SS projects, solar hot water design - Sunsaver's tech stuff


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
I could read some of that paper as is. Hubby always hated it when we read the newspaper at the same time. I'd be reading upside down and keeping up just fine.


I would need to download it and photoshop it. That's amazing that you can read upside down, DL! Ill try to get a better image up soon. Here's a schematic for the Bidini motor by John Bedini. He claims it is an over-unity device, but i am very skeptical about that. It would be interesting to build it and test it out though. Some researchers claimed that it put out the same amount of energy as put it, but also spins a wheel. Unless the wheel can do real work, i'd just call that very efficient electric art, and not a free energy machine.



Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
When you are used to reading stuff with other people, your eyes get used to seeing the print from all kinds of angles. Reading upside-down slows me down some. Backwards is more of a challenge.

Being able to make the system you did is much better. :clap


I think if were not for DL, all of my posts would have vanished into obscurity by now. I often wonder if anyone beyond our little community reads or cares about anything we say. How many people really care about being self sufficient, sustainable, or respectful of God's great creation? How many people are just self absorbed, and can go green or pollute at will, as long as they are accepted by the club? If burning the ancient bones of fossilized animals, and making the world a hotter place is the IN thing, then give me the biggest, most gas-guzzling SUV you've got! I'm ready to go all wicked Global Warming!
How many of our readers have real conviction? Do you really want to save the rain forests? Or could you care less if the world burst into flames right now? Do animals have souls, emotions, or rights? Or should we all be kept in zoos, tortured in circuses? I find that the things that most people place importance on are trivial. If you are falling from an airplane without a parachute, the last thing you should be worried about is how white your teeth are.
Wild animals belong in the wild. Humans should be more humane.
The Sterling engine combined with solar power may be an effective way for harnessing solar power after peak oil and multiple nuclear accidents have proven that solar power is the best choice of only four clean power technologies. Ironically we are stepping forward by stepping back in time to Aristotle's four primal forces: Geothermal (earth) , Windpower (Air), Hydroelectric (water), or Solar (fire). Every other form of energy or electricity production will have a waste product. Aristotle's primal forces are the free and clean energy sources of the future. Burning wood, for example, is like making a withdrawal from a carbon savings account. It can be replaced, but it will take time. Solar power is immediate. It's like a credit card bill that you will never have to pay. It always equals zero. Free energy from the ball of fire that our entire world orbits around. Priceless!
Here is a public domain photo of a Sterling engine from Wikipedia:


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
SS, sometimes when I see those commercials for whiter teeth, I think of how superficial some people must be. If you're going to judge me by how white my teeth are, then I don't really want to be involved w/you. Personally, I think many people are too concerned w/what doesn't really matter. Some of the most beautiful people I know would never win a beauty contest-their beauty comes from w/in.


Sorry about my rant. I just get so frustrated sometimes when i see so much injustice in the world, and serious threats to the environment, while everyone seems to be worried about who has the bigger car or who has the best fireworks display. The economy is about to collapse even worse than last time, and those idiots in congress BOTH OF THEM, are gambling with our future because of partisan politics. We want them to compromise and actually do something, but all they are doing is stealing the show when there is REAL news happening in other parts of the world. Our corporate bosses aren't exactly the brilliant and shining gods that they think they are. I've decided that i'm not going to watch any news, unless it has something to do with football. Go Saints!


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Well, where I came from you don't need a parachute to sky dive. BUT you do need a parachute to skydive a second time. :lol:
By the way, you gotta have teeth to worry about how white they are, right?


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Denim Deb said:
SS, sometimes when I see those commercials for whiter teeth, I think of how superficial some people must be. If you're going to judge me by how white my teeth are, then I don't really want to be involved w/you. Personally, I think many people are too concerned w/what doesn't really matter. Some of the most beautiful people I know would never win a beauty contest-their beauty comes from w/in.
I just chose tooth whitener as an example of the typical, self absorbed and insecure American, who is more concerned about being accepted by a social group, than they are about the safety of the group as a whole. If you knew that the social group you wanted to belong to was the same group that was about to be wiped out by an asteroid, you would (theoretically) be more concerned about the asteroid and the group awareness of the danger, than your own acceptance by the group. Psychologist call it altruism or self-sacrifice. I could have equally chosen "Hair Club for Men" Vanity knows no gender.
I consider myself a realist, not an alarmist. The facts of science should not be ignored. When 99% of independent scientists say that "I repeated the same results" and "we should try to avoid this disaster!" That's not a good time to stick your head in the sand!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I know, and I just picked up on that. I could care less about how white your teeth are, how much hair you have on your head, if you're driving the correct car, etc. That's not what's important.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Let's face it folks 98 % of the population (worldwide) are basically sheep. They like and do what marketing tells them to.

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