Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Dozer is in the driveway they dropped it off last night...
said hedbe bringing the digger today...inda expected when they said "wel get the stuff over there friday" that meant they wanted to get started this morning...but i guess monday is the start day?! *sigh* ashame too because its a GORGEOUS day.

this morning i let the goats out to find poor Poppy had hurt her foot...pretty bad too. the ONLY way i can thin shes one it is in trying to avoid the buck shes got her foot under one to the spots where the ground not entirely level and slived her toe on the metal base of the "barn"
she ripped the nail compeltly off the bed it was on by a threat and gashed the nail bed pretty deep.
theres not a vet in the area that will mae housecalls and none that are willing to do goats so tech training kicked in. imediate care remove the toenail completly as it was just hanigng on by a thread and woud have just kept getting caught on things, then wash out (yeah goats dont like getting their feet wet) and dress.
cept...cant find my animal first aid kit ANYWHERE...i had vetrmycin, vet wrap, tripple antibiotic wash ect in there...nope nowhere to eb found.

SO off to the human first aid kit. trimmed the nail off, washed it out and put a huge glob of tripple anitbiotic on the open wound to provide some sheild untill i could get to the store...
then off into town for basics.

got home, and then rinsed the entire area well with wound wash which is an antisepcit with a mild pain killer, then a gauze pad over the nail bed, wrapped that with stretch tape (human version of vet wrap) and then covered the whel thing in ducttape to 1: keep the ressing on, and 2 keep the dirt and grass out.
has it not been such an open wound i wouldnt have dressed, but its deep and every blade of grass was going to be touching an brushing against it so it had to get covered at least untill the healing process (scab) forms.

poor girl was NOT happy about me touching it but behaved amazingly, she only tried to escape twice in the enitre process and that was beacuse the buck was getting a little too close for comfort.
shes putting very little weight on it but shes eating and chewing cud...kinda funy actually shell limp to a nice spot lay down and eat every crunchy leafaround her. take a nap then move to the next spot and repeat...
so theres little rings of clear grass apearing lol.

ill be eeping an eye on her closely through, foot injuries are never fun and i know how much it hurts to rip a nail off let alone slice the nail bed.
so shes now sporting pink and black zebra striped booty since thats the only ducctape they was either that or neon zigzags lol.

i WANTED to head up to the flea market this morning, but i thought they were going to be bringing the digger so i didnt...
my cellphone is being a problem child again and i realy need to clean today lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Poor baby. Hope she heals up quickly.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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she seems to be doing better today, wont walk on it but is putting it down when eating, and she sure seemed fine last night when she ran across the pasture becaus she heard me comming ith feed LOL!
suprisingly enough NOONE is bohering with her zebra print booty...everything i read sai ill be redoing the dressing every few hours because goats pull them off...but shes not even attempted thus far. i think she knows, even when i was doing it yesterday she didnt WANT me to, but she let me.

today i was up at 7am...not becaue i frgot to set my clock back,btu because my body missed he memmo...
its now ust almost 8, everone in an out is sorted, and ive finished breakfast already. feels weird lol.

todays plan involves heading to the flea market a little later on and then mabe painting some bird houses this afternoon. i realy could do with maing a real start on them so i cna hopefully make a little chrstmas money.
i also need to hook up and instal my new printer onto my computer so i can actully use it (primarily as a scanner right now, ink is WAY too expensive to be fooling around with lol)
and do some cleaning.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score

the dozer man arrived with his digger about 15 mins ago...did a quick walk around, pointed out where the fence line starts and goes around so he knows where the property runs. took him for a quick walk to "the pond" and back and now hes got his but working.

says hell likely spend the 1st hour or so cutting acess paths through to make it easier to split the area into workable seciotns get the digger through ect.

the bad news is the old pond is NOT salvagable, and judging by all the grease oil an lord knows what on the few inches of water form the past rain thats sat in there, i woudlnt be able to stock it or let the livestock drink from it even it it was...
SO thats becomming the first dump spot, hell start pushing things in there untill its leveld out then cover and level it with the dirt from other holes hell dig for the rest of the junk.
once its cleared out after hes finnished hell walk the little creek bed with me and we'll decide were would be the best spot for a nice smallish pond for the future and hell give me a price NOW and guarentee that it wll never go higher than that no matter when in the future i want it dug (however if gas keeps going down it will get cheaper)

the good news is he saw the worst of the mess of unk and dint even bat an eyelash, said ill be suprised how quickly things move along.

so right now hes starting to cut his paths through, starting along the front property line. i got some before pictures and plan to take lots of during pictures and of course some afters too!
im SOOO excited!

now in order to keep myself form simply standin around watching todays plan is to freeze myself.
i NEED to sort out my chest freezer and my house freezer. i got lax over the last few onths and just started tossing things in wiht no wirting anything down or keeping trac of what ive been using...Ad to that that the freezer is FULL (both of them)
my chest freezer also realy beeds to be defrosted but given all the food instead ill take a smll hammer and my dust pan and brush and break up and sweep out any frot and ice build up a i can just to make sure it continues to run efficirnatly over the winter. come spring ill borow E.s huge cooler and let it fully defrost but for right ow im more interested in getting it sorted so i know where i stand meat wise for the winter.

ive also got to make my shopping list and go through the circulars for tomorrow...i dont need alot this time around, mostly milk for the goaties and some fresh produce...but still after going through the freezer i can start putting some meal ideas together and stck up on the things i need to make meals out of the thing already in the freezer.
givnen the weather is now getting colder, crockpot meals are going to be go-to's alot. chilli, stewes, pot pies ect. so knowing exactly what ive got to work with will help me figure out what i need to play with :)

and yeah thats pretty much all for right now.

my body clock aparently misses the daylight saving time memmo...2nd day in a row i woke up at 7am on the clock...
the ducks however are aparently liking 1 egg a ay is now 3 eggs yeterday and 2 eggs today.
ive got at least one layer laying khaki/greenish colored eggs whihc are REALY REALY liking duck eggs to a yolk girl and the yolks on these are much richer than evern free range organic small farm chickens. NOM. ill be honest, its made me wonder if i realy need laying hens and the answer is honestly not realy for my own use.

so right ow that ads a new potential change to the future list where i was orignally planning a fairly large laying lock of now thinking of increasing my ducks (you see lots of chicken eggs but not alot of duck for sale) ad to the runners and mabe even get a flock or khaki campbells too.)
i do still want some chickens, but if my ducks are going to be my main source of eating eggs (and if i increase the flock ill also have enough for hatching too) then i can focus on some chicken breeds tht may not lay quite as well, but i simply enjoy and keep just a small flock of them.i realy want salmon favrolles and calico cochins, and and and lol.

but yeah

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
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i have wanted some of those salmon favrolles forever! they are so pretty.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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arnt they and they are SUPER mellow, they often get beat up by other chickens though because of it.

Dozer guy is working out there.
hes started in the middle, thus negating my abulity to see much more than the occasionall small tree go down but it seems he wants to take care of the major trash before getting to the smaller brush and stuff.
but at least this way its a much bigger WOW when i finally get out there to peek...

Managed to empty out the house freezer sort and rearrange so thats looking much more organizes.
emptied the chest freezer complelty and then used my hammer to remove all the buid up LOL! yup its the new fangled way of running a defrost cycle lol.
put everythign back in an made a list as i whent...

then i took inventory of the pantry too
after lunch and baby bottles for the goats im going to take inventory of the kitchen cabinates too, i only have 2 with ood, 1 regular sied and 1 tall narrow one, the all narrow one is primarily spaces herbs and seaosnings...

then later ill be making my shopping list and browsing circulars...

as a side note i HATE people that claim to be your frined but only talk to you when they want something...

but the babies need their lunch :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You have been busy - I'll bet it's driving you crazy not being out there watching!

The salmon fav's are one of my favorite breeds. They ARE pretty laid back - especially the girls. The roos are roos and will challenge each other but their fighting is not all that fierce. However; I did have to separate my white fav roo from my salmon fav roo....they'd been together forEVER, but I guess they had a squabble they couldn't work out and I had to step in.... geeze!

Waiting for pics! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
sounds like typical boys lol

well heres a little sneak peek...
this is just 1/2 a days work, and hes not remotly done/finnihsed yet...

these 2 pictures were taken from almost the exact same spot, i was about 3ft back in the during shot than in the before picture. so what you see is from the exact same veiwpoint...


thats my barn...(im HOPING it can be salvaged, the wall planks are termite and rot damaged neer the ground and the floor is pretty much shot)
before hand this little barn existed in a small crater, surrouned on all sides by a mountain of junk, literally walled in, you had to climb down about 4ft to get to the "ground" level the barn is built on...
now you can actually see it. and GROUND...i mean real dirt!

the area looks SOOO open already and hes only about 1/4 the way through lol. there alot more light in there than i was expecting (which means im going to be looking into a good pasture grass mix once its done :D)

im SO excited. just wish the dark clouds that have rolled in would go away again lol.

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