Suburban Off-grid living



CanadianDoomer said:
sunsaver said:
Just like to add a comment here. If i fell in love, and it was true love, and i added enough solar panels; i could always get my slightly used appliances out of the guest bedroom and hook them back up! And a word of warning for you guys who are married: i recommend a full rig of panels and a massive battery bank. If you throw out the washing machine and get your wife a washboard for chistmas, you'll probably get served with divorce papers!:lol:
You're serious? What an opinion you have of women. About a year ago, I started getting rid of my appliances - microwave, bread machine, blender. The only appliances I still have are my stove and fridge, a rarely used toaster, and two dehydrators. I do ALL cooking by hand, and all dishes are washed by hand, too.

I'd love a wash board. My "wish list" for this Christmas was a manual food grinder (I got the meat grinder last year). We're taking steps to go off-grid in the next year, and the first year, we will either have no electricity or very minimal (like 240-300 watts of panels). We just bought nine LED solar powered shed lights that we'll use as our household lights in the evening.

Don't assume all women are energy black holes. I would strangle my husband if he even considered "a full rig of panels and a massive battery bank."
Sorry for the stereotype, CD. In my experience, women like you and Marrianne are the exception and not the rule. Maybe it's because i live in a state where the big oil and gas companies own everything, including the minds of men and women. They pollute the Gulf of Mexico, then instead of helping the people whose lives they destroyed, they spend millions on pr campaigns and TV commercials. None of the women i've had in my life would be willing to live off the land in the organic, off-grid way that i do. Sorry if if seem cynical. I am. Sorry too, if i offended you. I know that there are plenty of women out there who care about the environment. It's just that most of them seem to live so far to the north of me! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And, many of them are on here! For me, it's the man that's the power hog. :/


Enjoys Recycling
Jul 29, 2011
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sunsaver said:
Sorry for the stereotype, CD. In my experience, women like you and Marrianne are the exception and not the rule. Maybe it's because i live in a state where the big oil and gas companies own everything, including the minds of men and women. They pollute the Gulf of Mexico, then instead of helping the people whose lives they destroyed, they spend millions on pr campaigns and TV commercials. None of the women i've had in my life would be willing to live off the land in the organic, off-grid way that i do. Sorry if if seem cynical. I am. Sorry too, if i offended you. I know that there are plenty of women out there who care about the environment. It's just that most of them seem to live so far to the north of me! :lol:
Hey, you're here! :D Awesome.

When you meet the right lady, she will LOVE the idea and challenge of living off-grid. I'm kind of fixated on the idea that we're running out of petroleum, and I'd like not to be caught unprepared.

Okay, so I want to know about your icebox. What is your set up? Offended? Meh. I mostly wanted to poke you in the ribs. :D


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Don't be fooled by this otherwise mild-mannered techno-shark from Louisiana, ladies. I know for a fact he probably answers a lot more Jeopardy Questions than he admits to...
The good news is that he is able to use sound scientific principles to investigate an idea and come up with a perfectly reasonable technical solution which is what he did to make his little place work down there in the Bayou!
C'mon there SS, give it up...we know you aren't all hooded brown robes and a bald spot with a rope tie...You can fool them cajuns but you can't fool us.
Trim sends



No computer yet, Marianne. Just popped into the library to see what was going on. A lot has changed for me. I have been diagnosed with advanced stage chirrosis of the liver. Years of heavy drinking have finally caught up with me. I have quit drinking, and i'm eating organic berries, nuts, and dark green leafy vegetables. I seem to be getting better. On friday i was swollen up like an oompa loompa. I thought i was going to die and made my peace with God. I did a lot of praying over the weekend.
I thought this was dead thread, but saw where you stuck up for me. So i thought i would chime in with my typical sort of smart@$$ remarks.


Icu4dzs said:
Don't be fooled by this otherwise mild-mannered techno-shark from Louisiana, ladies. I know for a fact he probably answers a lot more Jeopardy Questions than he admits to...
The good news is that he is able to use sound scientific principles to investigate an idea and come up with a perfectly reasonable technical solution which is what he did to make his little place work down there in the Bayou!
C'mon there SS, give it up...we know you aren't all hooded brown robes and a bald spot with a rope tie...You can fool them cajuns but you can't fool us.
Trim sends
"Guilty, your Honor." As soon as i get better, hoping i do, i still plan to build that solar powered freezer. The perfect oxymoron. Take that, big oil!


CanadianDoomer said:
When you meet the right lady, she will LOVE the idea and challenge of living off-grid. I'm kind of fixated on the idea that we're running out of petroleum, and I'd like not to be caught unprepared.

Okay, so I want to know about your icebox. What is your set up? Offended? Meh. I mostly wanted to poke you in the ribs. :D
It worked. Nice to meet you, CD! :welcome


Lovin' The Homestead
May 19, 2011
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sunsaver, I know a man who got not one, but TWO liver transplants after he had alcohol-induced chirrosis. He had to stop drinking entirely for, I think, one year to get on the list. I hope you are not that far gone, but even if you are, don't give up hope. It's been 15 years since Leonard's first transplant, and he's still kickin'.

I'm glad to see you here, and I, too am desperate to hear about your icebox.

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