going GF? test results...


Got the t-shirt
May 14, 2009
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Scott County, IL
your story could be mine. Unsupportive family, sick and no reason always sick, accused of being a hypochondriac, crazy, depressed whatever...
Finally a little over a year ago my mom who is in Nursing home (Alzheimer's) got sent for testing because they didnt want to deal with her intestinal issues everyday, they found out that yes indeed mom has celiacs. Well I am sitting in the internest office with her and he was also my dr and I said HMMMM is this hereditary? The look on his face was like a lightbulb went on and he smacked his forehead and said crap, he said not to even bother testing me because of all my "current conditions" and to stop eating gluten and call him back in a month. Well with in a week I no longer needed all 5 of my prescription tummy/gut fixing meds that didnt work anyway. And within a month I stopped all of them.
Withing a couple weeks my DH was watching more of what I ate than I was because he noted such a difference in me and doesnt want me sick again. So he did a complete turn around once the fix happened which was just avoiding all gluten.

But all the years of noone understanding and thinking I might actually be crazy.

So take heart dear, you are not alone , And even if the "test" comes back negative the only "REAL" answer is to avoid all gluten and see how you feel.

PM me if you wanna talk.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
Lori, I'm still following your saga. :)

I can't really answer your question about being convinced because I still haven't gone GF. I'm not a fan of doctors and only go every couple years when something is really bothering me. The symptoms I have that may be solved by GF diet are rather subtle, including bowel issues, eczema, foggy brain, mood swings, sleep issues, tiredness, etc. I don't really know how to take it to a doctor since I don't have one who I think could/would help for those "minor" things.

But I also have the family issues too (some are in the medical care profession) and they think everything has to be diagnoses through a battery of doctor supervised tests before drastic changes like a GF diet can be supported. There is no celiac disease in my family that I'm aware of.

So, all that makes it hard for me personally to take the full leap into GF diet as a lifestyle, though I know when I did a "cleanse" diet in January and again in October, it was by nature GF, and I was feeling great. My cravings were decreased and I lost weight. The foods I missed were only emotional comfort foods associated with physical warmth, seasonal indulgences, or holiday traditions. Now that I'm back to all the junk the weight is coming back and so are the old symptoms. :hit I don't know what it will take to convince me to seriously go GF. :barnie

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Lori, I hope you can get some answers. I know b4 I was diagnosed w/Meniere's, the doctor I was seeing told me I had a re-occurring inner ear infection. It was several months b4 he admitted that it wasn't. And that was only because I had the worst vertigo attack I had ever had when I went swimming. But, he didn't think it was worth it for me to go and get tested. He told me, they probably won't be able to figure out what's wrong. Needless to say, I found a different doctor.

And, I know what you mean about not having many friends. I've never had many either. I've always been a loner, but not necessarily by choice. We're all here for you. :hugs


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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BeccaOH said:
Lori, I'm still following your saga. :)

I can't really answer your question about being convinced because I still haven't gone GF. I'm not a fan of doctors and only go every couple years when something is really bothering me. The symptoms I have that may be solved by GF diet are rather subtle, including bowel issues, eczema, foggy brain, mood swings, sleep issues, tiredness, etc. I don't really know how to take it to a doctor since I don't have one who I think could/would help for those "minor" things.

But I also have the family issues too (some are in the medical care profession) and they think everything has to be diagnoses through a battery of doctor supervised tests before drastic changes like a GF diet can be supported. There is no celiac disease in my family that I'm aware of.

So, all that makes it hard for me personally to take the full leap into GF diet as a lifestyle, though I know when I did a "cleanse" diet in January and again in October, it was by nature GF, and I was feeling great. My cravings were decreased and I lost weight. The foods I missed were only emotional comfort foods associated with physical warmth, seasonal indulgences, or holiday traditions. Now that I'm back to all the junk the weight is coming back and so are the old symptoms. :hit I don't know what it will take to convince me to seriously go GF. :barnie
I dunno, but if the way you felt GF was not enough, then :idunno

Not sure if you know this, but if gluten is an issue, every single time that you ingest some, you are doing permanent damage to your entire gut.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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South/Central Georgia
Lore - gonna post a taco seasoning mix you make up at home in the recipe section just for you :) It's the best I've ever had!


Power Conserver
Dec 6, 2010
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Lori, I am truly sorry for your circumstance. I have been GF for several years and even though at first I would have sold my firstborn for a yeast roll, I would never go back to eating gluten for anything, ever. The change was so drastic for me, before I went gf I NEVER had one day w/o intense stomach pain, bloating that made me look pregnant, unspeakable amounts of constipation, headaches, skin problems and I could go on and on. All these issues have been resolved since being gf. I did not pursue a diagnosis b/c at the time we had no health insurance, and even if we did, a diagnosis in writing would make it more difficult to get insurance later. That worked for me, but I have an amazing and supportive husband who would have made any eating change to help me feel better. I see in your case it would probably be better to have the diagnosis, and if it is negative pursue it further knowing how unreliable the tests can be. People who have chronic and general symptoms are often labeled by friends and family as hypochondriacs or attention seekers, but they do not live in your body!
They do hide gluten in sooooooo many things, makes the grocery store like a land mine field, but it get easier. Chex cereal has a new gf line, and betty crocker has some new mixes that are good. Mostly though I make it myself, the ingredients are more expensive for the flours and pasta's. I don't eat nearly as many of those type carbs as I used to mostly for that reason. Potatoes and rice and beans are a good "cheaper" alternative. As you experiment you'll find the gf things you like and are worth the extra money. I also have things in the house for my husband to eat that he likes, and I just don't touch. (already made things no flour, mixes, or things I have to cook)
I hope it goes well for you and you are able to find something that works for you and your family.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Thanks again you guys....I was telling him about some of the articles I read yesterday and that they had evidence of Celiacs in the 1600s and that they considered mouth ulcers to be one of the first symptoms. There was even a study done on a whole village of people that went through a "famine" of sorts....complete devastation of their grain crops. There were lots of children in the village that weren't growing properly and having lots of intestinal issues. During the whole year of failed grains and only eating meat and veggies all the children were markedly better. When the next years grain crop came in successfully the children all started getting sick again.

That rung a bell with him that this is not some "new fad" kind of thing. This has been around for hundreds of years and it is just that we now know so much more about it that we know what to look for. I also told him that the gluten can cause neurological symptoms too like "mental fog", dizziness, numbness and tingling in the extremities, anxiety and depression. It can even mimic some of the symptoms of alzheimers and parkinsons.

I'm hoping he lightens up. I am hoping that the tests will show something.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
So I am not eating gluten and I already feel somewhat better.

My bloodwork has partially come back and my B12 is fine and so is my iron.

Results for the gliadin antibody still haven't come in yet.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Say Lori, Its awesome that your iron is normal!
It says alot about where you are at physically.