livin' on the funny farm- SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
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feeling better, except this chough.

found out my uncle in texas past away. he was in bad shape- he had gotten a skin eating thing when he had surgery at the va hospitle. had a surgary to fix something small on his leg, then they had to take his leg below the knee, then they had to take his leg above the knee, then he began to have strokes. i wish we could have gone down but the money was not there.

took both of the girls to get their eyes checked today and they both need glasses. yay.

the friend that gave me my turkeys for my birthday is selling out his turkeys. if he still has some when i have some money- i am going to get some more. he has royal palm, burbon red, nragansit, blue slate, and 1 other breed. 6 mos old, for $5.00 each.

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
mom asked if scooby could come visit for a few days. not sure if i want to let him go. but i know mom needs him. he seems to look after her. *sigh* and i can see him as much as i want. i am going to look into training your own service dog. she doesnt want to take him with her to the store or anything, but she could use him to balance and get up when her knees are hurting bad. also this will get her back out, she hasnt been for a walk since she lost her dog.

my husbands boss asked if we wanted the trampoline that blew over. YES!!! the girls have one, but the mat tore on the edge. and this one has a good mat. the frame is bent from when it blew over, but what i am going to do is cut it in half and put them as 2 half rounds(like a quanza hut) and cover with wire. for growing chicks out. and my old mat can be used for shade. these are 14 ft around, so they will be 14 ft across the bottom and @7 ft tall in the center. i will get a drawing done of what i want to do and see if i can post it.
anyone have any ideas on what to do with the trampoline springs? thats all that will be left.

going to see dd#2 tomarow. going to take her, her birthday gift. her birthday is wed so we asked if she wanted it this week or next? was told THIS!!!!!!!duh. lol kidsd- got to love them.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry to hear of your Uncle's passing :hugs

Great score on the trampoline! The grow out sounds interesting - hope you're able to post the drawings. No ideas come to mind for the springs, sorry, but I'm sure somebody on here will come up with a bunch of good ones for ya!

I went to the eye doctor a while back, and she said I needed bi-focals :ep What?! Me??? But, I'm not OLD!!! She said "Give in. You've fought the good fight. It's time." Guess that's what I get for going to a doctor that looks like she's the same age as my 13 yr old son! :gig

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Iowa my lips shut! i did it again.

went to get 4 royal palm turkeys, got 4 royal palm, 2 burbon red, 1blue slate, and 1 burbon redXblue slate mix. gave the pair of burbon reds (male and female) to my very good friend who would give me her home if i needed it. brought the rest home and figured out why i couldnt sex the royal palms, they are all hens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bun the blue slate is a hen and the mix is a tom. yay! i only gave $30.00 for all 8.

i was also given 22 chickens (of verious ages and breeds) all under a year. 1 roo the rest are hens.

moving coops around tomarow!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
WOW! That is awesome. I like Royal Palms, I just can't convince myself to get turkeys....yet.... :)

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
i wasnt sure i would like them either. but when he gave me the pair, i fell in love.

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
well the coop moving is going slowly. hubby came up with a reason not to put them everywhere i wanted to. we have a long old barn and i wanted to put them there but it is on the north side. but the south side has a ditch in front of it- and while the geese and ducks wouldnt mind...the chickens and turkeys would. i dont want to leave them wher they are (in the front yard where people see them. oh- did i say i was moving the goats also?) i dont want them out back by the woods cause of the owls. so i think what i will do is put them out back and put a tarp on the north side to keep the worst of the north winds off. this is where the old horse pen was also. the goat pen will be built off the chicken coops. i will do pics.

sold my extra horse tack. that will pay for hubbys hunting and my feed for the month.

scooby is over at moms. she is loving him.

got to go and get the girls glasses tomarow.

might be looking into 2 more pigmy nannys, she had someone going to see them at 4 ish but at 5 they still haddnt been there.

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
i miss scooby-but he is so good with mom.

started to move the chicken coops yesterday. got the coops themselves moved, but didnt get the netting over the top. (i now have 2 insted of 1) so the poultry stayed the night in XXL dog crates. and i put the crates in one coop and the goats in the other for the night. and the pony is in with the mini donkey for the night. getting ready to go out and put the netting on the coop, and finish the goat pen. then i need to fix the small building i am putting in with the turkeys.

the person with the pigmy goats called and the people showed up and got them. but i had a friend of a friend call and ask me if i wanted her muscovy ducks-1male and 3 females. so i am going to get them. i had some before but the owls got them. they lay good and are good for eating. my horseshoer has already told me if i want to trade chicks/chickens/ducks/geese ect for trimmings he is good with that. he is looking for eating birds. he has 3 flocks of chickens- pure white leghorns, americanas, and a mixed flock of buff orpingtons and barred rocks. he said if i will hatch eggs for him for 50/50 on the chicks, when we start to see which are male/ female he will trade me his pullet chicks, for any roo chicks i have. sounded good to me!

on another note- i havent had to buy trash bags for 8 mos. i have been useing feed bags. and i still have a few left. i use them mostly for cans (in iowa we get the .05 refund) so i went from spending @ $6.00-$7.00 per month to $6-7 every 8-10 mos.

well off to finish the chicken coops...

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
i miss scooby-but he is so good with mom.

started to move the chicken coops yesterday. got the coops themselves moved, but didnt get the netting over the top. (i now have 2 insted of 1) so the poultry stayed the night in XXL dog crates. and i put the crates in one coop and the goats in the other for the night. and the pony is in with the mini donkey for the night. getting ready to go out and put the netting on the coop, and finish the goat pen. then i need to fix the small building i am putting in with the turkeys.

the person with the pigmy goats called and the people showed up and got them. but i had a friend of a friend call and ask me if i wanted her muscovy ducks-1male and 3 females. so i am going to get them. i had some before but the owls got them. they lay good and are good for eating. my horseshoer has already told me if i want to trade chicks/chickens/ducks/geese ect for trimmings he is good with that. he is looking for eating birds. he has 3 flocks of chickens- pure white leghorns, americanas, and a mixed flock of buff orpingtons and barred rocks. he said if i will hatch eggs for him for 50/50 on the chicks, when we start to see which are male/ female he will trade me his pullet chicks, for any roo chicks i have. sounded good to me!

on another note- i havent had to buy trash bags for 8 mos. i have been useing feed bags. and i still have a few left. i use them mostly for cans (in iowa we get the .05 refund) so i went from spending @ $6.00-$7.00 per month to $6-7 every 8-10 mos.

well off to finish the chicken coops...