Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh THAT pig law! Thanks, Deb.

I remember now that DH mentioned that to me when I started talking about getting pigs. Now I want to get my Red Wattles even more. How dare that Michigan gooberment try to tell us what kinda critters we can have!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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frustratedearthmother said:
Oh THAT pig law! Thanks, Deb.

I remember now that DH mentioned that to me when I started talking about getting pigs. Now I want to get my Red Wattles even more. How dare that Michigan gooberment try to tell us what kinda critters we can have!
Yup, THAT pig law :/ When it first took effect, the DNR began 'enforcement' and things got pretty scary. Several farms sold out or butchered. We wanted pigs, even before then, but the word was, the DNR was killing any pig that wasn't solid white :/ Ours that we got are Yorkshires. Pure white. Not the breed I had originally wanted. DH's Aunt L said there were about half as many pigs at the local fair this year, and all that were there were solid white :/ The DNR scares me more than the LEO's around here - they can come on your property without your permission, shoot all your animals, and haul you off to jail, just because they want to - it's YOUR responsibility to convince the judge THEY were wrong, and then the only thing you gain is your freedom, they are not required to compensate you for damages. No judge in the state would OK damages anyway. Gotta love the Great Lakes State :(


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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itsa terrifying law, MOST heritidge breeds are not solid white, so its a great way to loose al those amazing breeds...
retty much anythign spotted striped or "hairy" and pigs with wattles can be considered "feral" depending on who you ask...

laws like these scare the snot out of me!

ooo and side note, i nocited on your about me page you raise faverolles, its a breed ive bene interested in for years and considering getting into...
i love the salmons and the blue salmons, large, would love your input on them. hoping theyd be a good dual puprose bird that might lay during winter for me and extra roos big enough to go on the table. i also want a "rare" (thretened/endangeered/ccritical) breed... :D


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wow, SS - that's some scary stuff. No wonder you got white pigs...

Pink, I love my Favs. They are so easy-going. However, like you said - while they are not the most prolific layers they definitely keep going all winter long. My blue salmon Fav roo is huge. He comes from better stock than my others. No doubt he'd make a good table bird. He's heavier than my Buff Orp roo, and probably very close to my Coronation Sussex guy, and he's young still. His pullet partner just started laying a couple weeks ago, so he's only about 7 months old. I'd have to pull out my hatch sheet to give you an exact age.

I'm getting more excited about getting the pigs this weekend. Of course I've gotta get them home first. That means I've gotta borow my farm truck back from my son Sunday morning to go get them. He borrows it from me quite frequently and then I have to borrow it back - geeze. I don't complain too much because he takes really good care of it. He likes to fix things...alright by me!

I've gotta admit that I've carried just about everything in my SUV - goats, chickens, dogs... but I absolutely REFUSE to put pigs my car!

Talked to my dad today - he was supposed to be discharged from the hospital, but nooooooooooo, they wanna keep him a 'couple' more days. He's feeling much better, but I guess the focus is on making sure all systems are at 100% before they let him go. I'll probably head down to visit with him tomorrow afternoon.

Haven't had dinner - was feeling a little queasy this afternoon. :sick I try to appreciate these feelings because they keep me outta the kitchen! I'll probably have a little kefir and call that dinner.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Tomorrow is the PIG DAY!!! Hopefully, it won't be pouring rain. :fl Although the pigs would probably be okay with running around in the mud - I won't be. I'm going to try and keep good records of expenses with these guys, so I guess I should figure the cost of gas into the price of the pigs. They are almost two hours away. Not looking forward to that drive...sigh.

I worked today, so didn't get anything much accomplished around home. Even though I work at a college, we occasionally have Saturday activities and today was one of those days. It was just an orientation day- so it was easy-peasy.

Still drama surrounding my sister and her passing....ugh. When will people learn that the most important things in life ARE NOT THINGS!

DH was a sweetie pie and fed the critters for me before I even got home. All I had to do was milk. My usual milk customer is on a diet (Oops - I mean her DOGS are on a diet )and isn't going to be consuming dairy products for a few weeks. More milk for me! I want to make up another batch of cajeta and some more cheese. Hopefully, I can do that tomorrow afternoon when we get home with the piggies. I dunno though - I have a feeling I will be doing some serious pig-watching tomorrow. I've got some comp time coming to me at work next week so I'll probably have some free time at home then.

DH is excited - UT is playing tonight and he's an alumni and a big fan. He thought he was going to have to record the game because we were planning to go visit my dad in the hospital. but when I talked to my mom she said that finally they were going home. Yippie!

Okay, gotta watch the game.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope it's better than the Phillies game I'm watching. :(


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 9, 2011
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frustratedearthmother said:
Tomorrow is the PIG DAY!!! Hopefully, it won't be pouring rain. :fl Although the pigs would probably be okay with running around in the mud - I won't be. I'm going to try and keep good records of expenses with these guys, so I guess I should figure the cost of gas into the price of the pigs. They are almost two hours away. Not looking forward to that drive...sigh.

I worked today, so didn't get anything much accomplished around home. Even though I work at a college, we occasionally have Saturday activities and today was one of those days. It was just an orientation day- so it was easy-peasy.

Still drama surrounding my sister and her passing....ugh. When will people learn that the most important things in life ARE NOT THINGS!

DH was a sweetie pie and fed the critters for me before I even got home. All I had to do was milk. My usual milk customer is on a diet (Oops - I mean her DOGS are on a diet )and isn't going to be consuming dairy products for a few weeks. More milk for me! I want to make up another batch of cajeta and some more cheese. Hopefully, I can do that tomorrow afternoon when we get home with the piggies. I dunno though - I have a feeling I will be doing some serious pig-watching tomorrow. I've got some comp time coming to me at work next week so I'll probably have some free time at home then.

DH is excited - UT is playing tonight and he's an alumni and a big fan. He thought he was going to have to record the game because we were planning to go visit my dad in the hospital. but when I talked to my mom she said that finally they were going home. Yippie!

Okay, gotta watch the game.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
DH is excited - UT is playing tonight and he's an alumni and a big fan. He thought he was going to have to record the game because we were planning to go visit my dad in the hospital. but when I talked to my mom she said that finally they were going home. Yippie!
Go Vols! :D (says an adopted Tennessean :cool: )

So glad to hear Dad is finally getting to come home! :celebrate

Looking forward to hearing about your pig adventures! Doc wants them but I'll be the caretaker and I've never been around them. I'd probably be okay with a smallish breed. My cousin raises some huge ones and I never liked the way they looked at me...they stood almost as tall as me and it made me nervous! :gig

Have a safe trip tomorrow! :hugs

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
When I was a kid, we visited my mom's family up in Canada. And, one of her relatives raised pigs. I can remember being in the barn above them and being very nervous. After all, those things were huge!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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But, why couldn't somebody closer to me have piggies? We spent about 5 hours on this odyssey.... and I'm tired! It really was kinda fun though...the most fun being the three guys who were chasing the piggies around and around their pen. I sooooooooo shoulda recorded them, lol. And the language - OMG - you'da thought I was surrounded by sailors! (sailors that smelled like pigs!) :hide

They were just castrated on Friday, so I really hope we don't have any infection issues... makes me a little nervous. BUT, there's one thing that I'm kinda annoyed about. They cut off their tails - grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! These little piggies didn't need to have their tails cut off - it's not like they are in a confinement operation here. They seem to be settling in pretty well - they've had their first meal and looked like they enjoyed it. They ARE pigs after all!

Had plans to make cheese today - and I may still start it. If I get it started tonight it'll be ready to drain after work tomorrow. Where did my weekend goooooo???? I also want to put a 10# pork shoulder in the oven and cook it low and slow allll night. My plan is to can it up as pulled pork - never done it though. Another learning experience in canning meat.

Almost time to go out to milk and feed. Just 5 more minutes of vegging on the couch...