Recent content by 20chicks

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    Plants sprouting but not growing much

    What zone are you in? Here in zone 5 we've just begun planting in our cold frame.
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    Instant Pot?

    What I like about the Instant Pot is that it can replace multiple small appliances. What I don't like is the size of it. The outside compared to the holding capacity. It didn't seem worth it to me. I still think I want a pressure cooker though.
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    Recipe Templates?

    Sound delish! I've wondered what one does with peanut butter powder.
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    Recipe Templates?

    Not what I was looking for but I found this:
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    Recipe Templates?

    Thanks all and lovely to see someone else from NY!
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    Recipe Templates?

    Thanks. I might be able to use that but what I was thinking of - and didn't word correctly was measurement proportions of basic recipes. For example Muffins; 2 C flour, 1 egg, __sugar, __baking powder/soda...then you could add in whatever you wanted. It gave the proportions for many different...
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    Recipe Templates?

    Hi, new here from Upstate NY. Somewhere (I think in a book) I saw a collection of what I can only call recipe templates that had the basic measurements for all kinds of things; quick breads, salad dressings etc. Boes this sound familiar to anyone?