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  1. I

    Canning your own dog food - Need recipes

    Hi folks, Does anybody here can their own dog food? I tried my pooch on raw and he HATED it, so I am back to buying good-quality canned, which is ridiculously expensive. I'm learning to can for myself, and wanted to know if anybody here can give me some pointers or recipes for home-made dog...
  2. I

    Slicing fresh bread

    I tried my first home-made bread project yesterday, pulling out my mother's old breadmaker and getting some honey wheat bread in it and then baking it in the oven in a regular bread pan. I'm quite pleased with the results! However, I need some help on slicing. Anybody have any tips/tricks...
  3. I

    Ibicella - Apartments to Acres

    Location:Washington Occupation:Office Monkey Future Career: Hopefully farmer Hobbies: Knitting, drawing, singing, learnin' things Favorite TV shows/movies: Don't really watch any. Likes:Chocolate, cute fluffy animals, computers, wry humor, learning Dislikes:Zealots of any description, anybody...