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  1. R

    Random questions about a little bit of everything SS

    Ok. So I am a first time home buyer. Sometime in the not so distance future (5 years?) I would like to buy a house, with the goal of being as self sufficient as possible while spending as little money up front as possible. Here is what I plan on having (eventually): - 40'x40' minimum garden -...
  2. R

    Free rabbit cages in Western WA!

    Hopefully someone can get some use out of this, I sure wish I could! Just don't have room to store homestead type stuff :/
  3. R

    Starting over!

    1. What state/province/country are you in and what is your climate like? Washington state. We have fairly mild summers and 9 months of rain! :P 2. How many people are in your family? Marital status? Single, Just me, my two dogs and my cat. 3. How would you define self sufficiency? Not...
  4. R

    Some Solar Power Questions

    Is it possible to run an entire home off solar power? And is it possible to set up a travel trailer to run off solar power? I plan on living in one until I can save up for a house (the plan is to buy some acreage, then buy a trailer, then eventually a house)
  5. R

    Processing Chickens

    Have you ever charged to process someones chickens? If so, how much did you charge? There is a big demand for people to do this in my area, and I want to post an add but don't know what to charge.
  6. R

    Pretty new to gardening... help? Tons of questions

    Ok so I just moved in with my 2 best friends, and since I am currently unemployed I pay my rent by cleaning the house and cooking meals since they both work full time. I'd like to start a few raised beds, but I've never had my own garden before (I always helped with my grandmas though). There...
  7. R

    This year was not a good one. Tips for next year?

    Our house is getting foreclosed on soon and once we find a new place (we hope to have at least a couple acres) we will have a little homestead. Any tips on saving money? We tend to be big spenders but would like to be able to afford a down payment on a place. Is couponing worth it? Any tips...
  8. R

    Envelope Budgeting System?

    Anyone use/used one? Was it successful? Any tips? I am 19 and I have no self control when it come to money, which is something I'd like to change! Also I am about $600 in debt, and hoping this will help me get out :)