Guys are Stubborn, Won't Ask For Help!


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
This is a 100% true story. Word for word, you can take it to the bank.

Somehow I threw my lower back out early Sunday morning. The pain was horrible. It took me several seconds to stand from a sitting position and even longer from a laying to standing position. I spent a large part of the day and evening laying on a heating pad.

This morning (Monday) I was in horrible pain sitting at my desk working. It was so bad I was almost in tears. I'm a pretty big guy, it takes a lot to.put me down. I didn't know what to do, even walking slowly was so painful, each step I took hurt so bad, it sent pain down my left leg into my foot. I met up wife in the kitchen on a coffee cup refill. She said you are making me hurt just looking at you standing crooked. Apparently she noticed I had a lean to the right and I could also sense it myself. My lower back was most definitely out of alignment.

I got my coffee, slowly walked back office and dialed into my next meeting. While my phone was on mute, I said a prayer. This is what I said Lord Jesus please take this pain from me, I can't take it anymore, it hurts so bad. Then I noticed how warm i was and got up and opened two windows for a cross breeze. For some odd reason I opened the top half of each window where there is no screen. Then I slowly walked back to my chair and sat down in so much pain.

I was talking during the teleconference, when all of a sudden a big bumble bee (yellow jacket) flew into my office. And buzzed around and headed right for me. I jumped up to open the door to left the bee out. When i jumped up my back made a big POP.

I'm highly allergic to yellow jacket stings, so yeah I guess you could say I'm a little afraid of them. Anyways, the yellow jacket flew out the door, my lower back pain was gone. It still hurts a little, but it's more of a sore hurt than the horrible pain I was in.

I told my wife this story, the same as I'm telling you all. But I ended it with,

Honey, God answered my prayer, not the way I thought he would by sending a buzzy bee (as my second youngest grand daughter calls, yellow jackets) but he did take my pain away when I was distracted, by scaring the bejesus out of me.

My wife is a wise woman, she said your not supposed to question how God answered your prayer, just be thankful he did, no matter how he did it.

Right now even as I type this there are tears flowing down my cheeks again. Not because I'm in pain this time but because I'm wondering how God could care so much for a guy like me, to send a buzzy bee to answer my prayer.

You call it what you want... Maybe you think is a coincidence, maybe you think it's silly, etc.... But for me, I call this a direct answer to prayer and man am I ever thankful my prayer was answered and God answered it very quickly, when I least expected it..
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Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Thank you for sharing your story. I don't doubt it for a minute. I have had some profound conversations with God that have left me in total awe that He would speak with me on a personal level. Yep... a lot of folks would question our sanity. But... I will question the sanity of anyone who denies the existence of a real, and personal God who desires to involve Himself in the lives of his people.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
I have found that God answers in mysterious ways for sure!
Glad your back is feeling better.

I woke up this morning with my whole body stiff and sore. I must have been fighting some demons last night. The floor in my bedroom is not level so occasionally the mattress will slide off the bed a bit. I moved that mattress about 6 inches last night with my restlessness!