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  1. D

    Usefullness of Solar

    Solar is an alternative energy and considered one of the best technology in term of protecting environment and saving money. In summer terrace or attic room gets heated by extreme hot of the sun. And also the regular load shading obstacle to operate electric fan. That is why I placed Solar Attic...
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    do you know?

    What will happen to your egg? even a hen don't know Whether an egg will be an omelet or fresh chicken.
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    Do you know the fact?

    Who knows the fact that which one came first in the earth eggs or hens?
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    Don't sleep in the stuffy room.

    The recent survey done by the students of Tribhuban University has proved the evidence that sleeping inside the stuffy room can cause the headache and sometime can take the life. They have recommended that while sleeping inside the room don't close all the window tightly in summer season let...
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    Lets go back to the wilderness of life

    In the old stone age or so called paleolithic time mankind used to hunt animals. They were totally depend on animals as they did not know about the foraging, cultivation and animals husbandry. They used to hunt the animals by using stone tools for their food and livelihood. Though the gradual...