Recent content by chicklunatic

  1. chicklunatic

    Materials for the self sufficient?

    I was wondering if you could tell me how you go about having your own business dealing with soaps and things. I wanted to start small so as not to loose too much money if nothing sells. I would like to deal with chapsticks and small salves and lotions etc. Can I just sell these type of things...
  2. chicklunatic

    Selling homemade salves and lip balms????

    I was wondering whether or not a person can just begin selling homemade salves and such. Or is there some sort of regulation or guidlines I would have to follow? I am mainly looking at selling locally.
  3. chicklunatic

    Materials for the self sufficient?

    Thanks everyone! Finally got some beeswax--inorder to make a recipe for lip balm and such that I found on this sight. Unfortunately I wrote it down and (the organizationbuff that I am) I lost it. Now I can't find it on here either! Anybody have any good recipes?
  4. chicklunatic

    Materials for the self sufficient?

    Well, thanks for the welcome! I stumbled upon the forums when looking for somewhere to ask questions about my new little chicks! I am enjoying the topics and helpful responses! :frow
  5. chicklunatic

    Materials for the self sufficient?

    Thanks so much...I don't live near anything, so I thought looking online would be best. There is one health food store about two hours from us that I may check out sometime, but for now I will check out the online suggestions! :thumbsup
  6. chicklunatic

    Materials for the self sufficient?

    I am looking online for a place to order things like beeswax and other ingredients to making your own soaps and lotions. Any suggestions? :hu