Have You Listened to Wayne LaPierre's Speech?

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
You have to go to the NRA website to see it, but it is well worth the time. I just wish the folks in charge would take the time to listen to it, and truly consider the points he makes, rather than take such a "Oh my God, it's a Gun!" attitude. I hope this post is not too political to have on here; don't want to start a feud.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Yes I heard his speech. The media is having a field day with his statement, "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." That is 100% true. The media can denigrate him all they want to, but he still makes more sense than the media does. He also said the schools have signs up promoting that they prohibit firearms, which is advertising for demented insane people who want to kill as many as they can before they are stopped. There is a school in north Texas, Harrold ISD, where the principal and several others carry concealed handguns. He said "We are the first line of defense." He went on to say that the nearest sherrif's office was 30 minutes away, by the time they called for help and help arrived, they would all be dead.


There is also a bank in Chappell Hill, Texas where the bank predident encourages his customers to bring their licensed hand guns in with them.



Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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That very conversation was being held by some parents too. They are not sure if they want teachers or cops with guns their but because police response to way out here would be so slow they are worried. Especially the middle school since its been locked down for bomb threats like 4 times in the last month. Now I homeschool so I don't worry for my own but they had a good point. A couple moms are looking to gun classes form them and their kids. We have one that may be coming to our farm since they live in a more populated part of town. I don't know anyone who thinks anything the government does is going to make it safer. Maybe the local government and the school boards and thats where the parents are focused. Everything the feds say is a big waste as far as they are concerned and many many are taking it upon themselves to get educated about guns quickly.

Seriously how do some figure that taking guns away from those who are sane and following the law makes us safer. Lord knows the insane and criminally minded are just going to ignore laws and find a way to create mayhem.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
I was really impressed and gratified that he placed appropriate blame on the "culture of violence" that the US fosters now. Why do we allow kids to play video games where the main goal is to kill people with as much gun power as possible? Why are the TV shows and movies getting more and more violent? What good are rating systems on games and movies that are not observed? I better stop now, or I'll be looking for a soapbox to step up on. :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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I'm not a very emotional guy but the Sandy Hook event made me break down and cry. I was working outside that morning on the goat barn and did not hear anything about the attack until later in the afternoon when I loaded my rifle and ammo in the truck and headed off down the road to the shooting range. I listened to the report on the radio as I was driving. By the time I got to the Fish and Game club shooting range my stomach was in knots and I had big tears running down my cheeks. I just sat there in the truck with the radio off for maybe 10 minutes. I didn't shoot that day - I just drove home.

I think that having armed guards in the schools is a good idea but I do not think we should have the teachers bear that responsibility. Administrators yes, paid armed guards yes, teachers no. Teachers should have one, and only one, job. Teaching the three "R"s. If I was a teacher and I was told that I had to be responsible for carrying a weapon in the school I would immediately demand triple pay. To have our teachers become the armed guards in the schools would be like having your dentist weld the girders of a sky scraper 200 ft. up in the air. It amuses me that some folks think that armed guards in schools would be a terrible thing but yet they happily accept armed guards in banks, federal buildings, rock concerts, festivals, and many every-day places. Why the precious children in the schools would be less important is puzzling to me.

Our society is crazed with killing and violence. We teach the kids from a very young age that Rambo and the Terminator are idols. Toys, video games, movies, television, rap music all glorify killing and violence. We are a very sick society and guns have nothing to do with it.


Power Conserver
Apr 28, 2012
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Here was my initial reaction to Sandy Hook:
I see and hear a lot of people suggesting unemployed veterans as school guards. GREAT IDEA! I suggest a bit of a different twist on it though since that will still cost lots more money than anyone wants to spend...I propose a solution that would utilize DISABLED AND RETIRED VETERANS since they already get checks from our tax dollars. Perhaps a 15% increase for volunteering? We can revitalize two very important and failing organizations at the same time, the VFW and the American Legion can be utilized in a vetting and administrative capacity. I spoke with the national headquarters of the VFW on Monday and proposed this plan. In our discussion it was determined that there would be a liability issue that would require a bit of legislative massaging or manipulation before anything could be done (I already knew this and had previously discussed it with some important people) and I was left with the impression that the NEA would be a big hurdle as they are already on the attack claiming the VFW and AL to be "paramilitary organizations", just like the cub scouts...They liked the idea but seemed rather apprehensive, for this reason I suggest that each and every one of us propose a similar program to them a a local and state level. The first time we get a state governor and congress on board with a local program that proves successful, it will spread like wildfire!
Here is my new idea:
New plan to keep our children safe...and save hundreds of billions of dollars each year maybe even more! Close the schools down, completely do away with institutions of public instruction, let those that can't teach their own kids find a way to send them to one of the tens of thousands of private schools that pop up in the wake. Let capitalism and free market work. Take some personal responsibility. End the indoctrination to someone elses way of thinking. Shut down the socialist, liberal, communist child factories and free your minds! End the slavery training academies. So many people just don't get it, but public school is how we lost our freedom and liberty, how we lost America, how we were enslaved, how we lost the war. Sell the schools to private educators and turn the rest into homeless shelters, low rent housing, etc...Each classroom could easily house a family!
I haven't heard Waynes speech and really don't agree with most of what the NRAin't does, they all too often compromise our rights where none is needed. I'm sure it spoke volumes and was great PR increasing memberships and donations but I judge them by their actions. They have been infiltrated and taken over from within. I once had a lifetime membership but long ago told them to cancel it and remove me from their list. A 600lb gorilla does me no good when the other guy has all the bananas.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
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I think tasers and mace are a good option. A few in each school.Train the teachers.Even the kids should be familiar with them.My school locks doors,pulls the curtains,and stays REAL quite.Oh how useful! The doors are mostly window.

I offered to give money towards some tasers and mace.Ofcourse that was shot down.I pray for my kids that no one ever goes to their school.Schools need something they can use from a distance.Hand to hand just does not work when you have a gunman.

The reason I think armed security is not the best is because that guard can be taking a leak,on their lunch break(off campus),or on the other side of the building.It takes seconds to shoot dozens.

Tasers and mace best imo.Not guards.Not banning guns.I don't think anything useful will follow the sandy hook killings.It was shameful that follwing the murders people could still get into schools easy.Sure schools sent home letters of reassurance,but their idea of secuirty was and IS a joke.How good is your kids school? Is lock down locking the doors,hiding,and calling 911?


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
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I also don't get why everyone is blaming the NRA or expecting them to tote the media BS hysteria on gun control. They are a gun lovers club and that is all. Why blame them? Why expect them to make a stance on gun control?

People should be VERY angry at the darn schools for not vamping up their procedures so they actually PROTECT the kids.The schools are doing nothing and everyone is attacking the NRA. I am not a NRA member.I have no interest in clubs.Not a gun nut,but they interest me. I do have kids in school,and I am very pissed off about the *security* they have in place. Locked doors do not stop anyone that wants to get in.Windows can be broken.The media needs to turn on the schools and we all need to be yelling at them not the NRA.


Power Conserver
Apr 28, 2012
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Does anyone recall a few years ago when some schools were considering forced vaccinations at school? If so, do you recall the other discussion at the time regarding taking our children from us? Let's not forget the laws that exist, are on "the books", etc...Any security that can keep a gunman at bay can also keep you out and your kids in. For this reason, the only acceptable option is removing the gun free zone status entirely and allowing teachers and parents alike to carry guns. I'm not saying just anyone, obviously only those with permits, and I'm not saying to "require" it of anyone, just remove the law that intentionally makes schools unsafe. The mere fact that there MAY or may not be armed individuals will deter the loonies. I'll leave you now with this quote:
Bill Cooper was right on point w/ this one. From the pages of Milton William Cooper's 1991 book Behold A Pale Horse:

"The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the anti-gun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd Amendment."