Recent content by sdwolfden

  1. sdwolfden

    Making sugar... is it possible?

    Thanks again for all of the information and input. I have decided to try sorghun in the LL lower pature this spring. Of course, I'll have to protect it from the deer but I think I might have that figuired out. Since sorghum can grow this far north, it seems like the "best" alternitive...
  2. sdwolfden

    SufficientSelf's Chicken Thread!!!

    Just ran acrossed this thread and thought I' through in my two cents. My SO, Marie, has been pestering me for sometime to get some chickens, so this spring I caved in. My landlord was no big help in detering her since he is now too cripled up with old age ailments to keep chickens himself. He...
  3. sdwolfden

    Making sugar... is it possible?

    Thanks for all the great input everyone. I think I may have made a newbie error, and somewhat "hijacked/misdirected" the idea of what I was trying to accomplish when I started this thread. If I can expand on what I am trying to get at....Certain commodities such as sugar, salt, flour, ect...
  4. sdwolfden

    warring with the dear...

    I can come up with two ideas for you. You could lay a 2 foot wide strip of chicken wire outside of your existing fence. lay it flat on the ground and stake it down. Deer don't like to step on the wire because it bothers their feet. It may keep them back away from the fence far enough to keep...
  5. sdwolfden

    Keeping my feet warm in the winter

    When I hunt in cold weather, I put on a pair of knee high nylons (it's a trick to find ones that fit me:)) and put on a pair of cotton socks to wick away the moisture before putting on my boots. I can sit or walk in sub freezing weather without too much problem with feet getting wet and...
  6. sdwolfden

    New member introduction, I guess

    Good idea about the electric fence. Another idea I have heard to keep deer out is to lay chicken wire flat on the ground and stake it down. The deer don't like to step on the wire as it bothers their hooves so the will avoid the area.
  7. sdwolfden

    Making sugar... is it possible?

    Hi Denim Deb, nice to meet you. I have found that diet does help greatly in controlling my sugar. I am an "old farm boy" originally from Wisconsin, the dairy state. I have always have eaten butter, used lard for cooking and believe that the more fat on the meat, the more flavor it has. My...
  8. sdwolfden

    Anyone hand wash their clothes?

    The house we live in has no hope of ever getting a hook up for a modern washer and dryer because it doesn't have the wiring need for them. This may not be considered as hand washing, but I went to a local antique shop and bought an old wringer washer, electric, for $28. I took it home and took...
  9. sdwolfden

    Using the whole deer

    most of the things that have been suggested I have thought of and done. Here a few other things that I have done. Some of the other entrails , such as lungs, stomach and instetines can be cleaned and used to feed omnivore livestock like chickens and pigs. We have done this for our chickens...
  10. sdwolfden

    Making sugar... is it possible?

    I happen to be hypoglysemic so I use about twice as much sugar as most people. As a household we use around 15 to 20 lbs per month.
  11. sdwolfden

    Making sugar... is it possible?

    hey, BarredBuff Thanks for such a quick response. I live in the Black Hills of Western South Dakota. We have very little crop or wild flowering plants right here. People around here have tried to keep honey bees, but can't establish colonies because of the lack of food sources for the bees...
  12. sdwolfden

    Making sugar... is it possible?

    I had a unique idea but I'm not sure if it's even possible for me in my situation. I have a NEED for sugar above most people. Store bought sugar is a major draw back since I have to buy it because of my need. Honey is one alternative but where we live, bees would starve to death for lack of...
  13. sdwolfden

    New member introduction, I guess

    Hi all, Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm glad to see there are at least some others here that are in the same "rental boat" as we are. Wasn't expecting to answer questions, having to try to explain our situation, but I'm more than happy to. so lucky and DianeS.... We live in a very small...
  14. sdwolfden

    New member introduction, I guess

    Hi there, Just thought we would introduce ourselves.... I am Gary and my SO's name is Marie. We will probably both be using this name from time to time. We live in the beautiful Black Hills (Paha Sapa). We are near the border junction of South Dakota, Wyoming and Nebraska. We have been...