Been lurking a while, finally an intro


Power Conserver
Jan 15, 2011
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Hi all! :frow Freemotion and Ohiofarmgirl invited me over here some time ago from BackYardHerds and while I've spent some time lurking I haven't gotten around to posting yet.

My name is Debbi. My husband Tom and I have 7 children (ages 16 down to 3) and we live in central Washington state. We have been self employed for just over 5 years now and our family works together in our home based business delivering organic/natural and bulk foods to the remote areas in north central and eastern WA.

About 8 years ago I happened upon some information about "real" foods and natural medicines and the passion took off from there and snow balled. It has grown into wanting to be able to provide as much as I can as natural as I can from our own efforts. We are not "self sufficient" by any means yet, but my goal is to work little by little in that direction. We moved from our home in the city in 2009 to a rental with a little bit of land (emphasis on little bit, LOL) outside of the city limits. We spent the first year settling in and revamping the home and started this last summer working towards some our self sufficient goals.

I planted my first little garden this past spring, and while the yield wasn't exceptional, I was able to get my feet wet and learned a lot. We started building a coop in the summer and our hatchery chicks arrived the first week of August. We have 15 hens and 2 roosters. We're super excited because our hens just started laying at the end of December :celebrate - we're up to 8 eggs a day and the others should start anytime! In the fall we started our goat shed and fenced the goat run in and our bred dairy goats arrived just after Thanksgiving. We had fresh raw milk for a few weeks then it was time to dry them up - we're SO looking forward to babies in about 5 weeks and then yummy milk again.

We raise our children and our livestock as close to "natural" as we can. My last 3 babies were born at home with a midwife and we are very proactive with natural prevention so as to avoid much medical intervention. I'm hoping to be the same with my livestock, though I'm so new to this, finding my way has been interesting - and time consuming.

We're working towards debt free living, though we have a ways to go yet. Once our debt is gone we hope to eventually purchase land and build our own home and increase our ss efforts. Prior to our down-sizing and simplifying DH was a general contractor. He has lots of home building experience so we just need the right piece of land at the right price to get started.

So, there we are in a nut shell. I look forward to gleaning information here and maybe offer some on occasion too!!


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
:welcome from NE Ohio! It's a cool place to hang out!