The dishwasher that came with the house ARRRGH! The "buttons" for different cycles were breaking one by one, first it was just the "regular", no problem we just ran it on "power scrub", and so on but now we're down to "quick rinse" and that's it. So I took it apart (as I always do, with mixed results) and it's this little plastic piece that has these flimsy little do-hickies that have all broken off. Looked online and the darned thing costs $40 to replace. FOR A TINY PIECE OF PLASTIC!!! Ugh!!
Trying to stay family friendly here but sheesh. I just need to vent a little before I go to the parts warehouse tomorrow and say something that requires them to file a restraining order.

Trying to stay family friendly here but sheesh. I just need to vent a little before I go to the parts warehouse tomorrow and say something that requires them to file a restraining order.