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  1. piglett

    Two ways to use a jack to remove trees & shrubs

    correct if you plan on tilling up that area you better get the roots too
  2. piglett

    Two ways to use a jack to remove trees & shrubs

    i just use a chainsaw & "ground prune" small bushes like that ;)
  3. piglett

    DIY hammer rack helps shop organizing

    looks good i would like a top view if you have 1 thanks
  4. piglett

    Sustainable Chickens!! :O

    can't let bad weather slow up my hatching i figure on making enough to cover all my years feed by going to the swaps & selling pullets & with some luck baby turkeys too :)
  5. piglett

    Sustainable Chickens!! :O

    it's cold as all gitout but we are hatching up a storm here in N.H. buff orpingtons,lemon cuckoo orpingtons & a few english orpington X french bresse meat birds the crosses should be yummy come summer. i don't really sell eggs, i hatch em in season & get $5 each for them the left overs head...
  6. piglett

    Sustainable Chickens!! :O

    Bee is that you??? i think we were both over on that other forum
  7. piglett

    Broodys all over the place!

    well we got the eggs :) already set em the lady selling them said something about it taking 33 to 35 days for them to hatch ??? anyone ever hatched them out? she also had geese (loud) i don't think the people next door would dig all of that that is why i'm going with a quiet type of bird now...
  8. piglett

    Broodys all over the place!

    they poor rabbit .....WOW:) we have 2 incubators running non stop with our buff orpington eggs in them in our area almost everyone wants pullets so we are left with lots of cockerels i love chicken but after last winter we figured out that chicken 3 times a week was JUST TOO MUCH!!! so we are...
  9. piglett

    Broodys all over the place!

    which breeds are "broad brested"? thanks
  10. piglett

    Broodys all over the place!

    well he DID sign up for the ride to freezer camp :) glad you took care of that boy! we have four day old turkey chicks on order from the local feed store i wanted to raise them for a while (while they were still young) along with our peeps (we hatch out a dozen or more every week) well come to...
  11. piglett

    Broodys all over the place!

    yup that is what i was talking about i may add a few to our little place for meat people will think that i have snakes on the other side of the fence :):D:lol: thanks piglett
  12. piglett

    Broodys all over the place!

    how much noise does a muscovy make? maybe they would make good stealth foul?
  13. piglett

    Broodys all over the place!

    our 2 silkie hens could hatch a rock...they just don't give up :) good luck piglett
  14. piglett

    pregnant on the farm

    you make a good point, i know some people want to put chemicals on everything yes there are times when you may have little choice but other times there are other things out there that will still get the job done without harming you or yours. take care all
  15. piglett

    pregnant on the farm

    as far as i know babies have been born on farms for thousands of years , just saying;)
  16. piglett

    Dead rooster

    over the winter i had one of my black imported english orpington hens fall over dead on me. (she was a $100 hen) sorry to say but it happens. this is why i love to hatch out babies you never know when a member of the flock will die so better you have some little ones who can take their place...
  17. piglett

    Broodys all over the place!

    our 2 silkie hens want to brood almost all of the time we even had 1 that hatched out a cluck when it was -10f for a week they all hatched :) buff orpingtons can also be good if you are after another broody breed. the difference is the orpingtons can cover more eggs per cluch. good luck piglett
  18. piglett

    Broodys all over the place!

    i had a silkie go broody in the middle of Jan. the next week it was -10f most of the week she hatched them all out now here sister is broody all the time i guess i should let her set & get over it she sure is lighter than the other girl her same age
  19. piglett

    Milestone - 1st chicken processed

    well done , after a while you get used to it. someone says....."roasted chicken tonight?" "sure, i'll get the ax , gloves,& the bucket" done deal,you will never be skipping meals if you have a good supply of chickens on hand. piglett
  20. piglett

    Got Chicken Nipples?

    i love my nipples!! we added a small stock tank heater to our bucket & there was never an ice issue after that even though it got down to -10f some nights. if we have young birds in the coop too we put in a small waterer for a few weeks once they see the older birds using the nipples they go...