Broody hen - Silly bird! - Update - Chicks!


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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One of my hens appears to be broody. We were out of town for a few days, and when we got home yesterday she was sitting in her nest, and, so far as I know, hasn't got up since (though I assume she is getting food and water, I haven't seen her do so). My neighbour who cares for the animals when we are away collected an egg from Beatrix on Monday, so this behavior is very new. I'm inclined to let her continue, just to see if she takes it to its conclusion. However, this hasn't happened before in my little flock so I would appreciate advice. How does this usually progress? And when do I start counting the days? Thanks.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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ORChick said:
One of my hens appears to be broody. We were out of town for a few days, and when we got home yesterday she was sitting in her nest, and, so far as I know, hasn't got up since (though I assume she is getting food and water, I haven't seen her do so). My neighbour who cares for the animals when we are away collected an egg from Beatrix on Monday, so this behavior is very new. I'm inclined to let her continue, just to see if she takes it to its conclusion. However, this hasn't happened before in my little flock so I would appreciate advice. How does this usually progress? And when do I start counting the days? Thanks.
How many eggs does she have under her?
If its just a couple, I would mover her and her nest into a crate in a seperate place. Wait a couple days, then swap out the eggs for as many as she can handle. Then start counting days.
If she is crated, you just have to pull her out to poo and eat for about 15 minutes once per day. Start doing that on day 2 or so though.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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From when she first starts to sit. It may take a day or 2 longer w/a broody than w/an incubator. When Henrietta hatched chicks out last year, she hatched one out on the 22 day, and the other 2 w/in a day. 4 eggs disappeared, and 1 didn't hatch.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
Bubblingbrooks said:
would mover her and her nest into a crate in a seperate place. Wait a couple days, then swap out the eggs for as many as she can handle. Then start counting days.

It is REALLY advantageous to have the eggs totally-syncrhonized, as opposed to having the hatch straggle out over days and days (which can easily lead to losing chicks thru various reasons); also it lets you have her setting more eggs than she might happen to be on.

If she doesn't stay broody thru the move, people have told me a bajillion times "so it must be true" ;), then she may well not have been quite broody enough to sit it out the whole three weeks anyhow.

Good luck, have fun,



Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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She is one of 3 in the coop, 2 hens and the rooster. There is plenty of room, and she is in "her" nest; her "sister" lays in the nest box, while Beatrix will only lay in her plastic bucket nest. She has, at most, and at the moment, 3 eggs under her - she and I are not on the friendliest terms, and I don't want to bother her if I don't have to. There may be 2 of hers, from yesterday and today, and I gave her today's offering from the other girl to see what she would do - she tucked it underneath like a good mama. So, I take it she will, ideally, collect a certain number of eggs under her, and then stick tight until hatch? And, is it really necessary to remove her into a crate? Or is it not safe for the chicks to be in with the rooster? And wouldn't she protect them? Anybody know how large a clutch a Barnevelder usually sets? I have 5 teenage chicks in the brooder, and a limited amount of coop space. I'm thinking that if Beatrix does her bit, and sees this through to completion, that I may be learning about processing meat birds sooner than planned :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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Thanks Pat; I only just saw your post. So I should see if she continues to sit, and then give her all fresh eggs? I see the point, but, with only 2 with fertile eggs that could be difficult. I have 4 layers, but 2 are isolated from the rooster because he wants to kill one of them (and the other was banned to the *Nunnery* as well to keep her company.) I do have a couple of dozen eggs from over the last few weeks, but they have been refrigerated. Could I let them come back to room temperature and then slip them under her? Would that work?
This is all completely new for me; I hadn't ever considered letting one of them hatch out eggs.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Save your fertile eggs the rest of the week at room temp. Give those to her.
Also, you should move her regardless of space. Trust me on that. You will have unwanted issues during and after the set.
If allowed to, the hen would have started a nest where the rest of the flock would not find her.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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So, Beatrix has been faithfully sitting on her eggs now for 8 or 9 days, and I finally was able to arrange an isolated spot for her today. This evening, just as it got dark, I went out to make the transfer - with DH holding a flashlight; she growled and pecked but was actually pretty good about me pulling her out of her corner, and popping her into the cat carrier. And then I collected the precious eggs :th She was sitting tight on her nest when we got home from our trip a week ago Tuesday, so I figured she had at least one or two under her then. And I gave her the fresh eggs from her EE sister over the next 2 days, and thought that she was probably also laying an egg a day. So, 2 donations, 3 or 4 of her own. And then I brought 4 refrigerated eggs up to room temp., and gave them to her as well - maybe they will hatch, maybe they won't, but its worth a try. So, 6 given her by me, plus all the many that she laid herself ... or maybe not. I collected 6 (six) eggs this evening - the 2 that I gave her from her sister, plus the 4 out of the refrigerator - and that was all!!! She was sitting on air when I first noticed her not leaving the nest! Had I not *donated to the cause* she would still be sitting on air! Silly bird! Well, anyway, now she is in her safe haven, with 6 eggs under her, 2 of which should hatch if she stays the course, and the other 4 might. I guess I need to re-evaluate the expected hatching date. And it looks as though I needn't be concerned about having to deal with meat birds quite yet. :lol: (Unless the 2 are roosters :/)


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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Well, Beatrix was a very consistent broody hen, and sat through her time with a fixed stare, and little movement. Yesterday I saw one chick peeking out from the feathers, and today there were 3. And just a few minutes ago I was out there, and she was showing them where the food and water was, and I saw 4 chicks and 2 unhatched eggs - which makes up the total of 6 that she was sitting on. So it appears that 2 of the eggs that had been refrigerated for a week or so before being put under her did indeed hatch. I'll leave the other 2 for another day or two just in case - and I'm not looking forward to braving the protective mama to try to retrieve them :lol:. Papa is a Barnevelder, as is Beatrix, so one of these chicks is also. The other 3 are Barnevelder x EE. These are the first babies hatched here; I'm just thrilled, and even DH seems interested.
Pictures to come; batteries are charging.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Woohoo!! Congrats!! I just LOVE watching a momma hen with her chicks.