Sufficient Self Journal Section

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Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
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Beekissed said:
I think the journals can be an important learning tool for those who document their progress in this SS effort. They can also show others the results of trying this or that method. They help one document the improvement of their knowledge base by showing it all in one place....sort of a sounding board, a collection of SS experiences, a documentation of a journey.

I also think one can become a little too comfortable revealing their lives on these journals and it leaves you open to attack from mean people who have no interest in the actual purpose of this forum. This is the reason I removed mine.

I think if we could have more categories involving the individual interests of some groups on the forum where they can document their learning curve on certain kefir, livestock husbandry and food animals, beekeeping, specific nutritional discussions, gardening, etc that it may encourage people to place more info there instead of in their journals.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Quail_Antwerp said:
I'm not sure what he meant either, but I've also been thinking today of maybe asking Nifty if we could have the journal section here viewable by members only - because so many of us DO talk about things that are, well, personal.

I wanted to talk about something in my journal today, and removed it, because I realized that anyone can read our journals on here, and not just members.

Most of us have developed friendships here, and we come to vent, get advice, or just let a load off. I am not comfortable discussing most recent events in the public format for fear that someone will read it that I don't want to read it.

Hope I'm making sense. :/
Good afternoon,
You make perfect sense and I would have thought what I wrote made equally good sense. I guess some folks don't understand the motivation for what I said so here goes.:hide

Obviously, there is some concern regarding my statement about "leaving some discussions "at home". Since Ldychef2k was open-minded enough to ask and not assume, I will basically re-iterate my reasoning for the group that I sent her in a PM.

Additionally, there are unfortunately, folks who "gather information" about others and use it for their own nefarious purposes among which Identity theft comes to mind immediately. One of my friends who is a "computer expert" informed me that everything ever written on the internet is STILL THERE! You can't get rid of it. So if you say something you'd rather not have thrown back in your face at some time, such issues may be best discussed "at home" rather than on the internet".

There are some subjects that just don't seem appropriate for use on the Internet and Quail's statement above tends to emphasize that point quite well.

There are a huge volume of places on the internet where people get into big arguments and behave abominably. Many of the posts that I have read here mention how folks have turned away from BYC because of that type of thing. It seems to me that this forum has maintained an air of dignity and respectability both for each other and for those around us "at home". I see it as a good chance to avoid hurting folks "at home" by airing complaints and "personal stuff" in this forum.

The reason I like writing in this forum is that folks have stuck to the intended topic of "self-sufficiency." Once you get off topic, then the issues go all over the place and often cause folks to be offended and hurt. What is the sense in that?

What I said in my post was that there were certain topics that cause folks to act reprehensibly no matter where they are or who they are and for what ever reason, those topics are probably better left "at home" rather than publishing them on the Forum for others to see. Like I said, in the lodge room, when men don't discuss "politics, religion or women" they really have no topic that engenders rancor as those three topics and so the time there is spent in "peace and harmony" It is my belief (and mine alone I suppose) that this approach would be a good one here as well.

Since the members of the forum appear to have a significant proportion of women, it would seem that the same holds true...don't discuss "politics, religion or men" since everyone has very strong feelings and opinions about those three subjects and getting anyone to agree on them is similar to "herding cats"....ya just can't do it successfully.

I have spent much of my life attempting to learn and become self sufficient. I am not there yet, but am much closer than I was 5 years ago and certainly much closer than I was before "9/11". Since "9/11" folks appear to find my opinions on preparedness and self sufficiency quite a bit less "whacko" then they did before 9/11. However, since last summer, I have enjoyed many meals that came only from my farm, and no where else.

So in summary, if we stick to the purpose of the forum, and avoid subjects that cause rancor and discord, we will always enjoy the time we spend here and not think that this too, has become embroiled in some annoying issues that "turn folks off".:thumbsup
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Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
That was a very thoughtful and comprehensive explanation and it does sound nice having peace and harmony....we all want that, I would think.

However, avoiding topics that seem to spin off in the wrong direction is a little drastic.

For some of us, separating any part of our lives from the presence of our worship is very difficult. It is an integral part of why we are living in this manner, who we are and why we take joy in our lives.

To leave that out of our discussions entirely would be like eating food without salt or seasoning, dancing without music, never touching another human wouldn't be worth even posting here.

If I couldn't thank God publicly for my life and the things He provides in it, our love for each other and how it affects every facet of my life, I might as well not even be posting. I would be a mooncast shadow of myself and not worth a second thought.

I used to feel the way you do about not discussing politics and religion...and I still feel that way about politics, I must confess. But to never mention our religion would be like denying it is a part of our lives.

We have managed to have civil and reasonable discussions on this forum without having major flair ups and it shows a measure of our maturity and intelligence that we are able to do so. People who cannot agree to disagree or feel the need to take a stand or make a statement should be privately and strongly advised to nip it in the bud by the moderators.

To stop all of the discussions on important issues such as these would inhibit our learning and growing here on the SS forum. You say they have no place or meaning for this type of forum and I feel they are an integral part of our decision making about this type of lifestyle. Of course politics affects us in this. Of course our faith sways our resolve to maintain a self-reliant all goes hand in hand.

Do I want the freedom to mention my faith? Yes, I do. Do I wish to debate the merits of my faith with someone? No, I do not. Discussing and debating are two very different things, IMO. I agree that some things should not become a debate....subjects like abortion, disciplining children, religion, politics, animal welfare, etc.

People only learn appropriate behaviour by being given the chance to display it...or not. You never really get too old to learn.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Actually I think being respectful of other people's beliefs is one thing we do especially well around here! I think most people DO feel free to express their beliefs without worry or criticisms. :cool:

There have been a few toes accidentally stepped on, but with a bit of a gentle reminder things have usually been gently smoothed back to place. It amazes me quite often how many different religions (and lack of religions) there are here and yet we are SO alike and seem to share so many ideals.

I wish more communities could work together like ours does. :hugs :love


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
Farmfresh said:
Actually I think being respectful of other people's beliefs is one thing we do especially well around here! I think most people DO feel free to express their beliefs without worry or criticisms. :cool:

There have been a few toes accidentally stepped on, but with a bit of a gentle reminder things have usually been gently smoothed back to place. It amazes me quite often how many different religions (and lack of religions) there are here and yet we are SO alike and seem to share so many ideals.

I wish more communities could work together like ours does. :hugs :love
I agree. Few forums can hold together this well without heavy moderation. Dog training forums seem to be especially bad, lol. I love the variety of opinions here on all topics. I think I've only seen one thread that truly went badly, although I've seen a lot of respectful disagreements!


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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tortoise said:
Farmfresh said:
Actually I think being respectful of other people's beliefs is one thing we do especially well around here! I think most people DO feel free to express their beliefs without worry or criticisms. :cool:

There have been a few toes accidentally stepped on, but with a bit of a gentle reminder things have usually been gently smoothed back to place. It amazes me quite often how many different religions (and lack of religions) there are here and yet we are SO alike and seem to share so many ideals.

I wish more communities could work together like ours does. :hugs :love
I agree. Few forums can hold together this well without heavy moderation. Dog training forums seem to be especially bad, lol. I love the variety of opinions here on all topics. I think I've only seen one thread that truly went badly, although I've seen a lot of respectful disagreements!
i'll third that.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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There are a huge volume of places on the internet where people get into big arguments and behave abominably.
There are flare-ups, but the moderators take care of it :D

Many of the posts that I have read here mention how folks have turned away from BYC because of that type of thing.
BYC is the size of a small town! I never have a problem with BYC because I know to stay out of the Random Rambling section if I am in a mood :p I have read several "I am taking my ball and going home" type posts on BYC and I really don't get it. The topics are clearly marked. If something annoys you, stay out of that thread and stop being such a freaking drama queen!

It amazes me quite often how many different religions (and lack of religions) there are here and yet we are SO alike and seem to share so many ideals.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 19, 2010
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The journals have been very helpful for me in learning new things, getting advice, tracking my progress. Before I post, I always remind myself it is a journal, not a diary.

SS is the most pleasant, respectful forum I have ever seen. That's the main reason I'm here. Reading the journals is truly an inspiration for people just getting started. I hope they continue.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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Bee has spoken for me eloquently. I have quietly departed many forums over the years when the rules of moderation encompassed religious intolerance.

John 19:40 says that if those who love the Lord are forbidden or rebuked for doing so, even the rocks will cry out in His praise. Speaking of Him and who He is in my life is who I am and what I do. If I am forbidden to be who I am, I do not belong. No drama. Just priorities.

I would very much appreciate knowing in a timely fashion if the moderator is intent on enforcing the "no discussion of religion" aspect of the rule introduced above.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Ldychef2k I would very much appreciate knowing in a timely fashion if the moderator is intent on enforcing the "no discussion of religion" aspect of the rule introduced above.
Again, it appears that we have become confused between the acknowlegement of G*d and the concept of "religion". If one confuses spirituality and a firm belief in G*d (as we are apparently seeing increase in this country) the ability to discuss it becomes more difficulty. When I say "religion" I am referring to the "political party's" of what is commonly referred to as "denomination". No one here is suggesting that we not give thanks to G*d from whom all our blessings are derived. The issue remains the political differences related to "denomination". Many's the day I have been told that because I do NOT subscribe to the "denomination" of the individual speaking to me that my soul is condemned for eternity. Nothing could be more absurd but there are "denominations" that teach this principle.

In my original post, I mentioned the Masons. There is a clear difference between religion and a belief in G*d. All who wish to become a Mason MUST believe in G*d. We keep an open Bible on the altar when lodge is in session and we all, regardless of religious denomination recognize and respect Our Supreme Architect of the Universe.

There is a difference. Men who are Masons may be from any religious background but the specific religious denomination is avoided. Consider what happened with Martin Luther and the Reformation. Consider what happened with the "Church of England and Henry VIII" and the Pope. Or John Wesly. Those are exactly the issues that are best left out. Certainly it would be far from me to fail to show proper respect and deference to G*d. I just think the political issues are best avoided so no one fights.

There is little doubt that any of us who raise a garden and have a deep respect for all living things, would ever be so naive and ignorant as to deny the blessings afforded us by G*d. What I have recommended is staying away from the issues of difference that cause rancor and disharmony. Doing that is what leaves us free to enjoy it here.

Hope this clarifies what I have been recommending to the situation.
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