Search results

  1. C

    meat cow - cost/pound - adventures in feeding my family :)

    Heya all - I am taking our meat cow to the butcher today. We sat and figured it all up - what we bought her for, what we have fed her and what it'll cost to process her (and how much meat we'll get, aprox.) and it comes out to about $2.10 per pound of meat. Yesterday I paid $2.49 a pound for...
  2. C

    pear butter in a crock pot... and pumpkin butter...mmmmm

    Heya all - Imade the apple butter in the crockpot from the recipe over at BYC. I got a bunch of pears from the flea market the other day and I want to make pear butter the same way - I was wondering if anyone here has a tried and true recipe for it. I figured I would do the pears like the...
  3. C

    September 19th - National Talk like a Pirate day....

    Mark yer calendars ya scurvy dogs!! The day is almost upon us, and we must do everything we can ta spread the word - that word being ARRRGHHH!!! Sept. 19th is National Talk Like a Pirate Day. We used to mark this day at work (food service industry, LOL the customers thought we were insane) by...
  4. C

    Gas prices today...

    A friend of mine just called and asked if I had a full tank of gas, because it just went up to 3.99 a gallon town, and in the next town over (where his wife works) it was up over 4.60 a gallon!! I'm sure it is because of the hurricanes, but sheesh, that seems extreme to jump so fast and so...
  5. C


    Heya all - South Central Kentucky here - so far the only one, I guess <g>. Peace - Meriah