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  1. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl

    Homeschool law question

    If you go toHSLDA you will find a plethora of info regarding your states laws on Home Schooling
  2. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl

    Eczema Remedies?

    Thanks guys on the tips... My nephew also has bad eczema during this time of the year and he lives in CO where its really dry... I already try to buy unscented laundry soap since my hubby has sensitive skin on top of our son having the eczema.. I will look into the soap stuff too... wonder what...
  3. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl

    Eczema Remedies?

    My 9 year old son suffers from Excema badly during the fall and winter dry months and was wondering if any of you know or have some ideas on what could help him in that department that is natural... I dont want to have to resort to "steroids" and DR Perscriptions if there is a better way... The...
  4. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl


    Another crisp cool morning here in our neck of the woods... BRRR sure glad our fur and feathered babies outside are doing ok.. If anyone is interested in Shawnee on the 12 and 13th there is a poultry show... I personally wont be able to attend due to other obligations but thought to pass it...
  5. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl

    Look what we made!

    What a great looking bench, My neighbors (love them) built one from left over fencing materials too... they use it on their back porch... Jeannie
  6. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl


    Good Morning and BRRRR its nippy outside and currently reading 15 degrees in the Chicken Coop, I hope I dont have frozen chicken to put away LOL.:D
  7. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl

    Attitudes towards "Trash Picking"

    I love to give and get from Freecycle or Craigs list. The most I have recieved were items that have blessed me beyond measure.. A 1918 Up right Whitney Piano ( free from a fellow home school momma) 2 China hutches ( one solid wood) both of whom I was able to restore I dumpster Dived and...
  8. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl

    Unofficial Economic Poll

    My heart goes out to those that have lost their jobs and yet still lived with in their means and didnt live life lavishly out of greed... What I struggle with is those that racked up crap load of debt and and splurged beyond what they knew they could afford and then cry foul because they have...
  9. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl


    Well hey there fellow Okie in the BYC.. I am really liking this site even if OK is not up there like the other states here... But I am gleening from the info through out the board.
  10. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl

    What do you know about ADD?

    I am interested in this whole journey you are on as well... I was very hyper active as a child and even as an adult I cant sit still I constantly have to be doing something to both physically and mentally exhaust me. A year ago I was diagnosed with having OCD with a tendancy to be Impulsive...
  11. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl

    Would the FDA close down your kitchen?

    I am a newbie to this site and this is one that I am so glad I am posting too, what a hoot all these were and like ya'll our home would be guilty too and shut down with out even a warning.. *Counter Jumping Cats * Mice hiding out in the cupboards *Dog licking the floor for leftovers...
  12. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl


    Since I am the post starter I will go ahead and introduce myself. Hello I am Jeannie, A wife, Homeschooling Momma and hen of the homestead. We currently call Elgin home. A year ago we bought our first home on 4 acres with hopes of turning it into a active hobby farm. Our desire is to grow into...
  13. UnsophisticatedFarmGirl


    Howdy! Hoping to catch a few fellow OKIES on here and start up a active thread for us. Please say hello and introduce yourself.