cjparker-Learning by Doing


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
01. Name? Carrol

02. Gender? Female

03. Disneyworld or Disneyland? Neither, lived in Calif for 25 years and never went

04. What is your favorite color? A bright, sunny yellow, pale sky blue, sage green

05. What is your favorite kind of gum? I don't like gum

06. How much do you weigh? Significantly more than the height/weight charts say I should

07. How tall are you? 5'6"

08. Can you swim? Like a fish

09. Do you like to swim? Yep

10. Living arrangement? Married, trying really hard to become an empty-nester.

11. What's on your mouse pad? I have a laptop.

12. Favorite board game? Scrabble

13. Favorite magazine? I read many, but Family Handyman and Do It Yourself are nice.

14. Favorite Actor? Based on looks, Chris Maloni. Based on talent, heck I don't know.

15. Favorite Actress? dunno

16. Do you have an accent? My mom's uppermidwest inflections sometimes turn up in me.

17. Favorite smells? Lilacs, steak, baby powder, fresh cut grass.....geez I'm a stereotype!

18. Least favorite smells? Cat spray!! Esp if they have annointed the stove and I turn it on.

19. Favorite sound? The early-morning birds, along with the distant sounds of the workers in the orchard next to me.

20. Do you prefer pools or oceans? Gawd I miss the Pacific!

21. Do you watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer? nope

22. Pencil or pen? pen

23. Who's better - boys or girls? Depends on the stage of development....

24. Would you like to own a motorcycle? I could see myself on a bike. Harley trike, whheee!

25. Do you sing in the shower? Nope

26. Who's the best looking Disney character? Why, Prince Charming of course.

27. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? why are the chickens all cackling at my window?

28. How many rings before you answer the phone? 2, that's how many rings til the ID kicks in

29. How do you want to die? In my sleep, of extreme old age

30. Have you ever called a 900 number? nah

31. Gold or silver? Gold, especially if it is surrounding some nice rubies

32. Would you ever go bungee-jumping? I'd really rather not!

33. Do you like dressing up? No no no no no no no

34. Would you rather be short or tall? I like my own height, neither tall or short.

35. Do you enjoy reading? Absolutely

36. What book are you reading now? Just finished The Quest by Wilbur Smith, and the Exogenesis Series by Octavia E Butler

37. Favorite books? The Prophet, Dune, Best Loved Poems of the American People

38. What was the last movie you saw? The X-files movie, very disappointing

39. Favorite movies? None come to mind

40. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Hey, that's no way to talk about my husband!

41. What is your sign? Aries

42. What are your personality traits? I say I'm focused; my family says I'm headstrong.

43. What's your biggest fear? That something bad will happen to one of my kids. Not funny.

44. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery? Umm, maybe. But not on my boobies.

45. Future child's name? Hey, I'm almost 56!!!

46. Favorite foods? Steak, a perfect cheeseburger, lemon sherbet, sharp cheddar cheese

47. Chocolate or vanilla? a little of each

48. Do you like to drive fast? Ooooh, yeah! But I've stopped because it's not nice

49. Storms - cool or scary? yes

50. Do you like to dance? I believe in that saying "dance like no one is watching"

51. Do you do drugs? nah, I saw that trap when some friends got involved a long time ago

52. Do you smoke? no

53. What do you think of people who smoke? it makes me sad that they have an addiction

54. Do you drink? yep, water, tea, coffee, soda, juice.....oh you mean alcohol? Nope

55. Favorite drink? It varies but a tall glass of ice tea on a hot summer day is hard to beat

56. Do you think men and women could ever be just friends without wanting each other? Yes, my best friend is male and we've been best friends for over 35 years

57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? yeah, most of the time

58. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? taste tester at the See's chocolate store

59. What's your "type"? Umm, open question. The type of guy I'm attracted to is tall, dark and handsome, just like my hubby. I am such a cliche.

60. Do you bite your nails? No, ick.

61. Any siblings? One of each

62. What movies have you cried in? None, I'm not much of a cryer

63. Do you believe in God? Yeah, it seems only fair. He believes in me, after all.

64. Did you ever cry over a guy/girl? Back in the olden days, like the early 80's

65. Have you ever stolen anything? Yup, I was six. Got caught, got spanked. End of story

66. Do you procrastinate? yeah, sometimes

67. Do you believe in fate? I believe we make our own fate.

68. Who's your favorite Sesame Street character? eawww, don't like that show

69. Do you organize your CD's? No, I only have a few. Hubby has his in exact alpha order.

70. What is your favorite kind of music? Good ol' rock & roll

71. What are your favorite bands/artists? Mostly dinosaur era, late 60's-mid-70's

72. What was the last CD you got? don't recall

73. MTV or VH1? none of the above

74. Who do you admire the most? my mom

75. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends? no thank you

76. Are you single? nope

77. Favorite TV show? Big Bang Theory

78. Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads? yes

79. Glasses or contacts? contacts for me, for over 30 years

80. What color are your eyes? brown green gold

81. What is your natural hair color? mouse brown

82. But what color is it now? brown with gray streak

83. Have you ever been in love? oh yes

84. Any pets? lots of cats, a dog, two cockatiels, one of the 15 chickens is a pet

85. Good, decent, or poor grades? good

86. Is the glass half empty or half full? half full

87. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? yeah, taught myself at 35

88. What's under your bed? cats

89. What is your favorite number? 2

90. Favorite sport to watch? hockey


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Today I have 10 tomato seedlings poking their heads above the soil, and 6 jalapeno seedlings nodding hello to them. The tomato seeds were saved from an organically grown Brandywine from last summer, and the jalapeno seeds were saved also. The jalapenos are for my wonderful neighbor who lives a quarter-mile up the road. Last spring he came over and plowed a space for our initial garden and refused to accept any form of pay, just said "grow me some jalapenos". Then last winter, one of the same group of neighbors plowed 18" of snow out of our very long driveway. Same story, wouldn't take pay. Our garden will have plenty of jalapenos for them, and hopefully lots of tomatoes and eggs to share, too.