break for lunch then I'll get back to it again. I also must find time to work on his scarf. I'm not going to get it finished along with the other two if I don't get a move on. Too much to do and too little time!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
O. M. G. This is taking wayyyyyyyy too long! I'm still wrapping and have been since before 10 this morning, except for eating lunch, which didn't take that long.
I found two more presents I forgot about, so I'm wrapping them and then I have one more stocking present to wrap. Ugh! My back is killing me and I just want to be finished!
Ok.... back to work....

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