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  1. B

    spinning wool :)

    I spin but on a wheel, have not tried drop spindlles yet. I also have a couple of angora bunnies and am collecting from them to mix with wool and do a wool/angora blend yarn one of these days.
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    liquid laundry soap

    Just a suggestion to those having issues with whites being dingy -- one word -- bluing. Aunt Lydia's Liquid Bluing is what I use I get it at the grocery store in the laundry section. Add a bit to the load when doing whites, follow the instructions on the bottle. Bluing is one of the ingredients...
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    This is the Time of Year to Stock Up on Candles!

    I snagged a case at Wally World after Christmas.They were something like 4 for a dollar and are the 12" tapers. My Mom always stored hers in the freezer. She said it helped them burn slower and drip less. I have too many for that though.
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    inducing labour?

    When I was ten months pregnant with DS2 (who will be turning 29 years old December 20) my Mom and I went to vist my grandma. Grandma was an old school farm woman, a true product of the late victorian era. All of her children were born at home. She could see that I was miserable and could not...
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    would you consider this

    We bought this house, an 1892 Queen Anne, 13 years ago. It was derilect. First thing was to get it jacked up and new sills and floor joists added. We hired a contractor to do that. Second was new roof, lots of rotted decking too. We did most of that ourselves. The rest of the work I have mostly...
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    need advice on saving electricity

    I would keep the metal roof and coat it with Cool Seal. My best friend and her husband have a metal roof that they installed using used roofing metal. The Cool Seal (which is white) not only reflects the sun's rays to keep it cooler inside but, it also helped to plug some of the nail holes in...
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    Sewing Machines

    The old Singers I have handle delicate fabrics better than my former modern machine (of course you have to set the tension properly and use the proper needle and weight thread but, the owner's manuals will help with that and for Singers they are easy to get if one is not with the machine) . I...
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    Sewing Machines

    Professional seamstress here, I sew reproduction mid 19th Century corsets, cage crinolines, petticoats, dresses, etc. These, esp. the corsets can be tought on a machine. The one I use that I have had for ten plus years, a 1922 model Singer 66. Tough as nails, metal gears, can sew through denim...
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    Is lye easy to find?

    My grandma used to make her own lye (she was born in 1888 and a country woman all her life). She used a wooden flour barrel (she also used to buy flour in barrels) and drilled holes in the bottom. The barrel was then set up on a wooden platform with a slope to it under the eave of the house...
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    Thought I'd pass this beek tip: Queen Anne's Lace for ants

    Howdy, new here and this is my first post. Just wanted to share a couple of more herbs good to get rid of ants. Rue and Rosemary. Back in the day they were used as "strewing herbs" in castles and such for their anti bug properties. My own experience is that they are great to grow where you...