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    Bartering, Do You Do IT....?

    I love barter, my current barter is I have two students who in exchange for learning about herbs and midwifery help me make herbal products, work in the garden, run errands, do yard work, whatever I need for 10 hours a week. I love it, as most of my other students are online.
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    Most unusual item in your "stash"

    Mine would, very heavy duty van, gets terrible, I mean terrible gas milage, but has two big tanks. I think most ambulances are chosen to be able to go fast over hills and pretty loaded, good rigs, well maintained too, if you can get them straight from the fire dept/ems service.
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    Most unusual item in your "stash"

    Ambulances are actually cheaper then comparable trucks or vans, as fire services and ambulance companys can't use old ones, there is probably an ambulance junk yard in your area. Used medical equipment is also cheap, everyone wants the latest and newest. However supplies from gloves to gauze, to...
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    Robert Heinlien said that " A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a...
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    Most unusual item in your "stash"

    I had for a decade or two a small salt water distiller, the emergency kind that you use on a boat, got it for next to nothing. The weird thing is I have no boat, never had, no plans for one, and live 100 miles from the ocean. A friend of mine has a ocean kayak and I gave it to him and he was...
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    Eugene, Oregon

    I live in Santa Clara, a suburb of Eugene, and just getting started in urban homesteading, although had a long interest in food self reliance and emergency preps. Been storing food and water for years (grew up in Utah, but am not Mormon), have our own well set up as well as water barrels, solar...