Are you poor? I just gotta get this out....


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
I here ya, WBF. Many in my family and some friends think I'm nuts to put so much time, money, and energy into my poultry and gardening and traditional cooking. They think because I'm single with a decent job that I should spend the money on travel, convenient food and restaurants, and gadgets. I love to travel, but I've amassed enough debt on travel and stuff as it is. I need to pay that off instead of add to it like others do because they are addicted to feeding their need for stuff. I've been on that cycle and need to break it. I'd love to travel more, but I want to do it debt free. So now I look "poor" to some because I've changed many of my spending habits. :hu Whatever.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
southeast corner of IN
I've been lucky that my family and friends all appreciate what we're up to out here, so I've never had to deal with negative comments. I think my dad will be very happy when I have a better roof over my head, but he and the others are very much impressed that we are saving up to do it, not taking out a loan. They all think it's so cool that we raise veggies & chickens & live 'away from it all.' The funny thing is that they are all upper-middle class, college educated, city-dwelling professionals. DH's family has never said anything negative about what we're doing, but I know that they don't quite understand why we'd go thru the trouble to do it ourselves when we could just buy it from the store. And they are mainly working-class folks who live nearby (tho they wouldn't consider their subdivisions 'country'). Funny how that works. I guess they are closer to understanding the hard work that goes into what we do, and don't really have a romantic image of farm life like my family & friends do.

But I think 'poor' is based on your own conceptions of what you need to be happy. I read an article about people who live on an island in the South Pacific (maybe Samoa?). By our (western) standards, they would be considered destitute, but they are some of the happiest people on earth. They can get their food from the ocean & trees, they live in big family groups, they have a roof over their heads. What more do they need?


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
North Central Florida
BeccaOH said:
I here ya, WBF. Many in my family and some friends think I'm nuts to put so much time, money, and energy into my poultry and gardening and traditional cooking. They think because I'm single with a decent job that I should spend the money on travel, convenient food and restaurants, and gadgets. I love to travel, but I've amassed enough debt on travel and stuff as it is. I need to pay that off instead of add to it like others do because they are addicted to feeding their need for stuff. I've been on that cycle and need to break it. I'd love to travel more, but I want to do it debt free. So now I look "poor" to some because I've changed many of my spending habits. :hu Whatever.
Me too on the gardening front. My first two years of gardening have been more output than input, as my good friends are sooooo happy to point out... starting out with 100% sand in my garden plot, I've had to spend money on manure, gardening tools, etc. It's been some expensive produce :D but I look at the money I've spent as an investment. It'll be more money going out when I finally get chickens and rabbits.

Trying to live simply ain't cheap! :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 1, 2011
Reaction score
WI - USDA Zone 4
WBF, I totally agree with your original post. Especially the idea that what is considered poor in the US is very different than what is considered poor in other places around the world. I have a friend, I love her dearly, but I don't understand how she is on food stamps and gov't paid medical care, yet her family has cell phones, computer w/ internet, always enough money to buy cigarettes and go out drinking, etc... Could you imagine seeing some genuinely poor person in a country like Zimbabwe or Somalia with a cell phone?

My family is not "poor" really, I guess by the US's standards we're just regular middle class. Yeah, we could probably afford to get a 60" plasma TV (or whatever sizes they are :p ), gaming systems, ipads, ipods, iphones, iwhatevers, but these things are really not what's important to me in my life right now (but I am by no means putting down anyone who has and loves these gadgets :) ). And it is difficult not having this things in our society. My kids ask for all kinds of stuff, and most of the time I turn them down. But, I don't want them to be social outcasts! Kids can be mean you know. They will tease and put down other kids who don't have these gadgets. So, we try to find a balance without deviating from out values completely. For instance, they have Nintnendo DSs, but they worked themselves and saved up the $160.00 and each bought their own.

Our friends would never call us poor or put us down, but you can just tell that they don't understand why I choose to not have this stuff. It just doesn't interest me, I don't want to be electronically connected to people at all times, its just so distracting. I'd rather spend my money on our home, garden, animals, and SS life, 'cuz like JRmom said, "Trying to live simply aint cheap." And that is so true. You have to invest your time and money if you want to raise your own food and have your own power supply. So, if it makes me "poor" investing in these things, then oh well, so be it, I guess I'm poor, and happy this way.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
JRmom said:
Money does not equal happiness or contentment (well, that's true for me and I imagine true for a whole lot of folks on this forum). I have nothing whatsoever against the "tons of upper middle class living wonderful and enjoying every second of their income". I don't think that's what this thread is talking about.
well everyone always says money does not equal happiness or contentment. all I am saying for MANY in this world it does. money holds a value of security etc. for them and does buy them their enjoyment from life. (not saying all, but many people do want money for many reasons, it is never only just about being materialistic I believe.) money can buy happiness for many people. it is not that all happiness will ever come from a buck, but for some it easily can mean a difference to them about their happiness in life.

no one will ever agree on how to spend a dollar because importance is different to everyone.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
BeccaOH said:
So now I look "poor" to some because I've changed many of my spending habits. :hu Whatever.
I think that is it Becca. Everyone's spending habits 'kinda' do make one look rich, poor or whatever thru life. I changed my habits also. I guess I look poor too :/ but I also think this comes under the 'who cares how I look' to others how I choose to spend my

so moral of this all is----if someone says you need help cause ya look poor (first see what they are offering, cause heck ya might want it anyway ;)) or tell them to F off :lol:


Power Conserver
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
E. TN/Cocke County 37727
I think I will look at my choices from now on as an investment.
Because, in many ways, I'm sure that is their concern, with my chosen way of life. What will I do, when I get old, how will we live? Where will our retirement money come from? I often worried about these things before too...

But this little plot of land will sustain us and will be paid for, soon enough, before we reach 50... and I can only hope I figure the rest out as I go along.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
FarmerChick said:
BeccaOH said:
So now I look "poor" to some because I've changed many of my spending habits. :hu Whatever.
I think that is it Becca. Everyone's spending habits 'kinda' do make one look rich, poor or whatever thru life. I changed my habits also. I guess I look poor too :/ but I also think this comes under the 'who cares how I look' to others how I choose to spend my

so moral of this all is----if someone says you need help cause ya look poor (first see what they are offering, cause heck ya might want it anyway ;)) or tell them to F off :lol:
The way someone looks should NEVER be an indicator of how wealthy they are. Never. I'm sorry. The people that are always dressed to the nines are usually the most in debt. I've seen and know many very wealthy people who don't spend too much time on their looks. (I also know quite a few blokes that dress great and are in a mountain of debt.)

One example is my best friend's husband, he is worth well over 10 million. He made his fortune in concrete and dressed the part everyday. Dusty plaid shrits and blue jeans. He wears old clothes and holey shoes to the gym. One day a gym buddy of his told him that he should ask his boss (um, he is his own boss) to at least help him get a new pair of shoes. :p He also drove the ugliest work truck in town. His kids wouldn't be caught dead in it. He had two houses, one in a very wealthy part of Houston and one out in the hill country with 300 acres attached. He pays for everything in cash too, no debt.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
We don't have gadgets or fancy clothes here either. Luckily we live in an area where most other families go without those fancy things as well for whatever the reason. It is so refreshing, and old fashioned. We pay cash for most things. I don't even own a credit card, just debit cards. We keep it simple.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
I've never had debt. I am the odd duck who learns from watching others.

But I do have fancy things. I made a raw silk full circle skirt! It is SUPER fancy!!!

Also, I have a ballet barre. THAT is fancy. And THREE crock pots.

*beams proudly at her fanciness*