Recent content by amarook

  1. amarook

    For REAL!??????
  2. amarook

    How to know if your deep litter method is working...

    Oh I hear ya! I have plans for mine too. But that would be a good way of dealing with it for someone who was maybe older and couldn't really handle the shoveling anymore and still wanted to keep chickens... Or someone who doesn't care to use it for anything. :D
  3. amarook

    Garden help... What plants to Deer NOT like?

    The neighbor behind me feeds them. I don't know if he does it all year, or only in the winter. When I saw this... I knew that any garden I was gonna have was going to have to be protected. :/ My BF kept saying, if only I had a bow. lol My bro-in-law said "I'll be up with my rifle after...
  4. amarook

    Garden help... What plants to Deer NOT like?

    My next door neighbor does that. My Rott/Lab Oskar found that out the hard way. We had just started staying here I was throwing the frisbee for him. (Otherwise he's NEVER loose.) And something distracted him. He went running into the neighbor's yard. He must have not seen the wire, but WE...
  5. amarook

    Garden help... What plants to Deer NOT like?

    I'm new to gardening. This year I won't be able to have a full garden like I would like to because we have a lot of deer around here. I don't want to plant a lot of stuff only for them to eat it. So I was thinking about maybe growing just a few things that maybe Deer won't bother so much. I...
  6. amarook

    How to know if your deep litter method is working...

    I read a great idea as far as cleaning out a coop, especially when using the deep litter system. The author said they couldn't believe it when they were at a nursery and saw bagged chicken manure (I'm sure it was processed somehow. ) for gardeners to use. "People pay for this stuff?!?!?" So...
  7. amarook

    The Self-Sufficient Skills thread (new name, old thread!)

    This is a neat idea. :) We just moved to our new home last fall. This spring I will be attempting to do a lot more SS things. (Now that we have a large yard.) For example, we have our very first chickens. They are 4 weeks old. I can't wait to have our own eggs. The jury is still out as far as...
  8. amarook

    Anybody Have A Whole House Fan?

    We had one in the house where I grew up. Pittsburgh, Pa. Summers get REALLY humid sometimes. For humidity, you need the ac... (At least my mom did. :) ) But on days when it was just hot, and not too humid, the fan was wonderful. :D