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  1. ranchhand

    Those netted bags that onions come in...

    In late winter/early spring I use them for wild birds. I sweep up some of the daily dog hair and put it in the bag, hanging under the eaves. The wrens love it for nest building! :D The rest of the year, I put those leftover bits of soap, all of them, and use it in the kitchen for hand scrubbing.
  2. ranchhand

    Recycling toilet paper tubes

    Love this thread, I have bags of cardboard tubes stashed everywhere. One caution on using dryer lint for a fire starter - we have 2 big dogs and 3 cats. There isn't anything in this house that isn't coated in pet hair. And it ends up in the dryer lint a lot. Nothing worse than getting a fire...
  3. ranchhand

    South Carolina?

    :welcome So you moved from the oven to the steamer! I moved from TX in 2001, same thing! :D
  4. ranchhand

    Worm Beds

    Just saw this on BYC a while ago, thought it was pretty cool.
  5. ranchhand

    Marking hens to tell age

    Some of ya'll are too funny! :lau Diamond studs...... I lost a diamond stud years ago to a friendly BO on my shoulder! Never did get it back, lol. Could lead to the claim "My hen poops diamonds". :lol: I use the zip ties on chicks and I got adult "bandettes" in 3 different colors at...
  6. ranchhand

    Self Sustainable living in Ecuador

    Being young and optimistic is a good thing when setting out for an adventure! I should know, I moved to France on a whim, I lived in Ecuador for over 2 years as a young bride of an Ecuadorian. No longer married, but I am still part of a family there. Skip the details, worry about money. If you...
  7. ranchhand

    Stocking up?? How is everyone?

    Now that the state tax refund has come in, I am restocking the pantry as things go on sale. Bit by bit. We're in hurricane alley and despite having a generator, I prefer to let the freezers get empty this time of year. I fill them again in the fall. Dried bean, rice, flour, sugar, little bit...
  8. ranchhand

    My First Cast Iron Chicken In My Woodstove

    That stove is a real treasure, beautiful! DH was drooling a little bit, too. We have no woodstoves, but I have cooked in our ancient fireplace in the winter. No point in wasting propane when I have a nice fire going. And speaking of cast iron chicken....... I have one! :lol:
  9. ranchhand

    A Valentine for your Sweetie?

    Just another day here, too, we don't do gifts unless there's money in the bank. DH got laid off last week, so NO money in the bank, dangit. But..... I do have a few steaks in the freezer, so he'll have that. For me? Nothing, because to me EVERY day is Valentine's Day with him around!
  10. ranchhand

    Feed sack re-purposing ideas

    I saw, somewhere, an idea for the plastic feed bags. I thought it was here on SS, but I forget.... :rolleyes: Anyway, someone brilliant suggested rolling down the top a bit so it would hold its' shape, then filling with soil for planting tomatos, potatoes, what have you. Poke some drainage...
  11. ranchhand

    new bank feature

    Being a cranky old bat I prefer personal service for anything possible. Living well outside of the city means I do have to do some things online, but anything outside the norm needs a human whose hand I can shake. Pretty cool on the scanning, I haven't heard of that until now. :)
  12. ranchhand


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! There are bug parts in chocolate! :th Just read that in another thread..... I had a bowl or curried beef stew over rice at 9 a.m. and feel much better for it. Go eat that steak. Hope it gets better!
  13. ranchhand

    hehe, national weather

    Might as well grow gills, we spend so much time walking through water! :th I deal with it- it's a method called air conditioning! I can live without heat, just pile on more clothes or another dog on the bed. But living without cool air? Uhm..... you can only remove so much clothing before the...
  14. ranchhand

    hehe, national weather

    MsPony LOL! Which coast are you on? I'm south of Charleston, SC about 10-15 miles inland. Got up to 70F yesterday, only 50F today and rain possible later. :hide However, come summer, with the heat and humidity? I'll be begging for mercy! :rolleyes:
  15. ranchhand

    GOOSEDRAGON are you out there? GD to the goose emergency phone please

    Not sure about the dosage for a goose, but I've had to use it on a chicken. Standard size, I gave 1/4 cc once a day IM, in the breast, alternating sides. She was really torn up so I continued it for 5 days, I think. 18 guage is a big needle- I started using the 18 guage for getting it out of...
  16. ranchhand

    Reducing expenses

    Gosh. Between that and the weird pregnancy confusion thread, I really think an endocrinologist could possibly provide some relief for you. See if you can budget for that, your health and well being are a priority over anything else.
  17. ranchhand

    Liverwurst cooking advice needed....even if you've never made it!

    I will NOT eat cooked liver, as in liver and onions. But pate, liverwurst, braunschweiger? Gimme some crackers, some thinly sliced red onion and get outta my way! Love it. :)
  18. ranchhand

    Clicking on Links...

    I am indeed. I'll PM you with the details. :)
  19. ranchhand

    Clicking on Links...

    :lau I soooo wish I'd met you when I was up that way. Not sure Bec even knew you then! The 3 of us could have lolled around, sipping whatever, watching horses watching us.............