Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Unfortunately, as times get harder, which they will... I think we'll see more and more of this kind of behavior.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and today the son had the gall to smile at me and try to talk to me. I looked at him, and walked away...

I reported the tree limbs to PEC nothing they can do if the tree is on his prpety HE ha to cal to get it sorted...
Idid mention the electric cable currently sat ON the roof of the addition and she didn't look too happy but didn't make any efforts to take a report or anything, so il be suing PEC for not addressing a KNOWN hazard should something happen as well as the tweedles!

thinking one or two of these


is my best bet...that little reciver hooks to the computer meaning can record via my laptop rather thanhaving ot have vhs or disks to go through, or the cost of a DVR unit ($70+ for a CHEAP one)
would also be much easier to scroll through vid quicker on the computer than n a vcr....
but neither are in the budget
so padlocks on the gate will do for now...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I realy should to to bed...
but theres a puppy sleeping in my lap...and shes not oig to fit there for very long ith the rate shes growing!

been a relitivly quiet day today got my apt seen too, and painted some gourds for my commission
she wanted 2 for herself with "multicolored roses"
so I did these 2



they kind of mirror eachother with the one with blue and cream roses having pink and peach flowers an the one with the pink and peach roses having blue and cream flowers...
I dint want to put more than 2 colors in the roses themselves as I think it would have looked too crazy.
realy likeing how they turned out!

then the other 2 she anted "lots of colorful flowers"
so I did a 2nd similar to my cray daizy shastas, using pink and white daisies and pureple yellow and cream flowers, (for some reason the picture didn't take)

and then this one

which icall black eyed susan (even though th centeres arnt realy darkenough lol) with the gold and yellow daisy type flowers and purple pansies and pink and white flowers. to kinda make it look like the color scemes were meant to go together.

ive got 2 more basecoated and ready to be painted...
then ill get another batch painted up. hoping to have enough to set up a littlespot at the flea market and littlefall craft fairs over the next 2 months...
ive also gota bunch of little wooden premade birdhouses that ill paint up, theyl be in the $10-$15 range with the gourds in the $15-$25 range, *fingers crossed*

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pink, that's a good price. If I had a place to put any, I'd be ordering 1 at the very least from you.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Those are very pretty sis! Can't wait to get mine!! I still haven't had time or felt like getting out there :/ One day..... You know how I am ;) :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol! completely understood!

don't know whatis going on with my blood sugar tonight, haven't eaten anything bad...but boy is it wonky, tired, overheating, feeling sicky...
all very typical of when when ive had too much sugar and I go into hypoglycemic mode...
tallie also apparently wont leave my side...shes not "concerned" so to speak, but sheseems more watchful of me than usual.. this is definatly a good sign for furture alert work (sending changes I body chemistry ect) rather know these a reason for my bloodsugar going all nutzo.

feeding it gently with some watered down fruit juice to bring it back up....
watching re-runs of walking dead on Netflix...3rd season has been posted and I haven't see that season yet, but its been so long that I figured I should re-watch.
spent today also working on my Halloween costume.
this ones rather labor intensive.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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w just got notice this morning that everyones taking a cut in the food stamp budget...
the American recoviery act of 2009 was voted no on renewal last yeah whichmeans as of November everyone takes a food stamp cut aproximatly $10 per person (may not seem like a lot but my CURRENT food budget is only $78 a month...and that's hard enough to eat healthily on)
I feel like im slowly sinking...the more I try to get this place off the ground, amend soil, build raised beds, rear my own meat, the more I find myself sinking into a mirey black tar pit of Debt and uncertainty.
im having trouble keeping my head high enough to breath and it feels like no one other than the truly poor can see how quickly were being buried and forgotten.


so far this morning I managed to put a bale of straw down in the goat shed...they also got hay...
the rabbits all got fresh hay, and I beded dow all the nest boxes with straw. if anyone took we should start seeing nesting behaviours by Tuesday...*fingers crossed* even if I cant sell for cash least illhave plety of meat. but we'll see, I didn't actively see any breeding...
the girls have one more try after this before I say screw it ad replace al my rabbits with 1 single small colony of meat mutts....
I cant afford to feed animals that don't produce...
same goes for the ducks, were on hiatus right now again and rabbit feed and layer fee arey 2 biggest expenses...

think im going to sell my pair of standard partridge cochins, they are Beautiful but I cant let them range because they refuse to come home at night and they are not happy penned up.
the banties are doing good however happy in thebackyard, got a broody on a nest right now (thing shes got 10-12 eggs under her...)

anywho...after doing that I took alook at my young raspery sticks...and may have ecided to re-produce.
pulled 6 rooted starts gently replanted 1 in a spot that the mower happy neighbor killed one...the other 5 will find new homes along the fenceline in the back yard.
put tires over the existing raspberries to ensure he cannot hit them if he does decide to "be helpful" (mabe it makes im feel better about stealing my ****!?)

still not feeling 100% so took a break atthat point to come in cool down nd have a drink.
I realy need to get out with the weedwacker and pruning sheres and do some fenceline maintence...
I also need ot start thinking about woking on a winter penfor the pigs...ive decided they realy need to be separated from the goats before I have ayone kidding, and befoe th gorund starts getting unable to handle it with the wwetness that tends to come with winter. id rather the place not turn into amud pit.
still haven't found a boar for them...and nooen to AI either
*shakes head*

got so much to do, and no money to do it with.
gonna need an order of straw before the winter comes...ive got 1 bale left...
hay thankfully im good on for a while...

just unsure if this is going to work over the long term if things keep up...


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I had not heard that about the food stamps; and of course it hits just before the holidays- how cruel!

I've got my fingers crossed for your rabbits. Do you harvest your banty chickens for meat? or just the eggs? Pigeons might be another possibility. They are really good at foraging for themselves (that's why they are such pests in the city)- you just need to provide a little bit of scratch to coax them to come home at night.
It seems odd that you can't find a way to breed your pigs- I thought they were more common than that.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks lady! I wouldn't have known either but I otthe letter in the mail...
whats even sadder is the govt who voted to cut food staps reacently KEW we were getting a cut in food stamps us tin time for the winter and voted to cut them even further...what kind of monsters..if not for me...whatbaout peoples grandparents, people too old or sick to grow their own food, preserve, can ect...the poor in this country don't stand a chance if things keep going...
cut the food stamps while also trying to make it illegal (and making it harder) to grow an store your own food...
seems the goal is to remove the poor sickand elderly...keep the middle class struggling ust enough to "keep them in their place" and they get to sit on podeums eating steak rinking champagne and getting paid to throw tempertantrums...

*shakes head*

I also cant belive im having so much trouble fiding a stud for the girls...its insane...its not lik im being picky either, I don't care what AI myself but having neverdone it before im not entirely sure...and ive not realy notced signs of heat in either girl.
im thinking I might get rosemary butchered...keep sage (shes my fave anyway)...would cut that monthly cost in half at least.

Did manage to plant all 5 of the raspberry starts and some more of the strawberries too.
hoping to get my hands on some good blackberry plants now...
and then once the septic issue is sorted hopefully can get some blueberries and more fruit trees in...of the 8 I planeted only 3 are alive...guess you get what you pay for.
I figure the blueberries should do fairly well under the big pine...they don't shade the spot much at all and blueberries LOVE pine needle mulch...

id also like to get some "table" grape vines put in...i know where I want them...but in order to put them where I want them, ive got more fencing project to work on...

so gotta figure my project list. I need to keep focused, need to ep the goals in mind nd im thinking perennial herbs and berries are going to be my best bets for fruit as a log term.
planning to mix currants, various perennial herbs (mints, balms, chamomile and lavender primarily) and small berry like strawberry...
also thinking elderberry, hazelnut, mulberry and blackberry are all on the list...
and yes I know the mulberry is more "tree" than shrub ut im hoping to keep it trimed to a mangablesize and think I alreadyhave a spotin mind for it...
not yet sure o where my elderberries are going to go but I know I want 2-3 bushes and they like Sun too...seems everything I want to grow likes sun...and im kinds fairly shaded over ost the available property as its currently laid some ieas for modifying fencing that would give me some more planting space for a small tablegrape vineyard... and mabe een a couple small "grain" beds to grow something like quinoa which id eat a lot more of it if wernt so expensive LOL!.

ahh the thigns that run through the brain huh!?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well tire mountain is slowly becoming tire Hill.
my to do list stopped at getting the rabbits and goats
I got the raspberries in their new home and then started looking at the bed along the back deck that I put in...
well I used already weak wood from the old shed and after 2 years its falling apart so I decided screw it...and started digging...
I gently removed plants from the bed and moving dirt...1 tire at a time, fill and plant, dig fill plant lol.

ive still got a good 5 ft left to go...and ill have extra irt left over which is great as I can use that in other tires as I'm going along.
once ive got all the existing plants bedded down ill start to fill some of the empty spots with more strawberries.

I like it so far and as the creeing phlox and thyme fill in I don't think youll see the tires :D



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