Lazy Gardener's Little Town Farm

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I am one blessed lady. A friend from Church called me yesterday morning: "I've put up all the bush beans I intend to, and have extra. Want them?" I told her to give them to non gardeners first, and if she had no takers, that I'd gladly use them. Long story short, she's given away a lot, and wanted me to take them... so, I have enough beans to do second batch of dillys AND, a canner full of green beans. The pole beans I planted are now starting to climb!!! If I can keep the jap beetles or mice from destroying them, I should get a crop!

An other friend; "Our squash is coming on good. We'll have plenty to give away, though I have no idea what kind it is.

today, is my garden day. Hope to get some beets and lettuce planted.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Lovely day. Picked up more stable bedding. Spread a total of 15 bags on the Hugel Kulture mound, as well as about 7 double bags of grass clippings. Cleaned up some old brush that had been hauled out of woods and left to dry in the area in front of the HK. Cleaned all the weeds away from the old coop in anticipation of tearing it down. Hope to start that project next week. Planted sugar snaps, cilantro, dill, garlic, strawberry sets, lettuce and beets. Thanking God for a gentle "bonus" rain. Accuweather says we will have showers at 10 PM. My back is singing the blues.

Hubby pulled a couple more big rocks out of the mowed areas. We'll work on getting those moved next week.

Apples on one tree are ripe. They are a sweet dessert apple.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Picked some potatoes today. Actually surprised to have some decent quality/size. I"ve NEVER EVER seen so many potato bugs. They ate those vines right down to nubs, so I expected there would not be any crop. Now, those bugs have moved on and are attacking tomatoes and peppers. I'm tempted to turn the ducks into the garden. their trampling can't be any worse than the current insect damage.

Getting a few cherry tomatoes, and got enough beans to make an other modest size batch of dilly beans.
I can't believe you didn't let the ducks have those bugs!


Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I can't believe you didn't let the ducks have those bugs!

I've not let the ducks in the garden b/c I was concerned about them trampling everything, and destroying the lettuce. I'm also wondering how much the shavings from the stable litter will mess up their guts? I know they will go rooting in those shavings, some wet, some dry. I can just imagine the concrete mix that slug goo plus shavings would make in their beaks!

Will have the kids here after today, and may have them help me put the rabbit fencing up around the garden, then, I can stretch some deer netting across some areas and let the ducks in.

I have a whole list of "projects" for them to "do". Tear down old tractor and save hardware, put up rabbit fencing around the CP, take the ducks for supervised walks, make mouse/rat traps. Gather herbs and make some infusions for poison ivy salve and some mullein syrup. Sand down and paint my wood tool handles. G is using some bright crayola blue to paint the metal frame and hardware of Dad's trailer that he is rebuilding (for the 4th time! I'm thinking that color would be hard to miss in the garden. If the kids help me with even one of these projects, I'll be pleased.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I have a whole list of "projects" for them to "do". Tear down old tractor and save hardware, put up rabbit fencing around the CP, take the ducks for supervised walks, make mouse/rat traps. Gather herbs and make some infusions for poison ivy salve and some mullein syrup. Sand down and paint my wood tool handles. G is using some bright crayola blue to paint the metal frame and hardware of Dad's trailer that he is rebuilding (for the 4th time! I'm thinking that color would be hard to miss in the garden. If the kids help me with even one of these projects, I'll be pleased.
I think they will remember that time for a long time to come! So many new and different things to do that one can usually only find at Grandma's house nowadays.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Just popping in to see, how everyone is getting along?

Notifications say I have 22 notifications, sorry no time right now to read all your beautiful replies. Sleep is filling my eyes.

What little neighbors I have, have all left for extended getaways. I am tending to neighbors farm animals and watching over their farms. Cows, calfs, sheep, goats, chickens, donkeys, horses and even the weirdest animal I every seen in my life a yak. What was God thinking when he created a yak 😂. So far I've had zero problems, eventhough I really don't know what I'm doing. Animals need food water and a friendly voice and their good. Except for that darn ram lamb who loves to ram me when I'm not looking. I found he doesn't like a long stick pointed his way. I kind of feel honored that my neighbors trust me, but man it's a lot of work... Thank God we have no thieves out here.

I thought our free range chickens we're eating some tomatoes but now I'm almost certain it's quail. Since I was working in the garden a little today and here comes a cubby of quail running up to dine on my tomatoes. My wife's ducks roam the garden in the evening and eat bugs, plus flocks of wild birds land in the garden and eat bugs also. I have had to use zero insecticide this year. My wife says to leave the quail alone because she enjoys watching them and she says with 7 50 rows rows of tomatoes we can share. Eventhough quail are tasty, she's right... they are cool to watch and I almost got the cubby trained. They come right up to me, I'm working on hand feeding them, though I doubt that will ever happen. Truth is, intil I get fence around the garden, I'm gonna have ground critters.

I also want to mention I finally found a good bible study app called Blue Letter Bible. I read NASB95 and KJV side by side in the Blue Letter Bible app. Then I tap each verse and view the interlinear/concordance to get the original Hebrew or Greek words used in the translations complete with definitions for more accurate meaning. This has helped me tremendously. Of I get time I'll show you, it's a really app for studying the Holy Bible.

i'll.pop in again when I have time and missing all of you in my heart.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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