Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DH took DS15 to go measure a building. I am ALONE. HOME ALONE. :weee I dont know where to start! :gig

I bought 2 cube shelves to store kids' crafts and 4-H projects. What a difference! That stuff had been floating around in boxes and piles for years. What a mess! DS15 did the heavy lifting. We assembled them, cleaned the upstairs, swapped my dining tables so the rectangular table we prefer for crafting is upstairs. I don't have words for the relief. DH hasn't noticed anything other than the old dining table is in the dining room. I'm just going to wait and see how long it takes... 😁

I've been cleaning all day. I almost have the main floor done too. I haven't started scrubbing surfaces yet. (I'd like to get everything clean and shiny before the new year.)

I need to find a couple lamps for the upstairs. We have some table and floor lamps from a hotel auction, but they don't work in a half story room. They are too tall to light up the corners and cast more shadows. Nope! DH would be annoyed, but hey, that's what reward points gift cards are for? 😁 We have never used the space because of temperature control (fixed it), bad lighting, no comfortable seats, and no storage so it has been piles of clutter. We used old junk furniture that didn't fit the room, so an adult couldn't walk through without ducking and twisting to avoid the ceiling. 8 years already. I'm done. I'd like to use my house, thank you very much.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Snow day! It's above freezing, so DS7 is heading out to make a snowman. 😍

I finished cleaning (organizing) the upstairs craft room. I just need to add labels so kids put things away in the same spots. I added a dog bed and small soundboard with one dog button - "Outside". I cleaned the TV side of the room too.

Splash has earned a little more freedom in my house. I took down the baby gate on the stairs. Kids' bedrooms are still off-limits; they are carpeted. I filled out his adoption application and wrote out a check for his adoption fee. Not sure how to break the news to DH... 😅


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
😔🤔🙄Must you???? Maybe he's just "there"?
I put the application and check on the fridge. DH didn't notice. (In his defense, his eyelid got irritated and swollen right before he came inside and it as bothering him quite a bit)

At supper DS7 said (twice) that "we went to the shelter and adopted Splash." 🤦‍♀️ we went to the shelter to pet cats (while DS15 finished a couple projects he was working on). All possiblilities for a surprise are gone. :gig


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DH cleared branches out of the road about a mile from home and lost it. DH was able to log in from a computer, see its location, and make it ring at full volume. I drove out and found it that way. Right next to the branch in the ditch, but under a few inches of snow. Whew! That was a stressful couple hours!

There are a lot of trees down. We expect the power will be out for days. We are running the generator for the freezers and furnace now, and then will turn it off for the rest of the day.

I have fridge stuff (drinks, milk, leftovers) chilling on the deck in snow so we don't open the fridge. 10 gallons of water for flushing the toilet, and 3 gallons for drinking. I boiled water in an electric hot pot [the generator can't handle the microwave] and made travel mugs of hot cococa and coffee. I wrapped each in a towel. They will stay hot for hours.

I built a blanket fort with DS7 's PVC pipe building set, dog bed and extra blankets. It heats up quick with people and pets in there.

I'm feeling ready for anything. But ask me again when my toes get cold 😬