The xXx Gloom & Doom Report


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
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Maryville, Tennessee
Wannabefree said:
~gd said:
Now that is funny. The local store has large whites on sale at 99c/doz if you buy 2. You do know that natural chickens always cut back production when the days get short. Factory chickens they just fool with the lights.
Someone needs to inform my chickens, they've actually upped production in time for the holidays :D I am so proud!!!
The first winter I had chickens, I was so proud. Everyone was crying over no eggs and mine never stopped. They slowed down the next year and this year, they're on strike. I think they're doing the Occupy the hen house routine. I tell them everyday, "you can be replaced" and they just snicker and peck.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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i_am2bz said:
I thought I would add this, regarding the budget deficit, because I'm not a trained economist & I thought this (if true) helps put things in perspective.

Our local newscast reported that if the federal budget was boiled down to a family household level, it would be equivalent to the following: A household with an income of $21,000/year spends $35,000/year, going into debt $14,000/year. The Supercommittee had the task of finding cuts of $380 from the family budget.

:th :ep :barnie :duc
you know you hear numbers like and think. what the??

how will it ever balance? how will it ever 'come back to normal'

normal is changing. it has too. of course we being more SS the normal won't change 'too much'


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
It's simply mind-boggling. How will it ever be paid back without a horrific amount of pain? Benefits will need to be cut to the bone & taxes will sky-rocket. I don't see any other way. And every day that passes the hole gets deeper & deeper.... :(


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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yea the 'we need to act now' is put off because truly I do think the 'powers' that be can find a real solution that will work long term.

it is a vicious cycle that in the end is going to be catastrophic for the economy worldwide.

but isn't that why we prep? to be sure we can make it thru those 2-3-4 years of super horrible times to come in the economy?
it is for me. I want to know if it falls apart I can make those years of OW, WOW, and HOLY COW! so far I am close to that so I have to say I have a tad of piece of mind.

but so many won't. The fallout of all this will be tough and rough to the level of hurting good people so badly. wow


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Ow, Wow and Holy Cow... I had to laugh, sorry. Not a funny topic at all, I just never heard it like that!

But on the rest of it? Sounds like it's time to plan on expanding the garden again. We can't take care of a lot of stuff, but we can sure take care of ourselves, huh.

Re: the chickens? Here, we occasionally have the 'chicken and noodle talk'. Me and the hens.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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last year I didn't do a personal garden cause I was sick of farming.

So many gave me tons of produce. We are country, we ALL garden around here, everyone has of leftovers to be handed out at harvest time.
I took alot from everyone but not my normal load.

I am using up pantry items.

So next spring, my own garden is happening. I am not getting caught short.


Power Conserver
Dec 1, 2011
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I saw a show on history channel a week or 2 ago, that really made me listen- they had leading experts in oil, water quality, financial,and some others super important fields. The point was to see what was our most pressing concern. Water quality in the whole country is below bad- bet you didn't know that! All of Americas water sources are contaminated beyond consumtion- so they just change the quality standards! The economy is on the edge of collapse as we do know-but do you realize how serious it is? In a year or 2 we may be in an Armageddon senerio. Oil- we have used half of the world's supply in 180 years and our consumption is going up not down- we will be without alot of things if our economy survives. I didn't know that everything I use is petroleum based. Even laundry soap! Not just the plastic- the actual soap! So im going to stop there b/c I dont want to butcher what was actually said to much- oh but the end of the show they couldn't decide what was truly the most important thing to handle first-came down to government doing their job correctly and water. So we need to learn to live of our land-get some if you dont have any- and learn to make and do all the things you can't live without,learn to hunt if you dont, grow food, purify dirty water, stock up on guns- when America falls, its going to be a bad thing, people will become evil to get food to survive, and meet your neighbors! And get to know them- you will need to band together for protection of your resources. This is truly not that far off. I'm not a doomsday-ER but this is real and we need to stock up, and get ready. History also did a show yesterday on Armageddon situation and what to expect- think the book of eli- very similar- but the focus was more of survival, we will probably still have our bibles! But it looked alot like that, scavengers, gangs, even the roads blocked with cars, lots of killing, so I am trying to get us prepare a bit, we just got our 10 acres and are going to garden and can next year. Oh and expect to plow the old way-if you are lucky enough to have an old plow,horse and harness! So stock up on things you have to live with-without electricity. I didn't read all the posts here, but I think this is truly gloom and doom! Oh and then add on we will probably be invaded by other world powers- that hasn't been addresses, but we have a lot of land and resources, and when we fall, we loose our defendes, and someone will come in and take over. And we will not only lose our freedoms, but maybe even more! I would like to say I hope France gets here first! We may be forced out of our religion-stand up for GodI no matter what! But many won't, we won't have anything as a country, b/c we will be so occupied with protecting and feeding our families. Meat will be scarce and the land won't be as good, won't produce as much. Become friends with someone who has medical knowledgs- a scratch may kill us without access to medical care. So when the looting starts, his the pharmacy and get what you can, find distillers, and sources of power will lie in the hands of those who have the food and the big guns! So think little house on the prairie! So at least stock up on books that tell you how to live as they did. May save you and your family!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I'm not convinced it will be QUITE as bad as that, but it will still be bad.
The 4 main things you need to have are:
Shelter- try to reduce your mortgage as fast as possible. Now is NOT the time to have your home foreclosed.
Food - 6 months minimum stocked up, a year is better. Try to have a garden at the minimum, fruit and nut trees, and small livestock would be good.
Water - at 1 gallon per person per day, a minimum of a week's worth in storage (even if you have a well or spring handy- something like an earthquake could contaminate those sources). Also a filter of some sort
Defense - get a gun if you can, and learn how to use it. minimum of 500 rounds for it. Body armor could save you in a home invasion. Get a GOOD steel door with a strong frame, and burglar bars for your windows, or at least security film.

Secondary items to have-
Heat and Cooking - If you use electricity or gas to heat and cook, get a back up system in place
Light - candles, oil and lamps, flashlights (a solar charger for the batteries would be good)
Medical - herbal knowledge, first aid items, antibiotics with the instruction for how and when to use them. A couple of excellent books to have would be "Where There Is No Doctor" and "Where There Is No Dentist". Face masks to protect you from things like pandemics, and lots of soap and hand sanitizer for hygiene.
Be Fit - If you are carrying extra weight around, lose it. Get yourself fit and strong- if you are going to be living a la 19th century you will have to work HARD.
Entertainment - I know this sounds frivolous, but you need to have something to relax with- a hobby, books, something. All the preps in the world won't help if you drop dead from a heart attack brought on by stress.


Power Conserver
Dec 1, 2011
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You may be right, but it may be worse, you have to remember the human factor- we always mess things up. Some people will handle it fine but other lose their humanity for a little while. Thanks for the list- its very nice to have it layer out well! Don't forget, old books before 1923 are free on your kindle. I found one that I need to reread just for some knowledge for my current ventures. But it tells you how to live in 19th century, lots of make due type stuff. It was called the frugal American housewife. There are a few things like this in the Amazon book list. Survival guides are important, but knowing how to make lye for soap is too, survival guide won't tell you that! There are recipes, shortcuts, and living off of what you have. Although when my kindle dies it does me no good in a bad situation- so get hardbacks. We will absolutely need these resources- if it is that bad, and if its not- knowledge will be power, your survival rates will be significantly higher if you make the first few weeks.


Power Conserver
Dec 1, 2011
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Oh forgot to say, it depends on what happens first- if gov. Falls, there will be riots and angry people acting crazy. If it is a disease pandemic, people won't be so outgoing at first, but scavengers will risk it so steal from wherever they can, especially in cities. Bigger the worse-b/c no resources. If there is a following invasion from another country, we are more likely to band together to fight a common enemy. But regardless, if we are as individual families, and every stranger, and probably some who aren't, are dangerous to us. We will be in a scary situation. But if we can band together, we are social butterflies are we not? We will do better by sharing knowledge of survival techniques, share the work that needs doing, and can protect each other. Those who loose control of their own thoughts will be the most dangerous, even in your own home,