And these people vote!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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I just have to tell you guys about some friends of ours. Now these are seemingly normal folks from the city who retired to the rural country to enjoy their gardening and the smell of fresh air and cow/pig manure. I'm guessing they are 62 to 65 years old. Pretty nice folks. Both have bachelors degrees and were obviously successful in their former lives.

We get together once a week during the winter months with a group of 5 to 7 couples and we study the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and current events. It's a fun time with lots of laughter and lots of snacks.

A few weeks ago I was at their house to help with a broken tractor and we got on the topic of natural healing, herbs, drugs, exercise, ect. I'll call the misses Mary for this post . . . and she told me that they had been going to an Amish holistic healer (I'll call him doc) for some help with allergies and arthritis pain. After several trips to the doc he asked them to bring their prescription medications with them on their next visit. At their next visit doc told Mary to stand up straight and hold one of her bottles of pills in her left hand. And to extend her left arm straight out to the side while he pressed on several spots on her left side and back. Naturally her arm became tired and her hand with the pill bottle started to droop a little. As soon as doc saw the lowering of her hand he grabbed the pill bottle out of her hand and told them that the pills in the bottle were draining her body of strength and would eventually kill her. He told them that if her hand had remained up horizontal the pills were good for her and if her hand dropped 4 to 6 the pills in the bottle were going to harm her. And if she dropped her arm entirely the pills would kill her.

Evidently they did this routine with both of them and all of their prescription bottles. And, sure enough, all of their prescriptions are going to harm or kill them. Can you imagine that? Doc must be able to walk on water, too.

I could not contain my laughter and asked them if doc wore a tin foil hat and x-ray glasses. They pay this guy $90 each visit. I'll betcha doc loves these people. How gullible can seemingly educated people get?


Power Conserver
Aug 9, 2012
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Where do you think?
Hey, while this sounds rather ridiculous, some of that holistic healing stuff works...My dad went to an acupuncturist for weight loss...that plus some dieting, and he lost nearly 10 pounds per week.....

Although I don't know why they would trust an amish guy for pills...he doesn't even know what is in them! I'm sure if someone was taking pills for vertigo, and they fell in front of this "doc", I'm sure he would say that the pills were killing them!

I think you have a responsibility to insist that they take this amish guy's words with a grain of salt....


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I could have told them all that...for free. :D Yes, "all those pills" can kill you...and you can take that from someone who has been pushing them down people's throats for the past 19 years.


Power Conserver
Feb 14, 2012
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Concorde, MA
I quit taking all my pills, against my doctors advice, last november. Mainly, I could no longer afford them. I tapered off over the three months prior. This was on my own advice. I feel great!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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Beekissed said:
I could have told them all that...for free. :D Yes, "all those pills" can kill you...and you can take that from someone who has been pushing them down people's throats for the past 19 years.
Im not sure what your message is Bee...
I went to my conventional Dr. and complained of vertigo, of course he wipped out his RX pad. Wait a minute Doc 3 out 4 of the pills you already have me on list May cause dizzyness as the first side effect. Lets try cuting back rather than more meds. Turns out he had my dose of high blood pressure meds too high and blood wasn't getting to my brain. 3 5mg doses work better than 2 10mg doses. Timed release my big fat butt.


Power Conserver
Aug 9, 2012
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Where do you think?
Doctor's also have a business to run....

For example, when I was quite a bit younger, I went to an orthodontist, who insisted I had to have braces...Later went to my dentist, who I have been going to for 11 years, and he says that "unless you want to be a movie star, you don't need braces..."

I couldn't help but agree with him. My teeth aren't 100 percent perfect, but hey, they aren't crooked, and they look pretty damn good enough for me.

Just know, although sometimes Pill's are unnecessary, many times they are. Just always do your research and don't always assume "Doctor knows best." They're human too, after all.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I think you guys are missing the point. This isn't about whether or not you should be taking the pills, but about what this guy based this on. I can tell you right now that there is no way I could stand w/my arms out for very long w/out my arms getting tired and dropping-whether I'm holding something in my hand or not. But, that's all I'm going to say.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Many of the more common ailments can be controlled by diet, exercise and lifestyle....most pills for health maintenance are a crutch not a cure. Doctors get quite a few perks to prescribe this or that med...I've partaken of many of those perks while working in a doctor's office.

I can sympathize with the doctors to a certain many people would return to a doctor who told them to get off their butts, stop watching TV and take a walk, stop eating foods loaded with chemicals and stop smoking/drinking/stressing...and start living on purpose? Not many.

So the doc goes with the flow...he gives the pills because that is what the people want. He gives certain brands of pills because it gets him free lunches, free samples, money, vacations, big game hunts, etc. He does both these things because he is in the profession to make money, not help people...but he can still appear to be helping people by giving the pills, ordering the tests and expensive procedures and lining the pockets of his fellow doctors/specialists.

He gets repeat business due to the pills and the continued poor health of the patient as they slowly deteriorate over the years. It's a win/win situation, really...just not for the patient.


Power Conserver
Feb 14, 2012
Reaction score
Concorde, MA
Beekissed said:
Many of the more common ailments can be controlled by diet, exercise and lifestyle....most pills for health maintenance are a crutch not a cure. Doctors get quite a few perks to prescribe this or that med...I've partaken of many of those perks while working in a doctor's office.

I can sympathize with the doctors to a certain many people would return to a doctor who told them to get off their butts, stop watching TV and take a walk, stop eating foods loaded with chemicals and stop smoking/drinking/stressing...and start living on purpose? Not many.

He gets repeat business due to the pills and the continued poor health of the patient as they slowly deteriorate over the years. It's a win/win situation, really...just not for the patient.
Yes, doc said I should lose weight first, but found it impossoble on the meds. Well, I lost 30 lbs, so I don't need the pills any longer, and yes, I followed up with doctor!

I do think, those people are off their rocker though!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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MarylandFutureFarmGuy said:
Doctor's also have a business to run....

For example, when I was quite a bit younger, I went to an orthodontist, who insisted I had to have braces...Later went to my dentist, who I have been going to for 11 years, and he says that "unless you want to be a movie star, you don't need braces..."

I couldn't help but agree with him. My teeth aren't 100 percent perfect, but hey, they aren't crooked, and they look pretty damn good enough for me.

Just know, although sometimes Pill's are unnecessary, many times they are. Just always do your research and don't always assume "Doctor knows best." They're human too, after all.
Yep but at $100 per visit he can't be hurting. They aren't allowed to sell drugs here, and he actually did better my way. 2 follow up visits @ $100 each normally no follow up on a new Rx. I used to be in the vaccine business and he had no Ideal of how they worked. He was being sued because a patient came down with the disease the day after the shot. I put his malpractice insurance in touch with the manufacturer and the suit was killed out of court.