Meet Pearl, New Horse


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Today we worked in the feed and tack room. We stopped for lunch and I decided to saddle up and ride Pearl. It was 70 degrees, sunny, breezy and beautiful. We went out the gate, I got on and she took off in that famous Tennessee Walker gait. She felt good and was excited to be going somewhere. Her ears were pricked forward. Those pointy ears frame the best pictures.

We rode about 2 miles, she only slowed down going up hill. Then the Chicago screw that held the rein to the bit shank came out and suddenly I only had one rein, and holding the other rein dangling. Hmmmm..... Pearl was gliding at high speed so I gently slowed her down. Finally I got her to stop. She was dancing, wanting to go. I was able to thread the rein through the shank of the bit, doubled it back to me and held both ends. It looked like a good time to turn around.

Pearl gaited almost all the way home, finally slowed to a walk. Old girl was hot and tired. My knee was killing me but I got off at the gate and walked her to the portable building, unsaddled and walked her to cool her off.

We both had a great time.

She is still thin. We built her a small pen so she can eat without the others trying to take her feed. I sowed rye grass and crimson clover on the pasture behind the barn, so I don't want her on it now. But in a few months, there will be some yummy grass!

I decided I am going to ride her, skinny or not. I am embarrased that she is so thin and have not wanted to ride her because people will think I mistreat my horse. She's an old gal, rides like a dream, maybe not for a long ways, but my crapped out knee doesn't last very long either. I decided what the heck, if this is as good as it gets, so be it.



Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Since when did you ever care what other people thought? But that's such a cool picture, is she shoe-d?
My animals are healthy, they look healthy. There is no shame in a thin animal, because I get busy and get them back in good condition. But it's been 2 years and Pearl is still thin. I've exhausted everything and nothing works. I guess I need to get over it and just enjoy her and see that she is happy.

No shoes on my horses. The roads are soft, no hard surfaces. I've always kept barefoot horses.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
My animals are healthy, they look healthy. There is no shame in a thin animal, because I get busy and get them back in good condition. But it's been 2 years and Pearl is still thin. I've exhausted everything and nothing works. I guess I need to get over it and just enjoy her and see that she is happy.

No shoes on my horses. The roads are soft, no hard surfaces. I've always kept barefoot horses.

Just come to terms with reality. Some ladies are thin, some are fat, some others are in between 😂 so you got you a thin horse, nothing wrong with that.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Go riding, thin or not! Just extra saddle pads. The time out, even more walking may be a great therapy for both of you. With the feeding so others don't share, some exercise and new sights, she may slap on some weight. It's true, not all animals can get rounded out.

She is loved and knows this. Enjoy her.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I had a WOW! moment today. We have had Pearl for 2 years. She is fairly easy to catch, but walks away from me, usually annoyed. She will follow me with a feed bucket, but what horse won't? I let her out after she eats and if I want to pet her, I have to hold her halter to keep her from walking away. I always talk to her, always pet and scratch her, then let her go.

This evening I opened the gate to let her out and scratched her chest. I didn't hold her halter. Pearl wrapped her neck around me and I rubbed and scratched her neck. I rubbed her side, belly and ribs. Then I switched sides. Pearl still didn't walk away and again wrapped her neck around me. I gave her lots of rubs and scratches. In 2 years, Pearl has NEVER asked for attention.

I put out a few flakes of hay, Prince and Sparkles stood in the barn eating hay, so I put some flakes outside for her. She stood in the doorway, watching me instead of going to the hay. I closed up the door to the feed room and walked Pearl over to a flake of hay. I talked to her and gave her some more rubs and scratches.

This has taken 2 years for Pearl to decide she can trust me. One of those WOW! moments I wanted to share 'cause I knew y'all would know how big it is


Super Self-Sufficient
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
My horse would "hug" me, too. She would only do it to people she liked.