Ema ~ Today I quit my job!!


Power Conserver
Feb 20, 2011
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So a month or so before Xmas I decided it would be good for me to finally get out there and get a job, I thought it would be nice to start off with a part time job so that way I could be home with the kids and still have time to get this farm up and running like I so badly want to.

but it didn't quite turn out that way, this part time job where I was supposed to work 3 days a week 4 hours each shift turned to 6 days a week and about 7 to sometimes 10 hour shifts. the hours wasn't really the issue, the issue was really the store manager, a 60 yr old woman who barely even looks or acts like she is 40, Seriously....

Since the first week I worked there she always had something negative to say about someone or other. I was working at a sandwich shop and its always so crazy busy. Anyways some of the things she would say were so vicious it was sometimes shocking to hear them coming out of her mouth. She accused and spread rumours of employees of being alcoholics, or loose, home wreckers, druggies, she even accused one of sleeping with the store owner.

In time I got to see she is just plainly negative and hard to please. I became good friends with the rest of the staff, mostly females because males only make it about a week before they go off on the manager for her behaviour. Anyhow I also became real good friends with the store owners, a married couple who in fact live in my village and we often got a good laugh at work, and would tell me how appreciative they were of my work and customer skills. they even asked me to take extra training as they wanted me to become a team leader, and so I did.

Mid march an employee fell down the stairs in her home and hurt her foot, in order for her foot to heal before her trip out of the country she took 2 weeks off prior to her 3 week trip. So a couple of us pulled together and worked double shifts to cover for her.

while this employee was away the manager progressively got worse, and one day after she snapped at me in front of a customer, I snapped back after the lobby was clear and then I told the store owners about the incident. She got in trouble for acting the way she did in front of the customers by the store owners.
finally when this other employee returned from her trip I began to feel ill, dizzy and constant headaches and I took friday off (last friday) because there was no way i could work an 8 hour shift in the state I was in, I called the store to let the manager know and sent a message to the store owner explaining I was ill. turns out my Iron was real low and so was my B vitamins, I am anemic and I did forget to take my pills on several occasions.

then we got a huge snow storm 40 cm in 24 hours and I was snowed in the whole weekend, Sunday I found out all the highways were closed due to the storm and clean up efforts were getting no where fast. Monday morning I was still feeling ill but I was going to go in regardless for my scheduled 8 hour shift but after checking the conditions of the highway I found out that they were still closed. So I called in and advised her I could not make it to work due to the highway closure. I live about 20km from the shop and just off the highway. well she was not happy, she said another employee had driven in and I should do the same. I told her flatly that because the highways were closed my insurance didn't cover me if I crashed my van. she said what ever and hung up.

tuesday I went to work and after an hour of being there I almost fainted, so I told the store owner I was leaving. I went to the ER and was told I had the flu. so I emailed the store owner and told him and asked him to cover my thursday shift which he gladly did.

So this bring us to today, I drove into town and because I have the flu I had my husband pick up my paycheck and then he went to pick his up, while at his work one of the waitresses told him she was hearing rumours about me, at this time I should remind you this is a tiny town. Everyone knows everyone. Anyhow she told him what she heard and then he told me, but I didn't say anything. then while on facebook this afternoon another friend of mine asked me when exactly did I begin to have a drinking problem?????????

you see I never drink, half a beer and I am literally drunk, and this friend of mine knows that. Anyhow I put 2 and 2 together and I decided enough was enough. this woman has been employed at this shop for 17 years, and I am no idiot, there is no way a she said he said report would get me anywhere, so I wrote a letter of resignation and handed it in.
the store owner asked me to seriously reconsider my decision, and stated he was seriously looking at removing her from management but without proper documentation he couldn't exactly do that because the labour law would go against him. Which I told him I already knew that hence I was resigning.
the store owners were not happy and frankly neither am I. But ti told them I will not work in such a hostile environment I told them everything she said about everyone.

Sometime during the day he spoke with the rest of the employees and they all told him she has said those things to them as well about me, and other girls too. so not sure what will happen, if anything at all.

SO I am unemployed, but not without work, as I am still a mom and housewife with a farm to run, lol.

so now I will have a bit of extra time to come on here more often and on BYC... :-D



Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
It's a shame that it came to that, but I understand. I've worked in a hostile environment before and know how stressful it can be. If the owners have any smarts, they'll be calling you back to replace the manager. At least this is a good time of year to be home and around the farm and garden.


Power Conserver
Feb 20, 2011
Reaction score
k0xxx said:
It's a shame that it came to that, but I understand. I've worked in a hostile environment before and know how stressful it can be. If the owners have any smarts, they'll be calling you back to replace the manager. At least this is a good time of year to be home and around the farm and garden.
thanks, and yes its a good time, if only the rest of this darned snow would go away, lol.

the owners begged me to just stick it out but I told them the stress is just too much to handle. but that I would be happy to go back when either she retires or is no longer employed there. :)



Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 12, 2010
Reaction score
I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. It sounds like a real mess. Walking away was a smart move. I was in a situation at work were one of my bosses was really negative. Being around her actually started to make me ill. Thankfully she quite but, I can still relate. Enjoy being home. I'm a stay at home Mom to and I love it.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
Neko-chan said:
I understand your situation. I always found an all female work environment to be way too over dramatic.
Yup, We're 7 girls, 1 guy at work. Not too much drama, I stay out of it!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Can't say I blame you. Is there any way you can prove that she's the one that started the rumor about you having a drinking problem? I don't know about where you live, but here if you can prove that, as well as prove that it's hurting your reputation, you could sue for damages. And while I know you may not want to really do that, it might be what this woman needs to teach her a lesson.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Ack! So sorry!
I'm in the group that had similar experiences and they are rotten. Especially in a small town. BUT surely most everyone knows how this mean person is and what a liar she is. I say 'flush her and forget her'! Hard as that might be...