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  1. C

    diet that helps with R/A

    tired of metheltrexate anyone deal with rumitoid with natural methods. I've been off the meds for a year and have gotten mystrenght back but now I feel another Storm coming on and don't want to go down that road again if there's anyway to help it.
  2. C

    St Paddys day

    An Irshman walks into a bar, orders a drink and makes a toast to Ireland. The fellow next to him says, Well I'm from Ireland to! He asks the man, what city are ya from? The man replies Dublin. The fellow says, well I'm from Dublin too! They toast and drink to Dublin. Then the fellow asks what...
  3. C


    If you were going to get goats for meat which breed would you choose? I don't plan on getting milkers but have people ask if I had any meat goats. boars are out of my price range .