Recent content by Duker17

  1. D

    Crime in your area?

    Our house was broken into over the summer. Luckily they caught the guys and we got most of our stuff back, but it put us on high alert!
  2. D

    Hatch with me: WHODAT?

    Yaaaayy!! Incubators are so addicting though....Mine is running constantly! Good luck with your 12, hopefully they all hatch out baby girls!!
  3. D

    carry question for women with their CCP

    I took the class back in Aug, although I haven't went and actually got my permit yet. Our instructor said there are some pretty cool purses made for carrying, but quite pricey! I would probably carry in my purse though, my pockets definitely aren't large enough and I'm not sure I would want it...
  4. D

    Xmas bonus.... help me spend it wisely

    I just got one a few months ago and I LOVE IT! I waited until I had a 20% off coupon and they were offering free shipping so I got the heavy duty 425 (?) Watt 5 quart for about $250, PLUS food chopper with a mail in rebate. However, I think you should buy what will either be most useful...
  5. D

    Duker17.....Got Goats!!! Pics Added

    :D I think they are pretty awesome! I've got to thank you LOTS for all the help and advice you provided!
  6. D

    Help me design my barn

    Sounds like a great plan then! I would maybe be a bit concerned about 8x10 stalls, that's pretty small. However, if they are not going to be spending much time in there it doesn't matter as much. Dairy calves are always kept in smaller pens than that, so no worries there! We're going to be...
  7. D

    Help me design my barn

    Will your cows be in there all the time, or just while milking, or? Are you going to have any garage-type doors? Do you have a storage area for feed, tools etc? Have you considered having an overhang on one or both sides?
  8. D

    Duker17.....Got Goats!!! Pics Added

    Our pasture turned to mud after the drought this year killed all the grass! That's why we traded a horse for goats....cheaper to feed and I still have plenty of horses to ride!
  9. D

    Hello from Northern Virginia!

    Hello from Missouri!:welcome
  10. D

    Duker17.....Got Goats!!! Pics Added

    I would love a milk cow, but I think that will wait a few years until we can move. This land has a horrible layout and lots of wasted space, so even though we have 13 acres, only half of that is functional at the moment. So I will enjoy my goats until then!
  11. D

    Duker17.....Got Goats!!! Pics Added

    I can't wait!!!! Although I'm glad I have plenty of time to get everything set up and perfect, especially considering this was a bit of a "spur of the moment" kinda trade. Had less than a week's notice that I might be getting goats, and about 24 hours notice to go pick them up. It's been a...
  12. D

    Duker17.....Got Goats!!! Pics Added

    Got some pictures of my Goaties!! Meet... Marshmallow and Spice! Spice has a bit of an under-bite. It wouldn't hardly be noticeable except for her pulling her bottom lip down to show it off....I think she looks like a grumpy old man without his dentures in!
  13. D your herd pics here! **Dial-up Warning**

    I agree! I would love to see new pics!
  14. D

    What are you having for your Christmas meal this year?

    We do the "typical" turkey, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, etc. But I can't complain, we drive to Illinois to visit my parents and family so I don't have to do much of the cooking! Plus it looks like the weather is going to be decent this year for the 7 hour drive. Double bonus!