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  1. ()relics

    2 states pass "Fire arms freedom act"

    .....Indiana= No duty to retreat ANYWHERE....check your states castle laws you may be surprised what you find....and not the good kind of surprised....
  2. ()relics


    use care with the chicken manure...Its very "Hot" and will burn most plants unless it is left to age for awhile. I like rabbit manure. It is just right...not too hot but yet full of the natural good stuff...I have a few rabbits in the barn and I let their droppings accumulate all winter under...
  3. ()relics

    What's under the Denver airport?

    Along the same lines...How long after the "grid goes down" will they realize that they can't eat their gold ?
  4. ()relics

    What type of chicken to process????

    they eat ALOT...They do get really big but I quit raising them because I don't think their feed to gain ratio is very good, They grow very slowly too. I'm not too sure about their free range abilities. I think they need a good feed to finish out....JMO...
  5. ()relics

    What type of chicken to process????

    In my experience with chickens, I have found that a cross bred chicken is your best bet for a dual purpose bird. I have my own hens and roosters that provide replacement birds every year...So I don't have much "hatchery bird" knowledge. For my dual purpose line; I use a Rhode Island Red...
  6. ()relics

    Refridgerator energy saving ?

    My owners manual says the same thing...Leave room for air circulation. I have noticed that if it is too full some areas are very cold, even frozen food, while others not so cold. I have a newer model Whirlpool, 4 years old. So its not that my refridgerator is "worn out".
  7. ()relics

    Refridgerator energy saving ?

    Now I'm not the smartest person around BUT I do Question alot of my everyday practices to try and improve/conserve...So lately, since it has gotten really cold, I have been putting milk jugs full of water out on the back step to freeze them. Once they freeze; I put them into my refridgerator to...
  8. ()relics

    Dress weights on different livestock?

    I would say boer/meat goats are closer to 50% with some alot more than that....I like to think ours are about 57-60%. Goats, taken in general, may be closer to your stated figure but that would include dairy and miniatures in the figure...At least Thats what I've found.
  9. ()relics

    Home made Smoker

    Yep that one looks better...No garbage can...Now I just need a clay pot and cover....Why can't I think of these "inventions"? ....Funny thing about that video, It lasted 10 minutes and change....On Broadcast TV it would have lasted for 30 minutes...And thats why Don't Watch TV......It teaches...
  10. ()relics

    Home made Smoker

    I've got all that stuff around here. I bought a trash can this fall to scald my turkeys, the hot plate is in the barn, just in case...well just in case...And I think you could use a shallow cast iron pan for a chip box(?)....I'll bet the hot plate uses ALOT of electric running for 4...
  11. ()relics

    Minimalist Poultry Processing Equipment

    I learned from an "old timer" to cut a corner out of the bottom of a feed bag, or any bag. Put the live chicken into the bag, reach through the hole that you've made, grab the birds head and pull it through the hole , works very well with turkeys too . I do this inside the pen with several...
  12. ()relics

    helping hens lay again?

    I'm not an expert but We do have very nice birds and hard ware from show wins to prove it...I have 14(?) white leghorns and 8 RIRs...All these birds are from my own stock which has been on-site for at least 4 years without additions, I hatch my own chicks every spring...My leghorns will lay year...
  13. ()relics

    25lbs of white rice...what to do with it?

    We seem to always have an abundance of rice around here too...I try to make some sort of rice dish or just a giant sized pot of rice Mid-week, every week. The leftovers are easy to reheat and work for any meal. Come Saturday morning, during hunting season anyway, I am usually up early in...
  14. ()relics

    WELL HELLLO...... Meet and Greet with Sarah, come and say hi.... PICS

    Wow she is beautiful...Wish I could afford a German bloodline dog...But for now I have my 2 girls... Casey and Belle, I've posted pictures of them before but couldn't resist again...These are my first GSP's...I used to hunt with English pointers...Way too hot for me...I love these girls, they...