Amount of acreage for SS living


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
to feed what? I know I could feed those. to the chickens, but will cows? What about horses?

I buy beet shreds for my horses and they love them. Cows will eat mangel beets and pumpkins, as will sheep and goats. And pigs will too. Pigs also like turnips and just about anything!


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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i have 60 acres. do i need 60 acres? no, but that is what i have. now on that 60 acres i have a small herd of goats, 15 give or take a few for milk and meat, a small herd of sheep, 10 or so also for meat, a bunch of free range chickens, about 50 or so for eggs and meat and about 20 Muscovy ducks for meat and because they amuse me, and a trio of meat rabbits, plus the grow outs that are ready for freezer camp. i also have one stupid steer who will also be going to camp this fall. every other year i raise a couple of hogs for meat too, this is my off year. along with the LGD, the house dogs x2 and my OLD cat. plus me. why do i raise so much, i don't know, i guess because i love it. i have the entire property fenced and then fenced off about 2 acres around the house for the night time goat/sheep pen, a garden, a small orchard and my out buildings, etc. all of the above animals graze, browse, scratch and dig to their hearts content on the remaining 58 acres. i keep about 20 acres brushhogged every couple of years and the rest i just let go wild for all the deer and other wild game. i easily feed myself, my DD, SIL, DSx4 with some left over. i regularly take eggs to give away. you could probably raise all you want to on the 2.5 acres. the chickens, rabbits and a couple of hogs would fit nicely but the cows might be a problem. I'm not sure you could have them and raise enough food for them to get them thru the year. i can see having to buy feed for them. have you given any thought to goats for milk and meat instead of a cow? as was said above you have to decide what is important to you and go from there. think about what you want, pray about what you need and go from there. good luck!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
thanks for ideas! I'm always looking for interesting ways to feed our creatures. Buying hay is just too easy. ;) :lol:

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
You could do the animals you mentioned on the acreage -- as said, if you choose the breeds wisely. You largest eater will be the cow. But, well tended and rotated, the amount you have could work with a little supplementation. Your growing season is not really long enough for several months of pasture. The Dexters are smaller & take less.

Those trees can be cut down, some anyway. Possibly there is adjacent land that could be rented, if you come to that. And as another mentioned, goats are great milkers. Depends on how much you need. But, 2 full sized gals can give you 1.5-3 gallons a day! The other animals, not an issue as has been said.

As goatgurl says, too much can be overpowering. My 15 seems like 115 some days! I wanted a cow but, too much milk. My goats are perfect and so is the milk! Cats, dog, chickens and pigs get milk from output of 1 goat. I have the others dry right now.

Price, location (location, location!) and buildings are there which is a huge, huge factor, IMO. Fencing? Be sure to have contract written to allow you to be sure zoning, deed restrictions, etc., will allow you to do what you want or you can back out. -- too many years in real estate, sorry --