Natural childbirth any tips for the pain?


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Okay I'm due with my second baby at the end of August. I'm terrified to do this again. My first did not go well. My water broke and since I did not start dilating I was induced. Then she got suck and could not turn the right way. My doctor had to get on the bed with me on her knees to pull her out. The only pain med I took was a short twenty minute iv drug. I had been awake for almost 24 hrs and I had to sleep. During the 20 minutes I went from a 4 to a 9 and woke up needing to push. I pushed for three hours and almost had a emergency c- section. It was 21 hrs after my water broke I had her. Then I didn't heal right and that was just horrible in its own story.
I talked with my doctor and we are going to try somethings differently this time. Hubby told me I can have all the pain meds I want or a c-section. He will support me no matter what I decide.

Does anyone have any tips on getting through this again? Please!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
Your story sounds normal. Now a days people are too quick to cut. If I'd have my first child, today, with my 29 hour labor, the doctor would have gotten aggrevated and made up a reason to do a c-section.
I ripped too. And the pain was horrific. And my poor babies head was all wrong cuz of the suction forceps they were using back in the day.
But to give you some encouragement....your body is like an ole pro now. You have delivered a baby and I can almost promise you a faster, easier delivery. I won't say, you won't remember and be scared and cut up a bit, but in all truth, the 2nd baby won't hurt you to deliver as much as the 1st. And if you nurse your baby, you will have more milk. I was told that and I found it to be true.
You will probably also be a much calmer and smarter momma.
You can try and psyche yourself out and convince yourself you can do it....hopefully you have a very understanding and supportive husband. Mine sucked when it had anything to do with me suffering pains, so as hard as I tried to do it all natural, I just didn't have the support or sympathy, so I failed in that area, but I really think I could have if poor DH could have just not joked about my pains.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
You shouldn't be going into labor with the fear and anxiety you have! Give yourself a break, girl! You won't get any medals or awards for suffering through a natural childbirth, and if you end up tearing and messing yourself up, it can affect you for years. Can you check out the possibility of getting a spinal? It was called a "caudal" back when I had my first. My step-daughter has had all 3 of hers c-section, and I'm pretty sure she would do it again if she would get pregnant again.(Hope not!) Do some research and find out what the newest techniques are, and take your husband's advice and assurance. As my sister who is a nurse says, "Drugs are Good!"


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2009
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Central Pennsyltucky
Everyone is different. First one was 52.5 hours, had trouble dilating, contractions stopped once they broke my water, all that good stuff. They finally induced me, he was upside down, so that's one of the worst labor pains out there... because the pitocin makes it a painful labor, plus with the baby's head putting all the pressure right on your spine and the back of your pelvis, it's just MISERABLE. I ended up with the epidural because I just couldn't take it anymore. Ex-hubby was a total waste of space as far as support as well. Well, honestly, he's just a total waste of space in general. Anyways, my second one was a nice long labor as well, closer to 48 hours. I took some Tylenol PM (was told it was ok by doc) and slept through most of the first stages of labor, because I was NOT going through another two day labor without sleep. I also ate before I went to the hospital, because again, I wasn't going two days without anything to eat or drink. I got to the hospital and he was born within the hour. I even drove in my standard vehicle to get there, lol. It was by FAR much easier than my first labor. Heck, I delivered with a doc in the room but he wasn't even set up... I told them to hurry up because he's coming right now, and they're like, "oh no, you still have some time left" I said, "No, check, he's COMING!" So, the nurse mosied on over to do a check and as she was getting her hand down there out he came. I also didn't have any pain afterwards, even without medications. I attribute most of my problems with the first one d/t them trying to rush everything along and not leaving me the hell alone. So, as we're taught in nursing school, every woman is different, every pregnancy is different. You can have six kids and each labor will be different. :) Don't stress too much, if you need the pain meds, take them, but try to just stay calm and comfortable. Oh... One thing that REALLY helped me with pain was a nice hot shower, with the stream directed right at the most painful spot in my back. I spent a good bit of my first labor in the shower, when the water would get cold, I'd get out and suffer until the hot water was back, lol.


Enjoys Recycling
Jan 11, 2012
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My husband read your post and thought that I might have some insight for you. I too, am expecting my second. I also had a horrible first experience. But I am less than a week away from my due date, and amazingly have a calm demeanor and am just excited to meet my new son. My first thought when reading your post, was "Have you taken any birthing classes?". My second is "Is she using the same dr?" I was not really given the option of classes with my first son, and had no idea what to expect. But I have learned that knowledge truly is power and will help to ease fears. I am also using a different practitioner this time, because I truly think that the main reason I had such a bad experience the first time was because of the doctor and hospital that I had chosen. I would recommend find Bradley birth classes in your area. If you are wanting a natrual birth, which it sounds like you do and want meds to be a last option, then the Bradley method is one of the best. ( You might also look into using a doula, which is a birth support person who would be present during the labor. Doulas are trained in counterpressure methods that can help to naturally releave pain and also can help you to combat hospital staff if you need to. There are excercises that you can to to encourage your baby to turn and be in the correct postion before you go into labor. They would teach you these at the birthing classes. The main one is pelvic rocks. This one will help your baby turn into the desired "face-down" postition. I hope that some of this has encouraged you and helped to ease your fears.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
You probably come to the right place.....a lot of us are nurses and have had lots of kids.
One thing I can tell you will probably give anyone trouble is to induce for no reason. The baby knows when to be born. Most people I know who could dialate properly and needed to go the c-section route, when you find out the whole story, were induced. The body is fighting against it. When you go into labor naturally, you open better.

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
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I am a mother of 4. First daughter was a 28 hr nightmare! Got to the hospitle to find out my dr was out of town (with out notice) and a fresh out of school guy who spoke a little, bad english (even the nurses didn't care for him) was is his place. Instead of the normal pain meds he had them give me morphine. When my daughter was finaly born, she didn't do anything for 3 days(not even eat) cause of the morphine. I was discharged and had to leave her there and go back to see her. She went from 6 lbs 8 oz to 5 lb 4oz before she started to gain again. But at the time I was 18 and belived everything he told me (who was I to question the dr?) Second daughter was 12 hrs start to finish same with 3rd. 4th daughter was less than 5 hrs from 1st contraction!

Had my tubes tied but if I were to do it again...I would see about having it at home.

My sister has had 4 kids and has had 4 c-sections.

I even know a woman who had a c-section for no other reason than she didn't want to go threw labor. Now that is crazy!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I think most of us are of similar minds on this forum, in general about most aspects of our lives, including this subject. I had 3 vaginal births and then had #4 by emergency C-section due to placenta previa, which was supposed to have been resolved and me cleared for vaginal delivery. I spent 3 years thinking I"m forever altered and can never go natural again. I'm not saying it ruined my life, but it did affect me. I was so happy to learn about V-BACs when I became pregnant for #5. Even though I'm getting old to have babies, I'm happy when I realize my body can do what its programed to do. Even if you need a little help, try not to mess yourself up for later possibilities.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I've had 3 babies and the most assuring advice I ever recieved was "having babies can't be all that bad-look how many people there are!" just because the first birth was difficult, it does not mean this one will be. Try to relax, your fears will make you tense. Just know you can always get a nice hypo of joy juice if it gets too rough, and calm your nerves. It might be unpleasant, but even if it is another 24 hour marathon, that is only one bad day out of many, many years of joy to enjoy your child. JMO, it is worth it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you everyone. I have talked to my doctor and we are going to do things differently this time. It makes a difference that I'm now five minutes from the hospital instead of a half hour. I just I don't know I still have nightmares about the last one. We took a birthing class last time. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to breast feed. I know I should I just am not comfortable with it. My daughter would not so we bottle fed her. I had tons of help and advice she just would not do it. I'm trying to convince myself to try again. I am worried about postpartum depression. My mom had it bad. I didn't get it before but I feel I'm at risk for it. Did I mention this is my last baby? I can not do this again mentally. Everything from pregnancy through the first year is just not fun for me. I'm not a baby person. If we want another kid in the future, we are going to adopt a toddler or older. I love beginning a mom though wish I loved the process of getting to be one.