Canning goat milk and dairy products?


Maa Maa Mama
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
The other day I made cajeta from goats milk, and it was so incredibly delicious! I accidentaly added extra cornstarch for the amount of milk I had. I also added 1/3 less sugar since goats milk tastes sweeter to me than cow milk. It turned out rich and chewy without that mealy too-sweet flavor of store bought cajeta.

The recipe book said it could be canned, but didn't give instructions. I looked in my Ball canning book and followed the canning directions for a fruit butter, as I figured that would be the closest consistency-wise. The jars sealed fine, do you think it will be alright? Should I have used a pressure canner since it's a raw dairy product?

Also, I have read that milk can be canned, but maybe exposing goat milk to that high temperature would give it a bad flavor? Has anyone here canned milk or dairy products? How did it work for you?


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
I haven't canned any milk, in the pressure canner the milk would take on a very cooked taste and pretty much all of the nutrient value would be lost. Pasteurization damages the calcium, and in a pressure canner, it would be completely destroyed. You might as well drink water, IMO.

So, the way to store excess milk during peak production seems to be through making cheese.

I would think the cornstarch would break down, too, and the product would separate. How old is the book that suggests canning? I would not feel secure in the safety of milk or cornstarch that was not pressure canned.....and when I make farmerlor's (thanks again!) cream of mushroom soup, I leave out the milk and add it in when using the soup.

Just some thoughts, I really have no idea what cajeta is! Can you freeze it instead? I like freezing certain things in canning jars, to keep the flavor fresher longer.