It's official


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I lost 31 lbs hy moving 3 1/2 miles in the middle of July here in southern IL. I went to my 6 month check-up with my doctor. My doctor is also my friend but I've been so busy I haven't seen him since my last doctor's visit. He's a real joker... He walks in the room and said oh sorry sir I that you were someone else. Then he said who's this new lean guy? Wow your looking great, but are you sick? What's with the weight loss? I proceeded to tell him about the move and the new place and all the work that comes along with it. Then he said so what your telling me is I can cancel my membership at the gym now and just come out and work at your place now instead? He said all this exercise sure has paid off... But we do need to have a serious talk.

Then he proceeded to tell me that my blood pressure is all whacky (way to high he said). Then he explained to me what could happen if it's not regulated. Kidneys aren't meant to operate at high pressure, eye problems, heart attack, man organ problems (ED) and he asked me how I have been feeling. I said great man, best I've felt in a long time. I pulled up my shirt and said look I'm two belt holes smaller. He laughed... Then he proceeded to tell me all about how he doesn't take a lot if stock in office blood pressure readings but noticed I was running high the last few visits. And how he told my wife to get a blood pressure machine and have me take it daily at home. Then he pulled out pieces of notebook paper out if my file that my wife wrote down my numbers and the dates and gave to him. He said you do realize these are consistently too high don't you and these are not office numbers, these are numbers from home.

Then the doctor conversation started... How's your urine stream? Well now that you mention it pretty poor doc and your heart do you feel like your heart is racing sometimes when your resting? Well yes I said and how's your attitude are you short tempered? Your wife says you are. I didn't answer... This guy has me pinned and I'm just about ready to say can we fix it? But before I could get the words out, He said, I'm going to prescribe blood pressure medication and take it like clockwork, this is very important once a day, every 24 hours like clockwork. He was as serious as I ever seen him before. He said the reading my nurse just took scares me and your wife numbers if you confirmed my suspicion. This office visit was a Godsend. You take this medication everyday like clockwork ok? I said ok I promise I will.

He then said it may have the side effect of giving you less energy, while your body gets used to the new pressure but that should go away in time. I can't regulated it to much to fast but let's see how you do with this prescription and we may need to adjust more over time. Callnme if you become to groggy or become incapacitated.

I've taken the medication two days now. My Lord the first day, it seemed like I just couldn't get fully awake, no matter how much coffee I drank. My fingers were numb all day long, my joints we're hurting I was feeling pretty bad. This morning i'm feeling a little better, but I must have turned my alarms off because my wife woke me up at 9:00. I'm used to getting up at 7:00 every morning just like clockwork.

Right now I'm wired and can't sleep. Its right about now I would say the heck with this medicine and stop taking it. But I made a promise to not only my friend but to my doctor and my wife made me promise her also. She told my kids and they made me promise to them that I would take the medication also. I have to say... This is a personal fight now but I'm going to get through this and continue the medication. The last thing I want is a bunch of medical problems because I'm stubborn. But even worse would be promises broken to those I love so much.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
🤔 Blood pressure can show & have some serious problems. Do keep a check on it!! Monitor it. Once regulated, you will feel better, even if you thought you didn't have issues before. High is not good.

Here, I have low pressure and always have. That is something I need to watch with hydration. Most often mine is low 90s/60s. When it goes lower, the dizzy and memory comes off. Also, low blood sugar. I find watching my diet is paramount. You may want to look into your eating habits......even skipping a meal can trigger me -- or too much snacking of the wrong (but best tasting, like cookies) can cause problems. No meds needed but, know the feeling.

Talk with a nutritionist. That may help, also.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
My doc finally talked me into blood pressure meds 3 years ago. WE had to up it once, but now my numbers are acceptable. Maybe a tad high, but not enough to warrant a med change. Losing weight would help, but I am really having a problem doing that. Guess I need to get out and work on the homestead more.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier
Make sure you get enough sleep as well. That effects blood pressure. The doctor got on my husband for skipping on sleep. His home BP readings tell me when he didn't go to bed like he should. It's a noticeable difference.

Just one of those odd things that effect other things. Like how being sick raises your blood sugar.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Guess things come in threes, eh? (You, me, and @Chic Rustler ) Just got back from my cardiologist, heart rate consistently too high. I actually get to cut back on my BP meds, must drink more water, and cut leaded coffee back to 50/50. However, all other indicators look great. This getting old thing.......ugh


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Guess things come in threes, eh? (You, me, and @Chic Rustler ) Just got back from my cardiologist, heart rate consistently too high. I actually get to cut back on my BP meds, must drink more water, and cut leaded coffee back to 50/50. However, all other indicators look great. This getting old thing.......ugh
What a drag it is getting old!


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
I will also suggest that if you have ever used a chiropractor, to get back to going for an adjustment more regularly. Mine has gotten my blood pressure "readjusted" a few times.... your spine affects all the other things in your system.
Also, mine told me that if a person wasn't a drinker or a smoker, that as we get older, that the "acceptable numbers" are just too low for normal people. He said that you take your age and add 100 .... that should be the limit of the top number before you start to get worried.... the bottom number should be about half of that. I have run the gamut of 190/90 to 123/70 but stay more in the range of 150-160/80-84.... Higher than my PCP wants, but my chiropractor said that some is my body's reaction to the constant pain in the knees too. I am 30 + lbs overweight.... the drs at Duke orthopedics that did my ankle replacement said that it could be worse and that I am not "obese"... Yes, I need to lose weight.... and it hurts to walk so that doesn't get done like I used to walking the pastures with the cows.

I refuse the PCP wanting to put me on blood pressure meds, wanting me to get the flu shot and the shingles shot and the pneumonia..... I am trying to keep my immune system healthy, and trying in small ways to drop a few pounds... started with a bicycling thing sitting, that helps the knees by working them without the gravity weight on them. I did it before and got away from it with the ankle replacement... but it is doing fantastic.... so time to get back to some other stuff. I am also doing all sorts of "extra stuff" with the new house and moving in the next few months....
I commend you for the weight loss. I would definitely suggest a nutritionist.... A COMPLETE blood work up with all the micro stuff; especially minerals.... might show something out of whack that can be affecting everything. And might be able to give you a few ideas to tweak the dietary end so that you can get it down more naturally.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 27, 2019
Reaction score
Central Indiana
. My Lord the first day, it seemed like I just couldn't get fully awake, no matter how much coffee I drank. My fingers were numb all day long, my joints we're hurting I was feeling pretty bad.
You mentioned the dr said you would feel groggy. Did he also say numbness and joint pain would be side affects too? To me that sounds like something you should keep him apprised of, just in case they are a sign of something. But if he said those would happen and then go away, just ignore me, lol.